Anarchic update news all over the world - 2.12.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Action from the Anarchists to the Governorate's Office in
      Athens (gr, tr) [machine translation] (

2.  "The Capital Brief", November 30 in Montpellier by AL
      Montpellier (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (

3.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL Novembre -
      Lyon-Saint-Étienne motorway: The peasants ditch car (fr, it, pt)
      [machine translation] (

4. Anarchists You Should Know #2: Giuseppe ‘Pino'
      Pinelli (


Message: 1

After the loss of 23 lives in Greece, the anarchists acted on the governor of Athens. ---- 
The anarchist organization Rouvikonas, after the disappearance of the lives of 23 people 
in Greece, issued an announcement stating that the state mechanism failed to protect the 
people against the catastrophic events and made action on the building of the governorate 
in Athens. ---- Rouvikonas, in a statement posted on his website, stressed the failure to 
identify the responsibilities of the flood disaster in the western part of Athens, Mandra. 
---- "The benefits of the responsible state machinery, from the bureaucratic difficulties, 
will escape from the responsibilities of the great catastrophe by taking advantage of the 
judicial decisions that give rise to question marks," the declaration said. The 
organization stated disastrously that 'the whole state mechanism is responsible'.

The Rouvikonas organization has also carried out actions against Israeli Airlines and 
Turkish Airlines, as well as the actions it has taken in recent Greek local companies. 
(Source: Medyan Haber)


Message: 2

The cycle "Knowledge is a weapon" continues. To fight against capitalism we must 
understand its deadly logic. We propose to decrypt it with the help of a very simple 
little work, the Abrégé du Capital by Carlo Cafiero, libertarian communist Italian writer.
The idea is to summarize in a very accessible way the capital as thought by Marx so that 
everyone can seize this criticism to make it a weapon. The evening will be animated by two 
activists of Alternative libertaire Montpellier. ---- Thursday, November 30 from 19:30 to 
22:30 at the Barricade 14 rue Aristide-Ollivier 34000 Montpellier
The FB event


Message: 3

The election of Laurent Wauquiez in 2015 at the head of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region 
has significantly accelerated the project of " new highway " A45. The project is now 
suspended at the signing or not of the concession decree by the government. And the 
resistance is at a pivotal moment. ---- The transport issue is central in the Lyon 
metropolitan area, a crossroads of flows between northern and southern Europe. The railway 
line is the busiest in the province. The A45 project we are talking about today is an old 
idea, declared of public utility in the 1960s (we prefer the A47, then being completed), 
then again in 2008. In 2015 with the election of Laurent Wauquiez to the presidency of the 
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the calendar is accelerating.
Since then, the financing plan has been adopted, the chosen concessionaire, and the decree 
validating the concession to Vinci signed by the Council of State. A final government 
signature would allow the expropriations to begin. But the project meets a determined 
opposition, and for good reason, it is estimated at 1.2 billion euros, financed by 
two-thirds on public funds (Region, Department of the Loire and Saint-Étienne Métropole), 
all for a highway paying parallel to a free !

Growth as an alibi

The argument on this point is that the axis Lyon-Saint-Étienne is saturated in places and, 
according to developers, this would hinder the development of Saint-Étienne. But this 
argument is a short-term vision. Indeed, on the one hand the A45 would lead to a daily 
exchanger bottled (between A450 and A7), and secondly, even once the exchanger changed, 
the improvement - very real - n ' would have a time, and this because a basic problem 
remains: commercial freight via the train declines when the road, cheaper, is cleared, and 
in the long run, as long as certain global conditions are not changed, the risk of 
saturation will threaten this axis.

We must see that the highway project is not isolated. The metropolis of Lyon, which 
includes Saint-Étienne, needs to build the A45 to decommission the A6 and A7 in downtown 
Lyon and turn them into urban boulevards, with smooth traffic.

With this in mind, the A45 is also complementary to the west bypass of Lyon and the 
doubling of the RN88 which will constitute a Lyon-Toulouse axis. Projects that are 
otherwise pushed back to distant times or even abandoned, which questions the relevance of 
the A45 alone, especially on the issue of congestion of the A6 / A7 exit of the A45. At 
this level of analysis, Saint-Étienne would become the West's gateway to the greater 
metropolitan area and would benefit economically from this strategic situation. But here 
again the rub: the construction of a highway accelerates pre-existing trends if nothing is 
done. Indeed, the most dynamic zone of the Saint Etienne agglomeration is located in the 
north-west of the city, with a jump of chip of the arrival of the A45. CQFD !

