Today's Topics:
1. Britain Libertarian Socialist Federation LSF - Reflections
on the Growing Anti-Regime Protests in Iran (
2. Slovakia, SAF: Bird of the ashes rose again ... (the new
A-end is based on the 5th Anarchist Book Festival) by Johny(J) o
[machine translation] (
3. Greece, By the side of BIOME (gr) [machine
translation] (
4. Ruptura Colectiva (RC): In Michoacán, people is
self-governing itself without political parties for eliminate
corruption and violence (
Message: 1
Below is a recent report on the current situation in Iran first published on the website
of the Alliance of Syrian and Iranian Socialists. We may not share the same political
outlook as that organisation but we reproduce the report for information. ---- "In
comparison to the mass protests that arose in 2009 after the fraudulent presidential
election, these protests are different in several important respects: 1. They directly
oppose poverty and systemic corruption. 2. They include the wide participation of the
working class (men and women), many unemployed. 3. Demands include an end to the Islamic
Republic, Death to Supreme Leader Khamenei, Death to president Rouhani, Death to the
"Revolutionary Guards" and an end to Iran's military intervention in Syria and Lebanon. 4.
In some cases, individual women have bravely taken off their headscarves or veils in
public places and have encouraged others to follow them.
Frieda Afary
December 31, 2017.
The protests that started in the city of Mashhad on Thursday December 28 have quickly
spread to more than 40 cities including Tehran, Kermanshah, Rasht, Isfahan, Shiraz,
Hamedan, Kerman, Zanjan, Ahvaz, Bandar Abbas, and even the city of Qum, Iran's religious
capital. The participants are mostly young people under 30 but in some cases have
included parents with their children. So far, at least 5 people have been killed in
Lorestan and over 50 people have been arrested by heavily present security forces. Some
government buildings and banks were set on fire by the protesters and pictures of Khamenei
and Khomeini have been burned.
In comparison to the mass protests that arose in 2009 after the fraudulent presidential
election, these protests are different in several important respects: 1. They directly
oppose poverty and systemic corruption. 2. They include the wide participation of the
working class (men and women), many unemployed. 3. Demands include an end to the Islamic
Republic, Death to Supreme Leader Khamenei, Death to president Rouhani, Death to the
"Revolutionary Guards" and an end to Iran's military intervention in Syria and Lebanon. 4.
In some cases, individual women have bravely taken off their headscarves or veils in
public places and have encouraged others to follow them.
No one can deny that these protests are arising after at least a year of almost daily
labor actions and strikes against non-payment of wages and terrible working conditions, as
well as protests by impoverished retirees, teachers, nurses and those who have lost their
meager savings in bankrupt banks.
Slogans have also called for freedom for all political prisoners and an end to dictatorship.
At the same time, there is no doubt that there is a strong nationalist tone to some of the
slogans such as "Neither Gaza, Nor Lebanon, I sacrifice my life for Iran" or a monarchist
influence expressed in slogans which support the legacy of Reza Shah Pahlavi.
Some Iranians believe that the protests might have been started by the Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps to consolidate its power, given the infighting within the regime
and the threat of a direct war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Others believe that
monarchists and the Mujahedin Khalq, with support from the Trump administration, have had
a major role in encouraging the protests.
For those Iranians opposed to all these actors and genuinely hoping for a liberatory
movement, it is extremely important to learn from the lessons of the Syrian revolution. If
the mass movement against poverty and dictatorship limits itself simply to the overthrow
of the regime without an affirmative and progressive vision, it faces the danger of being
taken over by right-wing populists or monarchists and becoming a pawn in the imperialist
This is a time when those Iranian socialists and Marxists who do not support authoritarian
brands of socialism can make a difference by organizing within this movement on the basis
of opposing Iran's capitalist state, helping the development of workers' councils,
defending and promoting women's struggles against patriarchy/ misogyny, and speaking out
against the discrimination suffered by Iran's ethnic and religious minorities such as
Kurds and Bahais.
Deepening the content of the current protest movement is the best way to challenge and
oppose imperialist war drives by the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Iran,
Turkey, and to express solidarity with other progressives in the region and around the
globe who demand social justice.
