Today's Topics:
1. Russia Support anarchist and antifa prisoners in
St.Petersburg! (
2. Kurdish-speaking anarchist forum (KAF): call for sollidarety
against the war (
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Syria-Kurdistan, Kobanê
defeated, Afrin will win (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
4. Poland, rozbrat: Powder falls off more and more [machine
translation] (
5. London Anarchist Communists: Demo at Senate House 25th
January (
6. Anarchist Gaucho Federation - FAG: [OPINION] Our position on
Lula's trial in TRF4. (pt) [machine translation]
7. Spain, cgt-lkn EuskaL Herria: (Video press conference) The
III Meeting of the International Union of Solidarity and
Struggles begins (ca) [machine translation] (
8. Poland, WORKERS' INITIATIVE: Powder falls off more and more
- [machine translation] (
Message: 1
Fundraising for lawyers working on cases about police raids and arrests of anarchists and
antifascists in St. Petersburg ans Penza, Russia has begun. At the moment 2 people in St.
Petersburg and 5 people in Penza are arrested, more are connected to the case as
witnesses. Continuation of raids and repressions is highly possible. They are charged with
2 of Art. 205.4 of russian Criminal Code (participation in terrorist community) at the
request of court from Penza. ---- On January 23 on the way to Pulkovo Airport the Federal
Security Service (FSB) detained Victor Filinkov. In order to get the testimony he was
beaten up and tortured with electric shocks in the wood. Signs of torture were confirmed
by the Filinkov's lawyer and members of the Public Monitoring Commission (ONK) who have
visited him in the pre-trial detention center. Filinkov is arrested for two months.
On January 25 the FSB came unexpectedly with a raid to Igor Shishkin's apartment. After
the raid neither his lawyer, nor members of Public Monitoring Commission were unable to
find Igor for more than a day. On January 27 Igor with signs of a beating was brought to a
court session where he was arrested in Pre-trial Detention Center for two months.
Journalists were not allowed to attend the hearing and evenmore two of them were arrested.
Tortures were also applied to witnesses. Ilya Kapustin was beaten up and tortured with
electric shock while police demanded him to give testimony that some of his acquantances
are up to "something dangerous". Numerous traces of the stun gun usage were recorded later
by health service.
Legal help is necessary for prisoners (whose number can increase) and witnesses. So far it
is early to speak about the certain amount of money, but it will be at least 200 thousand
rubles for work of lawyers in the next months.
Message: 2
No to war, No to dictators and States, No to corporations, No to religions, No to
nationalism! ---- Dear Anarchist Comrades wherever you are, ---- We, anarchists stress
that we are against war, against military attacks and militias. We are strongly against
killing civilians and launching attacks against villages, towns and cities killing
innocent people discriminating and destroying their places. ---- We believe neither any
states nor any groups have the right to attack anybody else on the grounds of religion,
nationality, land disputes and others. We believe whatever the justification is for
attacking and launching wars are simply against freedom and humanity. ---- Our attitude
and position against the current war that the State of Turkey has launched on Afrin, the
rest of Rojava and its citizens is not because we are Kurdish or Kurdish-speaking. We are
against all wars as a matter of principle in all corners of the world.
We stand up firm by our anarchism principles against whoever launches
this kind of war. We have the same attitude and same position even if
Kurds launch war to invade the freedom, cultures and society of any
ethnics or groups. Our stand against the State of Turkey in launching
the war against Rojava is from this position no more and no less. We are
against war, against the State, against any kind of superiority, class
division and against the capitalist system.
In view of the above we reject any kind of war whether launched by the
State of Turkey against Rojava or another State against some nation or
group elsewhere in the world.
We believe that we should be against war and denounce it, we should
campaign in any way against glorifying war and war mango. It is our sole
duty to encourage and persuade people to stand up against war. It is our
duty to make people more aware that war only brings more profit and
interest for the corporations especially the military fields. In the
meantime it brings us more poverty, more misery, more displacement,
losing our beloved ones, soaring prices, homelessness, unemployment,
destroying our places & our climate as well as dividing us all.
We also denounce all TV channels and the social media in the region that
since the aggressive attacks have started, they have tried to deny the
rights of people in Afrin and Rojava and do not recognise their
legitimate defence. They are deceiving people and trying to mobilise
them in support of the State of Turkey under different reasons and
bringing them falls justification.
No to State and nationalism
No to Authority
No to Religion's power
No to Parliamentary System
No to Militia's power
No to Political Party and Capitalism
Yes to self-organising, to self-ruling
Kurdish-speaking anarchist forum (KAF)
Message: 3
Libertarian Alternative condemns the Turkish and Islamist attack, launched with the green
light of Putin, against the Rojava / Democratic Federation of Northern Syria.