Without going into the logic of the developers, we find that the arguments in favor of the 
A45 are in any case misleading: the congestion of the A47 is due to the urban sprawl along 
the axis, and to decades policies favoring road transport rather than rail freight, 
private car rather than public transport. While it is desirable to support alternatives to 
the all-road model and its corollary, suburban urban sprawl, the reality is much more complex.

The solution to congestion, which stems from wider choices, remains to be invented, and it 
must go through various levers such as the densification of residential areas or the 
relocation of jobs and housing. This would amount to doing a real job on the living 
environment in the valley and the agglomeration of Etienne, to which could be added the 
establishment of phonic insulation, absent along the A47.

Finally, the main nuisances of the A45 concern agricultural land, since a prime supply 
area at the gates of Lyon and Saint-Etienne, where all types of production are present, is 
directly threatened. This is nearly 500 hectares and 375 farms that are affected or even 
amputated directly by the project. It also poses a threat to the arboreal growers of the 
hillsides of Jarez, for whom compensation would be almost impossible. Others, located on 
the edge of the A45, will find it difficult to find outlets because of induced pollution. 
Another underlying issue is the destructuring of many direct sales networks around.

In addition, there is a risk of sprawl resulting from the growing demand for housing and 
activity areas, particularly on the Mornant plateau. Even if it is framed in this area, 
even the smallest sprawl at the scale of a municipality can represent important surfaces 
on the scale of an entire territory.

It is therefore a question of raising the pressure to avoid a sacking of territories and 
financial mismanagement. The opposition is organized around a newly created coordination 
of associations. In this structure are merged " historical " associations»Of residents 
such as Saving Coteaux du Jarez and Lyonnais, Saving Rhône Gier, elected officials, 
environmental (FRAPNA, LPO ...), peasants and peasants, other policies (Attac, Alternatiba 
69) and assemblies / collectives of struggles. It was within the coordination that was 
born the idea of making a festival of opponents and a march closer to the route that were 
the highlights of this year of struggle. The record of these events is rather positive, 
they allowed to mediate the fight and especially to highlight the strength of the 
opposition. Nearly 8,000 people went there. It is up to us libertarians to grasp the 
question of transportation, which is crucial in the life of a society.

Elise (AL Tarn)


