"My son disappeared and it has been two months already. I filed a complaint with the police... and they said they would look at it. I'm counting on the Almighty and, after him, on you. I have no one else to expect help from... I plead: help me, Ramzan." This message was sent by Malika Bakayeva to Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic, in Russia. Malika is the mother of Zelim, a 26-year-old pop singer that disappeared in Chechnya last year. There are strong indications that he is among the victims of the "anti-gay purge" in the region, where authorities are still kidnapping and torturing gay and bisexual men. More than 28,000 people have already signed our petition demanding #JusticeForZelim and the many others persecuted in Chechnya. If thousands of people hear about Zelim's story, we'll have a better chance of pushing Russian authorities to take concrete action and provide Malika – and the world – with answers. – Matt SOURCE: (in Russian) ● "I'm counting on God and on you, Ramzan" – Kavkaz.Realii, September 16, 2017 Previous email: ------------------- |
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