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Anarchic update news all over the world - 17.12.2017
» Anarchic update news all over the world - 17.12.2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 17.12.2017
Today's Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Against racism, For
migrant women and migrants, December 16 in Menton (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Britain, brighton solfed - G4Lets Refuse to Pay Up: Brighton
SolFed's Campaign Intensifies (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Décembre - Labor law XXL:
Women in the viewfinder Macron orders (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. Greece, Thessaloniki, "Black and Red" - APO: strike and
demonstration on December 14th - CALL for DISCUSSION, KAMARA
10.30 (gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. Greece, Anarchist Federation, liberta salonica: Let's not
Stay audience in the process of our class extermination. Let's
fight back! | General Strike 14/12/2017 (gr) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. ias romania: AN ANARCHIST GUIDE TO CHRISTMAS By Golos Truda
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7. Poland, ozzip: Noble Package of KM Operators of "Malopolska"
Cranes [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
8. vrije bond - Money collection for, G20 arrestants from
Amsterdam (nl) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
At the call of La Roya Citoyenne, the Collective of Solidarity with Migrants of the
Maritime Alps, the Coordination 75 of the Sans-Papiers and the International Coalition of
the Sans-Papiers and Migrants, a demonstration will take place on December 16 in Menton to
open borders, freedom for all and solidarity with migrants ---- Go to the ---- Donner bus
event to support the event ---- Facebook ---- Signatories ---- As a prelude to the
International Migrants Day, let's meet again on Saturday, December 16th in Menton: ---- ?
to celebrate International Migrants Day and give visibility to all the initiatives that
will be taken in this context ---- ? because this border has become one of the symbols of
the inhumanity of the migration policies of the French State and the European Union and
the development of the police state
? because border deaths are compounded by the increasing number of detention and
deportation measures, the thousands of migrants on the street, including isolated children
and young people, police harassment and the hunt for undocumented migrants
? because the French government, through the registration of emergency measures in common
law further contradicts the right of asylum and that same government is preparing a new
law further tightening its migration policy in a liberticidal sense
? because this region has become the symbol of solidarity that exists throughout the
country with migrants. But it has also become, after Calais, the symbol of the repression
against this movement and the people in solidarity
? to say " that's enough ! To put an end to the persecution of migrants and the racist
and security discourses and policies that plague our entire society.
? the reception of migrants
? freedom of movement and residence (article 13 of the Universal Declaration of the
Rights of Man and the Citizen)
? regularization of undocumented migrants
? the repeal of the Dublin agreements
? solidarity and equal rights for all
? the repeal of any " offense of solidarity " and the abandonment of all proceedings
against persons
download the leaflet in pdf
From Paris
Departure at 21H00 from Paris on Friday 15 December - Place de la République -
République Metro
Return Sunday, December 17th between 9:00 am and 11:00 am - Place de la République
Addresses to reserve a place in the bus of Paris: places to 50 euros, for the students,
unemployed and precarious the tariff will be adapted to the possibilities from 20 euros -
free for migrants - in cash or check payable to DIEL:
ATMF - 10 rue Affre - Metro La Chapelle or Barbès - open Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm
Le Point du Jour bookstore - 58 rue Gay Lussac - metro Censier Daubenton or RER
Luxembourg - open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 19:00
Librairie La Brèche - 27 rue Taine - metro Daumesnil - open Monday to Saturday from
12.00 to 20.00
If you can not move: send an email to chin16december[at]gmail.com to book.
For those who want to take the buses from Paris and come from cities outside the Paris
region (Lille, Le Have, Rouen, Caen, Nantes, Rennes, Amiens, Reims, etc ...) and who have
already their trip to Paris to pay, the buses will be free. Reserve your place by
informing us at menton16december[at]gmail.com
From Montpellier> departure between 7am and 8am from Montpellier to arrive around
12h30-13h30 in Menton
> demonstration at 15h
> return at 18:30 for an arrival at midnight
Write a mail to bus.montpellier[at]gmail.com
More about the Migrant.es collective Welcome 34
We need donations to protest !