Message: 4

Giuseppe ‘Pino' Pinelli (1928-1969): the 17th victim of the Piazza Fontana bombing -- By 
Paolo Finzi ---- [The 12th of December is the anniversary of the 1969 Piazza Fontana 
bombing carried out by neo-fascists working with the Italian secret services. Sixteen 
people were murdered. The seventeenth victim was the anarchist railway worker, Giuseppe 
Pinelli, accused and then murdered by the police. His death - and the controversy and 
trials which followed it - unmasked the strategy of tension: Pinelli was innocent, Piazza 
Fontana was a state massacre.] ---- He was born in Milan on 21 October 1928 to Alfredo 
Pinelli and Rosa Malacarne. The early part of his life was spent in his native Porta 
Ticinese district of the city. After completing elementary school he had to start work, 
initially as a waiter and later as a warehouseman. He carried on reading: this was a 
lifelong habt of his. In 1944 when he was 16 he took part in the antifascist resistance as 
a runner for the "Franco" Brigade, working with a group of anarchist partisans who were 
his first encounter with libertarian thought. In 1954 he joined the railways as a 
labourer. In 1955 he married Licia Rognoni whom he met at an evening Esperanto class; they 
soon had two daughters, Silvia and Claudia.
In the early 1960s an anarchist youth group was formed in Milan (the Gioventu Libertaria) 
with a little over twenty members who included Amedeo Bertoli who in 1962 made headlines 
as a member of a group that kidnapped the Spanish vice-consul in Milan in order to press 
for (and achieve) the commutation into a prison term of the death sentence that had been 
passed on an anarchist in Francoist Spain. Pinelli - just ‘Pino' to his friends and 
colleagues - at 35 was the oldest of the group, but that was not a problem: his cheerful, 
outgoing personality made him "good company". And when in 1965, after ten years without a 
local, one was opened in the Via Murillo, Pino was among the founders of the "Sacco and 
Vanzetti Circle". On those premises there was a get-together of young anarchists from all 
over Europe in 1965. After eviction, Milan's anarchists moved premises and on 1 May 1968 
the "Ponte della Ghisolfa" Anarchist Club in the Piazzale Lugano on the outskirts of the 
La Bovisa working class district was opened.
It was called after the former viaduct, the pillars of which can be seen from the Porta 
Garibaldi railway station where Pinelli worked. In 1968 the winds of challenge blowing 
from France reached Milan. Pinelli was active on many fronts: as an anarchist, he was one 
of those who kept the club open, organising an efficient book-service and he was one of 
the organisers of a busy series of evening lectures. Capitalising upon his free rail 
travel privileges (as a railway employee), he kept in direct contact with "outside" 
comrades, among them Luciano Farinelli in Ancona, Aurelio Chessa in Pistoia and Umberto 
Marzocchi in Savona. He was also in frequent contact with Alfonso Failla in Marina di 
Carrara, also holidaying there with his family. As a worker Pinelli was also involved in 
trade union affairs, especially helping to refloat the USI, a branch of which opened on 
the club premises. And the Milan Transport Authority's CUB (rank and file committee) chose 
the club as its own base, leaving only in the wake of the bombing on 12 December 1969: 
that move was prompted by the crackdown on anarchists.
Anarchist circles in Milan were all excitement, with libertarian groups emerging in lots 
of high schools and in the factories there were anarchist workers and frequent early 
morning leafletting campaigns. Books, pamphlets were produced and some of the older 
newspapers underwent a revival. Milan's anarchists felt the need to open a second 
clubhouse, this time in the southern part of the city. Among those most committed to the 
preparation and opening of the Via Scaldasole Club (in the Ticinese district) was Pinelli. 
On 25 April 1969 two bombings struck at the Central Station and the Show Grounds. 
Inquiries were directed towards libertarian circles and a number of anarchists were 
arrested: this was the start of a campaign of criminalisation that received a further 
boost in August when some train bombings were also credited to anarchists. There was also 
a rumour around to the effect that Pinelli, the anarchist railway worker, might be 
implicated. Pinelli and his "Bandiera Nera" (Black Flag) group bridled at this and took 
exception and denounced this black propaganda, launching - after the model of the British 
"Black Cross" at around the same time and the Russian Black Cross from the 1920s - the 
Anarchist Black Cross, specifically committed to concrete solidarity with arrested 
comrades, but also to publication of a counter-information bulletin. Pinelli was the 
highest profile anarchist in Milan and was regularly summoned to police HQ over 
applications for licences, meetings, etc.
The person he dealt with more often than not was a young police inspector, approachable in 
his manner, elegant and friendly: Luigi Calabresi. So when, on the afternoon of 12 
December 1969, right after the Piazza Fontana bomb outrage, Calabresi arrived at the Via 
Scaldasole Club and asked Pinelli to come to the station, Pinelli readily agreed, climbed 
on to his motor bike and followed the policeman's car. At headquarters, Pinelli found many 
of Milan's anarchists in one large room. They like him had been brought in for questioning 
about their alibis. Within 48 hours, the maximum "police custody" allowed under the laws 
at the time, those arrested had been released and a few had been transferred to San 
Vittore prison. Pinelli was detained at headquarters longer than the law allowed for. He 
was interrogated. Then, at around midnight on 15-16 December his body "flew" from a room 
belonging to the Political Bureau on the fourth floor and hit the ground. The initial 
conflicting versions of the police story suggested that the truth could not have been the 
official story of a "suicide". Pinelli died in Milan at the Fatebenefratelli Hospital on 
the night of 15-16 December 1969.
The political-legal follow-up to his killing, interwoven with the entire story of the 
Piazza Fontana massacre, especially with the "Valpreda affair" which over the years 
backfired on those in power. Clumsy attempts to hush everything up, culminating in the 
"active affliction" thesis put forward in his finding by Judge Gerardo D'Ambrosio, merely 
highlighted a truth that has yet to find its place in the official record. Dozens of 
books, movies, plays, art installations and songs were devoted to Pinelli and his murder 
and not just in Italy. Here let us cite only two of them: Nobel Prize-winner Dario Fo's 
Accidental Death of an Anarchist and Enrico Baj's massive painting Funeral of the 
Anarchist Pinelli.
[For more information on the Piazza Fontana massacre and the strategy of tension (the 
bombing campaign by fascists organised by elements of the Italian secret services) see 
Secrets and bombs: Piazza Fontana, 1969 by Lucio Lanza (]

From: Sicilia Libertaria, December 2005 . Translated by: Paul Sharkey


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