International solidarity with the Kurdish left! Some explanations and hypotheses on this
new turning point in the Syrian civil war. ---- After months of impatience, the Turkish
army and its Islamist auxiliaries based in the Idlib region launched an assault on the
canton of Afrin, one of the historic Kurdish cantons , which declared its democratic
autonomy in July 2012, and today is a pillar of the Democratic Federation of Northern
Syria . ---- Why Erdogan is attacking now ---- The Turkish state hates the Kurdish left,
whose center of gravity is the PKK, and would willingly raze all Syrian Kurdistan if it
had the power, as it has put Turkish Kurdistan on fire since the summer of 2015 .
It does not support the idea that is constituted, on its southern border, a political
entity dominated de facto by the Kurdish left.
The imperialist adventure Erdogan in Syria since 2011 is a failure : Bashar al-Assad is
still in place ; the Islamic State, which he had supported, is on the ground ; the
Islamist militias he sponsors in the Idlib region have no future, and are bombarded by the
Erdogan is also outraged that the United States militarily supports this Democratic
Federation of Northern Syria, for imperialist reasons of their own - to hinder Iranian
influence in the region.
Islamist militiamen from the Sultan-Murad Brigade (linked to Ankara, affiliated with the
ASL) praying before the assault on Afrin on 22 January 2018.
Why Afrin ?
The Canton of Afrin is considered the " weak link " of the Democratic Federation of
Northern Syria by the Turkish state, because it is separated from the rest of Syrian
Kurdistan by the Turkish occupation zone.
The conquest of the Canton of Afrin may offer a way out of Islamist militias now
identified in the Idlib region, and expand the Turkish occupation zone in northern Syria.
After Afrin, one of Erdogan's declared goals is the city of Manbij.
Why does Putin let it ?
In the face of Turkish threats, the integrity of the canton of Afrin was, until now,
guaranteed by the Russian army, which controlled the airspace, and had a base there.
The Russian forces evacuated Afrin , and even allowed the Turkish air force to bomb the
canton. Why this flip-flop ?
According to the Turkish press , Erdogan would have demanded Moscow's carte blanche to
invade the canton, failing which Ankara would defeat the peace talks in Syria.
According to Aldar Xelîl , one of the leaders of the Tev-Dem Movement [1], the Russians
asked the Kurdish Self-administration on 19 January to allow Bashar al-Assad's army to
take control of Afrin for lack of what they would allow the Turkish attack. Kurdish forces
have clearly refused this blackmail. Hence the Russian go-ahead in Ankara.
It is possible that Erdogan's obsessive hatred against the Kurdish left will ultimately
serve Moscow's interests: Idlib's Islamist militias and their Turkish chaperone rushing
against the militia of the Kurdish left, is the simultaneous weakening of several
opponents of the bloody regime of Damascus.
Why Afrin can hold
Afrin is a mountainous region, in which Turkish armored vehicles will penetrate less
easily than in open country.
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had been waiting months for this offensive, and had
time to prepare the defense.
Although isolated, Afrin can receive reinforcements via a " corridor " currently
controlled by the Damascus regime. The latter will probably leave him open as long as he
deems it useful for Islamist militias in Idlib to exhaust themselves by attacking Afrin.
The Turkish army and its proxy Islamist militias did not particularly shine by their
effectiveness during the " Euphrates Shield " campaign at the end of 2016. Daesh held
them in check for three months in front of Al-Bab. What will they do to face Afrin that,
already, the population of Syrian Kurdistan calls to defend with the same heroism as Kobanê ?
Solidarity is needed ! Alternative libertarian all and all anticolonialists and
anti-imperialists to join the protests at the call of the Kurdish Democratic Council in
France (CDKF) .
We got up for Kobanê, let's get up for Afrin !
Libertarian alternative, January 22, 2018
In Lorient, Wednesday, January 24 at 18 hours, Place Aristide-Briand
In Paris , Saturday, January 27 at 3 pm, Place de la République, at the call of the
Kurdish Democratic Council in France.
The Democratic Federation of Northern Syria in December 2017 (click to enlarge)
[1] The Movement for a Democratic Society (Tev-Dem), born in Syrian Kurdistan in 2011, is
a broad coalition of associations, parties and local committees wishing to set up the
project of democratic confederalism. Read about " Yes, people can change things
(experience Rojava) " , Alternative Libertaire, November 2014.
Message: 4
The media in recent days have discovered that Polish nationalism refers to the legacy of
Nazism . This discovery took place only after the nationalists attacked liberal
politicians, hanging their images on the gallows. When the libertarian environment has
warned for years that patriotism is just a pretext for assault, racist pogroms or simply
the killing of foreigners, the media preferred to equate nationalist violence with the
activities of left-wing groups. Although it is difficult to find examples of violence in
the nationalist style among the tenants, workers or women, the conviction still remains
that the left wing struggling for a decent life of the most successful social groups is
not much different from those who celebrate Hitler's birthday.