You will find above the call to demonstrate on the French-Italian border on December 16th,
from La Roya Citoyenne, the Collective of Solidarity with the Migrants of the Alpes
Maritimes, the Coordination 75 of the Sans-Papiers and the International Coalition of the
Undocumented and Migrant-es.
We decided to join this call, and to go to Menton. But Menton is the farthest distance in
France from Paris ! This has a cost, and to allow all those who wish to participate to go
there, we have decided:
1. To book coaches (cheapest means of transport). The price of the coaches is 3500 €. This
means an amount of 60 to 70 € per place. We have to pay for these buses but we can not ask
for such money from those who come !
2. To charge only € 50 per seat, and obviously not to charge migrants in Paris who would
like to go there too.
So that means we have to be able to finance that. Each donation, even a small amount, will
be a contribution to allow a person to go to protest in Menton on December 16th !
Link to the helloasso page to give
Facebook links
Facebook page
Facebook event
First signatories:
ACORT, ATMF, Friends of the Citizen Roya, Cedetim, Louis Guilloux Circle, CRLDHT, DIEL,
Rights Front !!, Fasti, FTCR, Social Front, Gisti, MRAP, RESF, Out of Colonialism, UJFP,
UTAC, United Migrants, Emergency Our Assassinated Police, SAF, Union Syndicale Solidaires,
Student Solidarity, South Social Health, FERC-Cgt, AL, EELV, Social Ecology, Together,
Alternatives and Self-Management 06, Craftsmen of the World 06, Attac 06, Cimade 06,
Citizens Solidarity 06, Coordination Refugees-migrants 06 of the unsubstantial France,
Defend your citizenship, Emmaus Côte d'Azur, Together ! 06, FSU 06, LDH PACA Regional
Committee, LDH Nice, Doctors of the World, MRAP 06, NPA06, Left Party 06, RESF 06, Roya
Citizen, Solidarity 06, Student Solidarity, Southern Health Social, DNA (Association for
Democracy in Nice), CGT Trainers of Nice, CGT UD 06, CGT Educ'action 06, Habitat and
Citizenship, Bookshop « Words of the world » (Nice), PCF 06, All citizens! Cimade 05, All
Migrants (Briançonnais), MRAP Aubenas, CNT Interpro 07, Collectif Marseille in a state of
social emergency CIIP (InterPeuples Information Center), Collective 38 of solidarity with
foreigners and migrants (Resf, Rusf, Solidaires 38 , CGT 38, The hot potato, PC, NPA), LDH
38 CADR 74 (Collective Home Defense Roms 74), NPA 74, CMCAS Pays de Savoie) (CE Energy
73/74), LDH Annecy, Youth Against Hatred Savoie Collectif 69 of support for refugees and
migrants, Southern Social Health 69, Sud Telecom 69, CGT Vinatier, LDH 69, ATTAC 69, UJFP
69, Emancipation 69, NPA 69, CGA-Lyon, ASTI Valencia, ASTI Romans, Solidarity and
Language, Migrant Support Collective of Bourg-en-Brese Collectif Bienvenue Migrant-es 34,
RESF 34, ACAT 34, Sud-éducation 34, CGA 34, ZIP 34, The Collective34, Together! 34,
Assembly against state violence Association support for Jean-Luc Murno and his bike,
AHSETI (Le Havre), Asti 14 Collective Justice and Freedoms Strasbourg, " By the way we
are from here " Bas-Rhin, Collectif Mosellan against poverty, Blida Rebellion A roof is a
right Rennes, Rennes, Rennes Rennes, NPA Rennes Coordination des Sans-Papiers 75,
Coordination des Sans-Papiers 92, Integration 21, Collective Paris 20 Solidaires with all
Migrant-es, Coordination against slavery in Libya, Paris 18 Solidarity Zone, United
Migrants, Solidaires Paris, Harissa white sauce Montreuil, AMDH-Paris
Message: 2
Brighton lettings agency G4Lets is facing a growing campaign by two groups of tenants
organising with Brighton SolFed for the return of their deposits and for compensation
after they lived in damp, mice-infested accommodation for a year, and were subsequently
charged for pre-existing damage at the properties when they requested the return of their
deposits. Both sets of tenants were students at the time of their tenancies. ---- A recent
article in The Tab student newspaper highlighted the strength of feeling against G4Lets in
the city. Numerous commenters on the newspaper's Facebook page suggested that they had
endured similar mistreatment by the agency. Other tenants have spoken to us at the pickets
and on social media to tell us of their problems with G4Lets. 'Avoid like the plague' was
the advice of one former tenant. It would appear that prospective tenants are taking this
advice, as some have been in touch to say that they will now not be using G4Lets having
found out about their dodgy practices.
