Who Knew!

Friday morning was set to be the time the magical and very talented flower ladies were to decorate Independent Presbyterian Church from top to bottom for the 68th Annual Holiday House Tour. After all, that has been the day for 68 years. What could go wrong? Well a surprise Alabama snowfall that's what. Friday morning, our city got about 4 inches of wet fluffy snow. Those with four wheel drives made it and the show went on. Some had to catch up on Saturday morning. The doors opened at 10 and except for a few icy steps, everything went perfectly as planned. The addition of snow to the outside decorations was a photographer's delight!

Please come today ( 1-5)  for the tour of the church, tea in the Great Hall, then visit  the five beautiful homes. You may purchase tickets online, at the church or any of the homes. All proceeds benefit the Children's Fresh Air Farm and the STAIR reading program at IPC. 

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