Winter Is Here

Cones on Hinoki Cypress

Our first full year in the Pacific Northwest has definitely been one for weather records. One year ago today, we got a light snow and later in January we got almost a foot. Summer brought a lot of really hot days (I can't remember if there was a record number or not). Now, we are experiencing an unusual dry spell. This has happened about eight times in the past. The present stretch of dry days is expected to last a week or so. During the last week, we also got our first major frost.

Strawberry plants

The frost is pretty but it is so cold. Last night the temperature dipped into the upper 20s. I brought the last of the tender potted plants from the deck into the garage just last week.

No more roses for a while

Pennisetum alopecuriodes 'Hameln'


Pinus mugo 'Aurea' (Mugo Pine)

Not sure if it will help or not, but I covered the lettuce and cabbage although I forgot to cover this patch.


I am taking advantage of the dry weather and continuing work on the terraced area. My goal is to get this section completed over the winter months. That is, if the weather and my budget will cooperate. I have been so discouraged by the price of rocks. The small section you see below was a full load and you can see they don't go far...



And the Christmas decorations are up...


mailbox-christmasText and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

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