G4Lets has attempted to intimidate the tenants out of taking action by contacting their
guarantors to inform them of the campaign. The problem for G4Lets is that the tenants'
guarantors are in solidarity with them, because they understand the ways in which the
tenants have been mistreated by G4Lets. Most recently, G4Lets requested time to review
evidence that had been provided for a second time. The tenants agreed to grant them a
working week to do so, in addition to the two weeks they had already been in possession of
this evidence, though G4Lets did not meet the deadline with a response.
SolFed has supported the tenants in trying to find an amicable solution to this dispute,
yet these efforts have been met with a refusal to engage, and now with missed deadlines.
SolFed and the tenants are now stepping up our campaign, which will continue until the
tenants receive adequate compensation. If you would like to support these tenants against
the indifference of G4Lets, come along to the picket on Wednesday 13th December at 4pm,
meeting outside Fiveways pub at 3.50pm.
An injury to one is an injury to all!
Message: 3
Precarisation of increased working conditions, reduced access to occupational medicine and
prevention bodies, invisibilisation of gender inequalities: the impact of Macron orders
will be insidiously amplified for women workers. ---- While the government declares that
equality between women and men will be " the great cause of the five-year period ",
these announcement effects are far from being in line with reality. The measures follow
each other, with an ever greater impact on the working conditions of women. However, at
the beginning of September, the forum published on the Médiapart site on the initiative of
feminist activists and various supporters points to the specific consequences of the
orders against an already precarious female population. ---- Some numbers speak for
themselves. Among female employees, women work part-time more often than men (30.4% versus
7.9%). Similarly, they are more subject to short contracts: 16% of them are hired on
fixed-term contracts against 13.4% of men [1].
These statistics are not a surprise: every year, the same inequalities are highlighted.
Given these realities, how can one envisage that the law XXL labor has positive
consequences for the employees ?
Negotiating in the company at the expense of women
Even though the inversion of the hierarchy of standards has a devastating impact on all
employees, it obviously has a very particular dimension for women. Indeed, with the
questioning of branch agreements and collective agreements in favor of intra-company
bargaining, the rights collectively won simply run the risk of being ignored. business
negotiations, nothing can guarantee the maintenance of current rights, let alone the
acquisition of new ones. Indeed, in most small businesses and SMEs, it is rare for a union
to be able to exercise the balance of power necessary to maintain social gains. This is
particularly evident in the tertiary sector, where the workforce is highly feminised
(sales, commerce, services to the person ...). As a result, all employees are weakened,
but especially women.
In practice, even if rights are enshrined in the law, such as the minimum statutory period
of maternity leave, many more favorable provisions are included in collective agreements.
Thus, an increase in this minimum leave period, or the arrangement of working time for
pregnant women, can be eliminated by company agreement legally.
In the same way, the extension of work on Sundays impacts women's lives: they will bear
the brunt of this measure because they are overrepresented in the sectors concerned. In
commerce or sales, they may be forced to work extra days. In the case of single-parent
families, Sunday work means organizing childcare on a non-working day, with no solution
financially acceptable for people who do not have a friendly or family network.
Prevention and support: do it yourself !
In the services to the person, they will be able to lose the rights currently fixed by the
collective agreements, in particular on the amount of the remunerations on Sunday. This
sector is all the more vulnerable as it almost exclusively employs women on part-time
contracts, often imposed, with cut-off hours and a large hourly scale. As these employees
have little or no collective development space, how can we envisage a dynamic struggle or
gathering against current and future destruction ?
