White Dog calls it "vulturing." It is where one or more of the dogs lurks over another and tries to intimidate him or her into giving up a treat or into walking away from an unfinished bowl. Technically the Vultures follow the rules of no barking or growling...and certainly they know better than to just push their way into having their way.
They instead, hover over, looming, watching intently, getting as close to possible without touching, and making it VERY clear that they would be "GLAD" to help with the food consumption.
Bella, Pearly and Tizenegy are bold about defining their personal space and deliver their message plainly and clearly. Nilla tries ignoring then diplomacy before just taking the harmonious route of abandoning her claim. Sometimes, I move her bowl next to where I am seated just to provide a counter intimidation.
It was after Zso and Bailey vultured Nilla into dropping her post walk treat that White Dog announced that such behavior was unacceptable and that she would work on revising the White Dog Army Rules of Behavior to include more about respect and boundaries...and that she would decide the "price" of being a vulture.
When I left my girl to go to bed, White Dog was busily writing in her notebook but promised to not stay up all night with her new legislation. As I kissed her goodnight she grunted, "We just cannot allow meanness. There is too much in the world already."
Have I mentioned that the Little White Dog of My Heart embodies all that is good in the world?