- A disease which ‘eats’ the flesh of pets has killed a dog in the Midlands as experts warn of a potential epidemic. This winter’s bitter weather could see a huge surge in dog deaths due to the deadly … - In my first piece on Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, I addressed the free speech issue posed in the case, which will be heard by the Supreme Court next week. In this piece, … - Everyone needs the Holiday Season to celebrate, catch up with friends, and maybe even take a break from heavy training and Spartan nutrition. Have some fun, but don't overdo it. Remember, it's not un… - In this Nov. 3, 2017 photo provided by the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center is a gigantic deep terra-cotta-colored head that was found recently during an excavation of the buried movie set from the 1923… - It looks like the proverbial GOP "Big Tent" ain't big enough for Roy Moore and the Log Cabin Republicans. The LGBTQ conservative group played the religion card on Friday in a video they released urgi…