The ordinances do not stop there: various bodies having a watchdog role concerning the
issues specific to women will be cut off from part of their missions, even suppressed.
The Macron orders profoundly modify access to occupational medicine: initially, a visit
was mandatory at the time of hiring. From now on, this visit will only be done if the
employees ask for it. However, we already observe that of the percentage of people who
have never been to occupational medicine, women are twice as numerous as men (2013).
Similarly, among those who had a visit in the past year, whose overall trend is
decreasing, the gap is more than 10% [2]. These figures clearly show that access to
work-related prevention medicine is less developed for women, whereas many women are
concerned by precarious contracts in high-difficulty jobs (supermarkets, agri-food,
services, etc.). to the person...).
Occupational medicine, which, in connection with the CHSCT, made it possible to warn about
certain situations such as harassment at work or the hardships, will have on the one hand
more tools to carry out its missions, other share more relevant interlocutor. Indeed, one
of the guidelines provided by the ordinances is to merge all the representative bodies of
the personnel (IRP). However, by grouping the latter, the government removes the
specificity of each, and creates a single body, bringing together fewer people, with a
time and resources allocated always more limited. Under these conditions, it is clear that
priority will not be given to the alert and prevention dimensions for women and to
situations of harassment. The probability being that the future Social and Economic
Committee (SSC) is confined, lack of means, to strictly economic issues. In addition, a
provision of the Rebsamen law of 2015, was intended to institute parity in professional
elections. Although no law will solve the structural problems of patriarchy, it is
revealing that this provision has not even been mentioned in the new law.
This phenomenon of invisibilisation of inequalities at work is expressed to another
extent: since 1983, employers can be punished if they do not provide the gender statistics
related to their company. With reform, this comparative data is no longer mandatory.
(c) mdf Paris
Invisitization of inequalities at work
Beyond these orders, it is imperative to keep in mind that each new attack on the labor
code has specific consequences on employees. In this context, it is all the more necessary
to invest the existing areas of struggle and to create new ones. Thus, during the various
mobilizations against the labor law, we can only regret the lack of echoes that have had
women's warnings on these issues.
AL Lorient
[1] 2016 figures of INSEE.
[2] Investigation of the Dares " Working Conditions " ; No. 10, 2015.
Message: 4
Governmental and capitalist barbarism is rapidly increasing the conditions of poverty and
impoverishment at the bottom. We can find the thread that unites the policies of managing
our lives with their simultaneous depreciation and repression of struggling parts of
society that are trying to break into the existing bankrupt state system and bosses.
The guise of the economic crisis and the trade of hope by the current power administrators
paves the way for the ever deeper depreciation of their lives from below through
conditions that erase a bleak reality. On the other hand, in the awareness of parts of
society that mediation and commissioning now have nothing to offer except the
intensification of exploitation over the lives of the oppressed.
SYRIZA's management policy, on the one hand, seeks to create conditions of social peace
and class cooperation and, on the other hand, to suppress resentment voices articulated
against the existing system. The imposition of ever-tougher economic measures, the attempt
to establish a working middle-class, the suppression of social and class struggles, the
fascist premium through their legitimacy, the political transition from integration into
repression, the change of position on the world map in relation to war, sketching and
completing the puzzles of everyday life, modern totalitarianism.
The abolition of Sunday holidays, "white nights", "black preparations", the attack on MAT
in students 'education, first-time auctions, employers' arbitrariness with a shrewd
example of the public who refuse to pay the amount has been convicted to the redundant
company and the recent example of abusive and venal dismissal at aromalab in Oraiokastro
Thessaloniki, the second within a few months of working in the municipality of Zografou is
some of the examples of management As Syriza - ANEL government.
At the same time, the government's management of government control and repression extends
across the spectrum of society, with clear examples: the drowning of the social dividend,
the introduction of an electronic ticket to the MMMs that impose control, excludes social
and imperialism, targeting structures of the social and class struggle, self-organized
structures, with recent examples of calling 16 people to capture Mundo Nuevo in
Thessaloniki by the cops, the detention of 9 Kurds and T the wretched conditions in
concentration camps and the persecution of immigrants in Moria, the establishment of
nuclear facilities in Araxos, the state and capitalist crimes in the Saronic, Halkidiki
and Acheloos.