When a pub run by nationalists and a meeting place for local "patriots" under the sign of
Mlodziezy Wszechpolska and ONR, or Szturmowców hosted the National Movement - Robert
Winnicki, was recently scattered in Poznan , which allegedly was to be initiated by
anti-fascist communities demonstrating their opposition to the invited nationalist. A
group of supporters of the deputy then expressed their attachment to their homeland,
shouting slogans such as "white honor, white pride" . Today, it turns out that Winnicki
tried to cover up the achievements of the protagonists of recent media reports.
Already this Saturday, in the said "patriotic" pub, there is a concert of performers
perfectly fitting into this scenery. One of the stars of the evening is rapper Wuem
Enceha, associated with the supporters of the Warsaw "Legia" (which may seem strange in
our city) and Autonomous Nationalists. Among the texts of his works one can hear, among
"Red whores will burn, add antifa,
feed on HIV, feed AIDS-
Mordy always upholstered, whore leftist with a curse
Fascism will not pass? Will not pass - will run
Until every pussy goes down and pedal ass will break
NOP, ONR just like that , we will never give up
We fight for a free country "
The second of the evening stars is Tomasz Kus, leader of the Nordica band, formerly known
as neo-Nazi Agressiva 88 . In its concerts, Nordica performs, among other things, the
works of the legendary neo-Nazi circles , the 88 88. However , Kus himself appears in
T-shirts with Nazi totenkopfs.
As you can see, the owners of the place puts on the creators and the public who usually
orders five beers using the Heil Hilter gesture. From such a public, the All-Polish Youth
tried to cut off the media in the media, but at the same time the Poznan branch of the
organization used the Reduta pub for a press conference with Winnicki.
The Polish parliamentary right in the media emphasizes its political correctness and
sometimes tries to cover up its fascination with racism. This does not prevent her from
maintaining close relations with her nationalistic political base. For example, the
Voivode of Wielkopolska, Zbigniew Hoffmann, who went together with members of the National
Radical Camp in one march. Deputy Tadeusz Dziuba participated in a recent meeting with
Robert Winnicki, and police the police not to react to the festival of racist slogans
shouted at the Reduta pub.
Once again we declare - we do not agree to tolerate fascism! Nationalism will not pass!
Message: 5
The University of London continues to deny the outsourced workers that keep the
institution running the terms and conditions afforded to their colleagues that are
directly employed by the university. Outsourced workers suffer from far worse pensions,
holiday entitlements, sickness entitlements, and maternity and paternity leave than
in-house employees. ---- For months these workers - among them cleaners, receptionists,
security officers, porters and post room staff - have been demanding that the university
make them direct employees, that it end zero hours contracts and that it implement pay
rises. So far these demands have fallen on deaf ears. ---- Join these workers on 25
January at 6pm as they protest outside The University of London's Senate House and demand
that the university put an end to it's discriminatory employment practices. Security
officers and receptionists will be on strike, with a picket line from 2pm.
That same day the University of London will be hosting the UK's largest postgraduate fair,
where together with many other universities, it will be marketing the courses for which it
charges thousands of pounds a year. While students pay thousands of pounds to attend these
universities, many of the staff are systematically discriminated against. Meanwhile
university Vice-chancellors and other top management keep on receiving inflation-busting
pay rises.
Message: 6
We of the Gaúcha Anarchist Federation will not participate in the mobilizations against
Lula's trial in TRF4 and in defense of his right to the candidacy in 2018. We can not
ignore the history of class reconciliation of the PT governments, the neo-developmentalism
of their governments and their and the role of the PT as a lackey of the Brazilian State,
oligarchies and the cynical game of financial capital, business and media groups. As we
said earlier, the PT helped to dig its grave and create the conditions for the
parliamentary coup against Dilma Rousseff. ---- However, we do not ignore the meaning of
this judgment and the consequences that can be caused by the condemnation of Lula, with a
possible scenario of an upsurge of social conflict and repression. In this sense, we are
against any attempt to intimidate and criminalize social protest. But with regard to Lula
we say: we do not care about his guilt or innocence, but the relations he has maintained
and maintained with the enemies of the oppressed. So we are not with Lula.
For us, the criterion of class independence and centrality in the current conjuncture of
the popular struggle against the Sartori government's Fiscal Regeneration Regime (RRF) and
the Pension Reform of the Temer government is worth more. Thus, our role as an anarchist
political organization will be to push the mobilization towards these struggles in the
categories we have inserted. For the guarantee of our rights and as an exercise of class
struggle to open strategic perspectives that today are closed by a pragmatic horizon and
little reach in the popular struggle.