Frieda Afary
December 31, 2017"
Message: 2
We do not know whether the phantasm of police officers should be wider in selecting the
name of the Phoenix operation, but after another year and a half since the last issue, it
can be said that this police curse included our publishing period. We will issue a number,
burn to ashes, and rise again. However, this is not a bad option, because if we strictly
describe the ancient legend, we would go back once every five hundred years. ---- The
September 2015 edition was largely devoted to ongoing police repression and subsequent
reactions. After a year and a half it is much clearer, but in many ways it is not. The
lawsuit continues to run, or once it emerges that one of the presidents is a former UOOZ
policeman and a publicly-publishing racist, who has been clear about the cause and
punishment, has been canceled and run again. In view of these facts, we postpone further
reflections for a later time and focus on the day.
During the editorial meetings, the subject of "day-to-day anarchism" was crystallized. One
friend was kidding if she could draw it ... Well, maybe she can not, but write maybe. So
this thread links this number. You will find it a "confession" of a lady working in a
corporation as well as practical and proven knowledge of the vegan behind the walls of the
prison. Also, an interview with one of our former editors, who are now municipal
councilors, experience with consensus and historical parallels between "gypsies" and
One of the other interviews is about the meritorious activity of the Anarchist Zdrauh
Association - a historical association that systematically maps the history of the Czech
anarchist movement in the period 1880-1926. The third conversation is heading to the
future, perhaps even to Paradise and God's Kingdom. An interview with the young
anarcho-Christian community may surprise you, not just you. We believe that our clients
will also be surprised at the repressive positions when they find out that there is also a
spiritual radicality without the spectakular fires, but with a fire in the heart.
There is a lot happening in the world, and we have to admit that we do not have a
meaningful job in the current situation, but the perspective of the next issue is
tempting. Of course, it depends on your support and responses, it is spreading, spreading,
because without your participation and the response we will not move anymore. You can
write to anna.kontra (zav) , you can also find us at .
Posted in Aktuality
Article written by Johny(J)
About SAF
The Challenge of SAF to Slovak Anarchists and Anarchists: Join the Anarchist Initiative
Published by Johny(J) on 17/11/2016
The anarchist initiative is an attempt by Slovak anarchists and anarchists to give the
anarchist movement in Slovakia a more organized form, bringing together anarchist thinkers
across the whole region.
The classical supraregional anarchist group is missing from us what the Anarchist
Initiative would like to change if we can do it even to you! If you think we should get
together in your effort and you are sympathetic to this idea, there is nothing more like
making an email: a. Initiative @ .
In the first place, the Anarchist Initiative will seek to bring contacts to Slovak
anarchists and anarchists, who want to do something about the anarchist idea. Create a
communication channel to find our way, get to know each other and start working together.
Once a network of contacts has been set up, a joint meeting would be organized where we
would meet and speculate on what we are going to do together.
We are at the beginning, do not stand aside, become part of it!
Message: 3
Self-management, however, does not stop at BIO.ME. It concerns a different way of
organizing society, from the bottom, without bosses and exploitative relationships, with a
basic guideline for the needs of the people who make up it and the already active
self-managed ventures, both at the university, (Hangout in the biological, AKI). ,
mahalaki, hangouts, etc., as well as in the work (self-managed factories internationally),
prove this. Through collective action, redefining our needs, values and social
relationships, we feel that self-management needs to be extended to universities,
workplaces, neighborhoods ... in all areas of society. To take life in our own hands! ----
Students and students at BIOME's side ---- Getting started, get in touch! We are students
and students that we met, having as a common need the creation of a group of solidarity in
the project of self-managed BIO.ME. Our main purpose and desire is both the practical
support of the struggle of the employees and the connection of the student community with
a different example of inspiration and organization, such as that of self-management and
direct democracy. By choosing the open assemblies, as a space and a means of interaction
and co-modality, we each participate in the presence and his or her speech, on an equal
basis, against hierarchical reasoning and assignment, with collective action being a key
need and desire.
For us the identity and the very existence of the students of the student community are
not exhausted in the academic dimension of the sterile amphitheaters but extend to the
social reality and the need to connect with it. By choosing not to see ourselves in the
role of sovereign examples, we recognize the importance of students and students being
open to cinematic actions-interventions and free-expression activities that bring life to
the university and are associated with society. Somehow this is the different idea that we
have for the university as we consider it and treat it as a place of creation, action and
exchange of ideas, open to every person who perceives it and in direct connection with
socio-political issues. An area where students will not be guests and passive receivers,
but we will feel it as our own and will constantly demand it. Against the crackdown that
we are seeing increasingly climbing, with student persecution, winger locks, evictions of
groups, etc., culminating in the narrative of the abolition of asylum and against the
rationale of privatization and intensification, we recognize as imperative the necessity
of re-employing the university.