The labor struggles and demands faced with state repression since the first time expressed
and we see an attempt of the government (and legislative and repressive) to penalize trade
unionism. Since the arrests in Market In Ioannina and persecution of COP members in
Athens, from the preventive arrests and targeting workers in transportation to and attack
the forces of repression in the corridors of the municipal courts against those who block
the conduct of the auctions is commonplace to complete law enforcement and order.
In full accordance with the above are added new provisions on the right to strike
declaration, which essentially abolished as required in 50% of registered members and the
amendment concerning accidents where more clearly the employer is not liable of them.
The abolition of the strike, essentially, and the blasphemy of the bosses confirms the
policy of repression, the transition from integration to repression. Anything that could
be incorporated in the past and lose its radical characteristics, the pervasive and
unconcerned, is now defined as something to be suppressed, to disappear, because nothing
in its existence serves the political power administrators. In the same direction in a
different way, confirming the real significance of the strike, the annual GSEE strike for
the budget is also moving. In the direction of deprecation of strikes, de-emulation,
attempt not to be decisive. At the same time that the GSEE workers' union leadership is
striking a budget strike, absent the filing of new provisions to vote for the abolition of
the strike itself. On the other hand, the KKE trade union organization, PAME, while
stating its militancy in the workplace, essentially launches and organizes contending
struggles controlled exclusively by the same and politically innocuous. Its bureaucratic
structure has long shown its limits.
It is clear that whatever form of resistance springs out can not be guided, but springs as
a source reaction, with radical, political and class characteristics, towards the
degradation and impoverishment of our lives. That is, to turn against the very roots of
state policy, to target the very essence of the power systems.
We for our part have to fight with a clear orientation, to make through the continuous and
organized struggle the strikes again dangerous for the state and the bosses. Through
grassroots, horizontal and anti-lingual schemes, neighborhood assemblies, together with
students, students, workers, unemployed, in the workplace, schools and schools, to give
these battles to the social and class struggles that will have as a compass the
construction of a a world of equality, freedom and solidarity.
we call on all of us to make the December 14 strike again dangerous for the bankrupt state
and capital system.
Collectivism for Social Anarchism "Black and Red" Member of APO-OS
Message: 5
The completion of the third Eurogroup evaluation on 4 December preaches the forthcoming
filing of a new polynomial that will further exacerbate class bleeding, worsening and
widening poverty and misery from below. SYRIZA. argues that in the summer of 2018 he is
preparing to "torture" the memorandums, while the memorandum commitments dictate
international economic commissioners by 2060. In a nutshell, we are laughing openly. ----
Resistances of the working class are facing a huge threat, as with the amendment, as a
precondition for a strike by primary unions, the approval of 50% + 1 of the registered
members now stands instead of the current guarantee of the majority of the members present
in the general assembly of the association. Essentially, this arrangement makes it
impossible for strikes to be declared, generously offering the bosses the "gift" of the
unimpeded - from the workers' mobilizations - the extraction of surplus value. This means
that in the face of employers' arbitrariness, intensified and flexible working
relationships, but also in the face of economic exploitation, the militant trade union
response will have lost one of its most important tools: the strike.
At the same time, the legalization of the lock-out that was banned since 1982 has come
back. That is, when a strike is launched, the boss has the option of using scrapes, either
by putting workers who are not in the strike to work either ... replacing those who strike
, while he can even get locked in the business by not paying accrued to employees and
giving them reduced compensation. In addition, in the event of an accident at work, proof
of the existence of an offense by the boss is now required to pay compensation. Recourse
to civil courts is intended to break the boss by shifting responsibility to his
"character" and not to the exploitation conditions he imposes.
