A Thankful Thursday Tail.....
Now there was I last Thursday, taking a snooze as one does when the weight of the days chores weigh heavy upon your shoulders, when I heard a knocking on the Palace drawbridge.
Strange I thought to myself, Cream deliveries are on Tuesday and Nip wine is always on a Friday. So being the good all round egg I am, I delegated the duty of answering to the staff, and carried on working at my nap.
I know what you're thinking, and you'd be right, that is a mighty selfless act on my part. They all need the exercise and it is incumbent on me as head of everything to see to it that I take every opportunity to help them achieve their goal.
Some time later the house keeper, Mrs Hudson, brought up this really large package for me. Well it's thirty flights of stairs to the Pink Suite, but for an octogenarian she veritably sprinted along with the parcel on her head. Thank heavens the stairlift had been serviced, is all I can say MOL
Anyways, after using my vast powers of deliberation observation and cogitation, inspecting the package and post mark I surmised that this was in fact safe to open. OK it did say on the top 'This package is from Bionic Basil and is safe to open' but one can never be too certain, it could have been a bill from the Inland Revenue!
After breaking the seal, cutting the strings, disabling the various security booby traps the B Team had placed on the parcel, I enter the secret 5 digit code that Basil had sent me by pigeon the previous day, and the box sprung into life and distributed an array of pink packages around my bed.
I'd have been happy with just the pink packages covered in that tissue wrap, but these had delights within, too.
"Well, Mrs Hudson," I said "this is a two nip pipe dilemma and no mistake. Which one shall I open first?"
So there I was surrounded by these packages so I followed moms advice and Mrs Hudson and I worked our way up the sizes.
Well let me tell you that this was an Epically Epic prize and so many wonderful things. Our first two smaller packages had two boxes of packs of treats. Nice one Basil just what I need for Christmas, though they may not last that long MOL
But which one to open next? Decisions decisions, time for another pitstop I think....
This one smelled nice, maybe that was the one Basil, or Smoochie wrapped?
Hmm or maybe it should be these?
I think I can smell mice in this one, maybe nip too!
Well after a while there was clearly nothing else for it but to just get stuck in. I had loads of fun with the pink tissue wrap, and Mrs Hudson got to play in the box too. Strange woman, but hey I cant knock it as I like the occasional bit of dusting, and knitting too MOL

When everything was unwrapped we had WON the epically epic 'Basil, The Bionic Cat' book, the mouse mat, a mug for my morning nip coffee, a magnetic calendar, a pair of really fun Kraken tentacles for me to tease the peep with late at night, and a set of 3 mice (not the real ones). Just so the peep wasn't left out of it, we also got an awesome colouring book and two sets of crayons. Nice to see that Basil got the peep's age group spot on (3+ it says) MOL And one of those neck bands to attache the spectacles too when windsurfing or snowboarding. I think that should maybe have come with some accident insurance too, just in case the peep gets ideas MOL
Thank You Basil, the B Team and your PA for such a wonderful selection of prizes, we truly have a LOT to be thankful for.
We are joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop..... To see the other hoppers, please click the links below......