The workers of BIO.ME. (Industrial Mining), the only self-managed plant in Greece, unpaid,
have resisted the closure of the plant and the unemployment prospect from May 2011 by
taking over the means of production and occupying the abandoned area in January 2013.
Since then, the plant works to produce natural and ecological cleaning products in terms
of direct democracy and equal participation of all in decision-making. With a key focus on
horizontal processes, workers are equally remunerated and redefining the terms of
sustainability and efficiency of production as they aim to meet their needs rather than
profit. In the effort to link their struggle with society, the Open Solidarity Initiative
is also part of BIO.ME,
Through the shaping of actions, interventions and practical solidarity in the struggle,
those affected each day promote a different way of life, and ultimately a clear message of
social change.
Self-management, however, does not stop at BIO.ME. It concerns a different way of
organizing society, from the bottom, without bosses and exploitative relationships, with a
basic guideline for the needs of the people who make up it and the already active
self-managed ventures, both at the university, (Hangout in the biological, AKI). ,
mahalaki, hangouts, etc.), as well as in the work (self-managed factories
internationally), prove this. Through collective action, redefining our needs, values and
social relationships, we feel that self-management needs to be extended to universities,
workplaces, neighborhoods ... in all areas of society. To take life in our own hands!
Solidarity with BIOM.ME. finds us all directly interested in causing cracks to the
sovereign and opposed to the inertia of passivity.
An open meeting every Friday at 7 pm[right]in the hangout, at the new building of the AUTh
Philosophical School (ground floor, next to Amphitheater B)
Contact: A
group of students for solidarity in the struggle of BIOM.ME.
Message: 4
Fragment of a solidarity mural elaborated by urban artist "Crow", community youth and
other solidarity hands. ---- Text and photopraphies: Demián Revart ---- ¡JUCHARI
celebrate & to struggle for autonomy at same time! On the eve of Christmas, the
p'ur'hépecha community of Arantepakua (Michoacán) realized an communal assembly for decide
without hesitation to govern itself without political parties from now on, substituting
thus the "traditional authority" figure by the "Concejos" (Councils), entities elected by
direct democracy and conformed of two people from each of the four blocks of the locality.
---- Youngs sustain the p'ur'hépecha flag before to go to a march. ---- In total, 8 people
was chosen for give life the Communal Goods, Administration, Civil Matters & Security
Councils (this last one, on way of comandance for the Community Guard "Kuaricha" -in
p'ur'hépecha language, the name signifies "to protect/to watch"- formed by volunteers
after the massacre of April 5th in the community). The charges will develop for 2 years
and its have the principle of revocability and popular supervision, that is to say, in
case of not functioning with great yield, they will can replaced by other people. Thus,
"everyone can govern" idea landed from utopia to earth.
A Sunday afternoon in the Communal Square.
Despite the fact that a tiny minority linked familiarly to municipal president of
Nahuatzen -who was expelled from the municipal head after a massive insurrection on
October 2015 for his links with Los Caballeros Templarios cartel who were dedicated to
extort and kidnap the population- attempt to boycot the assembly ‘arguing' that "it's
better to await more time (...) that of the councils does not work (...) that happens only
in dreams", majority of comuneros, inhabitants, women and youngs voted by freehand for
this new organization model.
Every night, the militants of the Community Guard "Kuaricha" protect entrances to the
village. The military, police, drug cartels and other armed groups are not welcome.
At the end of the assembly, it was celebrated the delivery of the keys of one Tenure
Headship office, a printer and a computer for the common self-managment by the
Administration and the Civil Matters Councils. This public act denote every town or
collectivity is competent for manage the social life out of the margins and
statist-electoral times, and even, with more efficacy (or rather... assuring will exist
effectiveness contrary to the governmentality that lacks it!).
This historic day does not arrived from night to morning. It involved 8 monts of
uninterrupted activities and several solidarities both of communal ex-authorities, the
organized magisterio (teachers), women and youth who connected their forces with social
organizations at state and national leves, as well by the will of a numerous inhabitants
group that bet on self-government as the most diaphanous and ideal solution to GIVE STEP
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