December 17, 2017

White Dog has a whole week of preparation for her upcoming 13th Birthday on Friday. Each day a little something moves her closer to what the White Dog Army is promising her will be "A Fiesta Beyond Compare" (which worries this momma a bit).

Today was Spa Day at Chez Dad. First, she received a gentle oatmeal bath with a coconut mint conditioning. Then wrapped in a bevy of pre-warmed fluffy towels nails were clipped and ears cleaned as she daintily munched on tiny rabbit training treats...under the watchful eyes of her siblings (who, yes, expected supervising fees).

Steve lightly used the drier and gently brushed out her silken furs while she rested her head on pillows on the couch.

After, Steve clipped on a present from her very special friend, Andy...a new collar! It is a lovely black and white houndstooth pattern with a red box for the holidays. When he stepped back to take a photo, the WDA crowded in. "Sister, you are so beautiful," Nilla complimented. Tizenegy sniffed. "And you smell absolutely wonderful." "You are so careful, too. You will still be clean and pretty for you party. I would have food dreadlocks under my chin by then," Sachi said.

White Dog smiled at her family before stretching out on the blanket to let the rest of her furs completely dry as she napped.

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