Hello Alabama NBCT Candidates,
The entire Alabama NBCT Network is very excited and anxious about Score Release Day this Saturday. We wanted to share some important information that we felt would be useful to our Alabama candidates. Once scores have been released we will be in contact with all the newest NBCTs about a special pinning ceremony we will be holding at our annual conference on January 27th. Please remember that the Alabama NBCT Network is here to cheer you on!
Helpful Tips for Score Release Day:
- You do not have to share your score. Regardless of what the exact cutoff number is, you are an NBCT no matter if you made it by the exact cutoff score or by 20 points above.
- Please be free to share if you certified with us and on social media. This is great PR for you, your school, and education in Alabama. We would love to hear from you! Please use the hashtag #ALNBCT and/or tag us on Twitter or Instagram with @alnbctnetwork. We will try to retweet any tags that we get. You can also post it on our ALNBCT Network Facebook Group.
- We realize that not everyone will certify this time and that is a hard pill to swallow if that is you. Remember, becoming an NBCT is a rigorous process. Just deciding to take on this challenge takes courage and commitment to becoming an accomplished educator. Many, many teachers who did not certify the first time successfully certify on their second attempt. You are not the only one who has dealt with this disappointment. Don’t let this bring you down! We are here for you! Please let us know how we can support you as you continue your journey toward becoming an accomplished teacher.
- Many candidates who don’t certify the first time easily certify the second time simply because they are more aware of what exactly the process is all about. Perseverance is the key! Just remember that if you don’t certify it doesn’t mean you are a bad educator, it simply means there was not enough evidence submitted for that component.
We wish all of you the best tomorrow as scores are released! Try to get some sleep tonight and stay positive no matter what the score says. We are with you all the way!