Kremlin Spokesman Confirms That The Kremlin Views President Trump’s Tweets As Official Statements

The Hill: Kremlin: Every Trump tweet perceived as ‘official statement’

A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that the Kremlin views President Trump’s tweets as official statements from the administration.

According to Reuters, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Trump’s tweets are reported to the Russian president.

“In any case, everything which is published from his [authorized] Twitter account is perceived by Moscow as his official statement,” Peskov reportedly said.

“Naturally, it is reported to Putin along with other information about official statements by politicians,” he said.

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WNU Editor: There is a lot of U.S. politics in President Trump's tweets .... and like campaign speeches, they should not be treated as official statements. But as a window for the Kremlin to better understand President Trump's political battles against his opponents, this has been priceless for them and .... quite frankly, for everyone else. And I personally hope that he continues to tweet.

More News On The Kremlin Confirming That The Kremlin Views President Trump’s Tweets As Official Statements

Kremlin: We see Trump's tweets as official statements -- Reuters
Putin receives briefings on Trump’s tweets, Kremlin says -- Washington Post
When Trump tweets, Putin is briefed -- Los Angeles Times
Kremlin: Putin views Trump's tweets as official statements -- UPI
Donald Trump's Tweets Are in Vladimir Putin's News Briefs -- Newsweek
Putin Gets Reports on Trump’s Tweets, Kremlin Says -- Bloomberg
Russia is treating Donald Trump's tweets as official US policy -- International Business Times
Kremlin Views Trump's Tweets as Official Statements, Says Putin's Spokesman -- Moscow Times

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