Corrie Weekly Awards for Dec. 18 - 22

Hide in Plain Sight award: Did Anna think that parking in an empty lot and ducking down would be enough to keep the police from finding them?

Musical Ambiance: Desperado playing while Toyah and Peter talk about Leanne trying find a date.

Matchmaker award: Billy's still trying to push Eva and Adam together.

Fashion Award: Elf Adam and Rudolf Eva!

Pants on Fire award: The Lodger (Chris/Paul) who was a professional thief!

Sucker punch award: Anna shocked the heck out of Phelan when she popped him one in the face in the prison visiting room!

It's Not My Fault award: Kevin assuring Jack they'll have to get used to Faye living elsewhere when he's the one responsible for it in the first place. Faye could hardly continue to live at No.13 after he broke up with Anna.

Stradivarius Fail award: Amy's been playing the violin for a few years now. How come she just isn't any better at all?

Lines of the week:
Peter to Billy "Why hurt myself...when I can hurt you?"
Phelan "How difficult can it be to find a middle aged waitress with bad legs?"
Daniel "Lessons in spite with Tracy Barlow!"
Daniel "Can we just be civil?" Tracy "I'm not even civil to people I like!" (true, that!)
Tracy "If I'm in a club and I fancy a bloke, d'you know how I get him back to mind?" Toyah "Chloroform?"
Robert "Michelle. It's gone. What d'you want me to do, have a funeral for it?"
Chris "I like feeling part of the family" Peter "I'll introduce you to my family. You might not be so keen then"
Billy about Eva's skimpy costume "She might be Rudolf the Red Faced Reindeer if she gets a bit carried away with her dancing" Adam "I suppose I could pop in" Daniel "On the off chance that she pops out?" (Boys!)
Tracy "I was never allowed any pets. What did they think I was going to do? Torture them?" Steve nods.
Johnny to Aidan "Pack up your humble pie and get out"
Sally to Gail "You need to swivel your hips" Gail "My swivelling days are over"
Peter "All of us under one roof. It's going to be a laugh!" Simon "At least say it like you mean it"
Billy "I'm going to hell!"
Toyah about Adam "Will you ever be able to fancy him quit as much as he fancies himself?" (nobody could, love)
Yasmeen about Cathy "When I left she was stroking the rug and staring at the cover of my Blue Planet box set"

Tvor (Twitter @tvordlj)

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