With Lula or without Lula, election is fraud.
In defense of our retirement, against the pension reform.
No to the Tax Recovery Regime and privatizations.
Anarchist Gaucho Federation - FAG
Message: 7
Today, Thursday, January 25, the III Encuentro of the International Union of Solidarity
and Struggles has started in El Escorial (Madrid). 282 people from 32 organizations and 25
different countries participate in the meeting. ---- This meeting organized by the CGT
brings together different trade unions whose common denominator is the will of the direct
struggle for social transformation, an international network of combative and independent
trade unionism. ---- The agenda for the meeting is as follows: ---- Thursday, the 25th;
opening and presentation of participating organizations ---- Friday, the 26th; debate on
the sectorial fight: Transport, communications, metal, public services, etc. --- Saturday,
the 27th; debate on the role of the struggle of women at the global level: for equality,
against sexist violence, for abortion, etc.
Sunday 28th, Conclusions and closing of the meeting.
You can follow live streaming of this Meeting:
25.01.2018 15:00 h. Presentation
26.01.2018 21:00 h. Conclusions of the day
27.01.2018 21:00 h. Conclusions of the day
28.01.2018 09:00 h. Resolutions
Message: 8
The media in recent days have discovered that Polish nationalism refers to the legacy of
Nazism . This discovery took place only after the nationalists attacked liberal
politicians, hanging their images on the gallows. When the libertarian environment has
warned for years that patriotism is just a pretext for assault, racist pogroms or simply
the killing of foreigners, the media preferred to equate nationalist violence with the
activities of left-wing groups. Although it is difficult to find examples of violence in
the nationalist style among the tenants, workers or women, the conviction still remains
that the left wing struggling for a decent life of the most successful social groups is
not much different from those who celebrate Hitler's birthday.
When a pub run by nationalists and a meeting place for local "patriots" under the sign of
Mlodziezy Wszechpolska and ONR, or Szturmowców hosted the National Movement - Robert
Winnicki, was recently scattered in Poznan , which allegedly was to be initiated by
anti-fascist communities demonstrating their opposition to the invited nationalist. A
group of supporters of the deputy then expressed their attachment to their homeland,
shouting slogans such as "white honor, white pride" . Today, it turns out that Winnicki
tried to cover up the achievements of the protagonists of recent media reports.
Already this Saturday, in the said "patriotic" pub, there is a concert of performers
perfectly fitting into this scenery. One of the stars of the evening is rapper Wuem
Enceha, associated with the supporters of the Warsaw "Legia" (which may seem strange in
our city) and Autonomous Nationalists. Among the texts of his works one can hear, among
"Red whores will burn, add antifa,
feed on HIV, feed AIDS-
Mordy always upholstered, whore leftist with a curse
Fascism will not pass? Will not pass - will run
Until every pussy goes down and pedal ass will break
NOP, ONR just like that , we will never give up
We fight for a free country "
The second of the evening's stars is Tomasz Kus, leader of the Nordica band, formerly
known as neo-Nazi Agressiva 88 . In its concerts, Nordica performs, among other things,
the works of the legendary neo-Nazi circles , the 88 88. However , Kus himself appears in
T-shirts with Nazi totenkopfs.
As you can see, the owners of the place puts on the creators and the public who usually
orders five beers using the Heil Hilter gesture. From such a public, the All-Polish Youth
tried to cut off the media in the media, but at the same time the Poznan branch of the
organization used the Reduta pub for a press conference with Winnicki.
The Polish parliamentary right in the media emphasizes its political correctness and
sometimes tries to cover up its fascination with racism. This does not prevent her from
maintaining close relations with her nationalistic political base. For example, the
Voivode of Wielkopolska, Zbigniew Hoffmann, who went together with members of the National
Message: 9
In February 2017, Austin, TX was rocked by a series of protests over ICE raids that
resulted in over 50 immigrants being detained. Despite backlash from school
administration, students played an active role in the mobilizations as they staged walk
outs, highway take overs and street protests. The oppressive role of police goes beyone
killing black and brown people on the street. In this interview A World Without Police
(AWWP) explores the broader function the police and court system serve in their
collaboration with ICE in attacking immigrant communities. ---- Luis is a member of Black
Rose/Rosa Negra in Austin involved in immigration and worker organizing. He's been active
with ICE Out, an organization that seeks to end the Priority Enforcement Program and all
conflation of local law enforcement with Immigration in Austin.
Listen to the interview here
We also recommend checking out other podcasts with members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra:
Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Antifascist Handbook speaks on Revolutionary Left Radio
giving a history of anarchism and it's ideas.
Romina Akemi, co-author of "Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency within
Anarchist Feminism" is interviewed on KCHUNG Radio discussing feminism, anarchism and
movement building
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