"I'd be happy to slaughter them." - President Duterte

World Leaders: Speak Out Against
Murderous Duterte Presidency!
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Dear friends,
"Hitler massacred three million Jews ... there's three million drug addicts [in the Philippines]..... I'd be happy to slaughter them." Those are the words of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.
Duterte rose to power by professing to take a hard line against drugs and crime in his country. But to him, that means murder. In the 16 months since he has taken office, he has presided over the extrajudicial killings of nearly 4,000 people. And that's a low estimate: some human rights organizations think he's killed as many as 12,000 people.
These slaughtered human beings were never given a chance to prove their innocence. Instead, they were murdered by death squads operating under the orders of Duterte himself. Family members and neighbors describe the squads arriving in the dead of night, crashing into homes and dragging individuals away, never to be seen again.
But instead of shunning Duterte and his campaign of death, world leaders actually opted to reward him by attending the 2017 ASEAN Summit held in Manila, the capital city of the Philippines. Leaders from Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to U.S. President Donald Trump shook Duterte's hand, posing for smiling photos. These greetings and photo ops give him the legitimacy he craves. But his massacre of his own people is anything but legitimate.
Our leaders represent us — or at least, they're supposed to. We must demand that they speak out against these crimes against humanity.
Thank you for all that you do,
 Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team

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