State Trooper helps Deliver baby boy in driveway in Williamson

On December 3, 2017 at approximately 4:52p.m., State Trooper Jordan Szklany, assigned to SP Williamson was dispatched to 4494 Lake Road in Williamson for a child birth in progress. The 911 center advised Trooper Szklany, who was only minutes away,  that the birth was imminent with contractions less than 2 minutes.
When Trooper Szklany arrived on scene, he observed the mother, in the driveway with the father as he assisted the father with the birth of a conscious and alert baby boy.
The baby boy was placed in his mothers arms with a blanket for warmth.The Williamson Volunteer Ambulance transported the family to Rochester General Hospital.
The mother, Jessica, father, Mark, and baby boy Jameson Francis, who was 20 inches long and 8.2 pounds are doing great.

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