As if not all of this, it is being promoted to reduce and eliminate various benefits. In
particular, the EKAS is cut by 240 million (from 320 million in 2017 to 80 million in
2018), with the prospect of abolishing altogether in 2019 and the heating allowance
decreases by 50% in 2018. The IMF calls for a review of disability benefits through the
involving private centers in its certification process, evaluating and regaining its
rates, with the aim of foreclosing several of the earliest beneficiaries of the
corresponding allowance. The benefits of poverty, unprotected children, natural disasters
and unemployment of newcomers from the OAED are permanently abolished. As regards family
allowances, reductions are foreseen in connection with the emergence of social cannibalism
through the side road. In particular, triple and large family bonuses are reduced to
redistribute the peeled crumbs to families with one or two children. The payment of the
housing-student allowance will have even fewer recipients, as lenders insist on lowering
the income threshold of 30,000 euros so far. An exception for beneficiaries is also to be
applied for receiving the housing allowance on the grounds that it is not possible to
secure surplus targets for 2018.
Electronic auctions launched as early as 29/11, according to an institutional
announcement, will be stepped up in the coming period to reach 18,000 in the coming
months. Auctions will be extended to debts to the state, and with changes in bankruptcy
law, the way for the redemption of red loans to speculative funds opens and removes the
protection of the first home. Banks will be recapitalised with aid of EUR 10 billion. The
transfer of wealth from the bottom of the social pyramid to the top is done in the most
hideous (and long overlooked) way. Electronic auctioning is the ultimate solution or
better the circumvention of the social resistance that has been blocking for nearly a year
and a half the predatory transfer of the first home to the speculative funds and their
custodians, that is to the local and international banking institutions. Auctioning must
be done at any cost at the request of the lenders, so the SYRIZA-ANEL co-operation is
preparing to pass a law on the ex-officio prosecution of those who hinder their execution.
A further part of the overall sell-out concerns privatizations centered on electricity,
transport, water, telecoms and natural wealth. PPC will have to contribute 51% of the
shares of PPC (Independent Transmission System Operator) to holding companies and 40% of
PPC's lignite production will have to be divested. Two lignite units in Megalopolis and
one in Meliti are going to be sold. On 17/11, TAIDED (Public Utilities Development Fund)
announced the opening of a public procurement procedure for the award of a service
concession contract for the financing, operation, maintenance and operation of the Egnatia
Motorway and three vertical road axes. New tolls are to be added, along with rebalancing
on their invoices. The DESFA (National Gas Transmission System Operator), 66% of which is
to be privatized through a tender launched by the TAIPE and the subsequent withdrawal of
DEPA (Public Gas Company) from Thessaly and Thessaloniki. EYDAP is privatized by + 0.17%,
while EYDAP is + 2.17%. Water from inalienable social goods is transformed due to
speculative burdens in commodity, services are declining in quality, costs are on the
rise, workers' earnings are squeezed down, working conditions "harden" and layoffs are one
of the first strategic steps new managers. Privatization also involves the Metro, while
the sale of Hellenic airport faces some troublesome hurdles so far, such as forest
eruption and antiquities, while in June, some 150 immigrants who had found shelter in the
old airport buildings were removed. The investment dream of Hellenic's privatization must
be completed in the first quarter of 2018, so that the construction of a modern capitalist
paradise will begin with the construction of a tourist complex in which a casino will be
housed. In the face of the unprofitable profitability of the capitalists, land becomes
"fillet" for sale. while in June, some 150 immigrants who had found shelter in the old
airport buildings were removed. The investment dream of Hellenic's privatization must be
completed in the first quarter of 2018, so that the construction of a modern capitalist
paradise will begin with the construction of a tourist complex in which a casino will be
housed. In the face of the unprofitable profitability of the capitalists, land becomes
"fillet" for sale. while in June, some 150 immigrants who had found shelter in the old
airport buildings were removed. The investment dream of Hellenic's privatization must be
completed in the first quarter of 2018, so that the construction of a modern capitalist
paradise will begin with the construction of a tourist complex in which a casino will be
housed. In the face of the unprofitable profitability of the capitalists, land becomes
"fillet" for sale.
The welfare budget is going to be "cut" by 1.6 billion for 2018, while taxing will grow
altogether by 900 million euros. Government funding for public hospitals will be reduced
by € 363 million and € 214 million will be cut from the HEPA. The already astounding
public health system is collapsing more and more. The measures adopted to abolish the 10%
deduction on the tax on medical expenses and the lifting of the 1.5% tax deduction on the
tax returns of employees and pensioners will now be implemented with a view to achieving
primary surplus of 3.5% of GDP (3.82% of the budget). From the very first day that a debt
to the public is overdue, the possibility of regulating the 100 installments will be lost.
In addition to, pensions will be recalculated so that the 30% ceiling on their reduction
in the case of early retirement is no longer in place so that the reduction in the pension
is higher. In 2019, the so-called personal difference in pensions will be curtailed. The
new revenue cut, which is set to begin on 1 January 2019, may be applied as of 2018 if it
requires the narrow margins of fiscal adjustment. In addition, evaluation measures and
mobility of civil servants are included in the third evaluation, further downgrading the
already dismantled public services combined with redundancies and a negative change in
labor relations. Teachers and schools will be evaluated in the field of education,
teachers' time will reach 30 working hours a week,
On 22 January 2018, the 4th evaluation process will begin, which will bring about a new
barrage of anti-labor and anti-social measures. This is the boldness of the monumental
reality. The plunder of the social majority will continue and intensify for a long time.
When our own survival is disputed in the most shameful way and our lives haggle over
inter-state credit agreements for debt recycling so that capitalists can save and get rich
even more, all of us, the exploited and the oppressed can not sit with crossed hands. The
masters tell us to make patience and tell us that our sacrifices will be rewarded when
"growth comes". If we do not understand that with all of us we are in rival camps, due to
our position in the production process and accordingly to the social pyramid, our
impoverishment will not be over. Order peace and national unity are class actions of
"suicide" for proletarians. With those who live from our work, with those who harvest the
wealth we produce, with those who seemingly declare "on behalf of the people" within the
framework of the electoral oligarchy and the statehood, but are the political staff of
capital, we have nothing at all public! Our interests are from the material reality on the
contrary. with those who harvest the wealth we produce, with those who seemingly declare
"on behalf of the people" within the framework of the electoral oligarchy and the
statehood, but they are the political staff of capital, we have nothing in common! Our
interests are from the material reality on the contrary. with those who harvest the wealth
we produce, with those who seemingly declare "on behalf of the people" within the
framework of the electoral oligarchy and the statehood, but they are the political staff
of capital, we have nothing in common! Our interests are from the material reality on the
SYRIZA. he was empowered to take the hope of the oppressed, promising a capitalism with a
human face, defeating the social and class resistance, integrating and assimilating a
large part of them. In the era of violent restructuring that seeks capital to overcome the
structural overcrowding crisis generated by the internal contradictions of capitalism
itself, social democracy is an obsolete and unprofitable recipe for capital. The
indicative solution for the capitalists is the plundering of the stratum strata through
neo-liberal reforms. If, of course, there are explosive social resistances that threaten
the viability of the system itself, fascism is employed as the last and most barbaric
reserve of capital, with the scenario, of course,
As long as we avoid the fight, we will experience the defeat. Achievements won by
long-lasting struggles, which have not been given in any way, are "smoked" in every
subsequent round of the memorandum. The loop narrows even further on our neck. In order
not to live as slaves and not to beg for beggars, we must organize our social and class
counter-attack against state and capital. We should be organized into grassroots
societies, while bureaucratic-trade unionism is a hindrance to labor struggles because it
is a pole of orderly peace and consensus in social and labor extermination policies while
at the same time partisan "professional trade unionists" are being maintained and
political career by aspiring creatures on the backs of the workers.
Against the barbarity of modern totalitarianism, through akidemonefti social and class
organization and counterattack from the base, without leaders and representatives, the
transformation of existing production and social relations, passes through the destruction
of the state and capitalism for the social revolution. To make a world for everyone and
not for a few. A world where everyone will produce according to their capabilities and
will receive according to their needs. A world where human exploitation by man, human
nature and the power of man on man will cease. We are struggling for a society of
universal emancipation, freedom, equality and solidarity,
10:00 KAMARA
participate in the common anarchist block
Anarchist Federation
info @ anarchist-federation.gr
twitter: witter.com/anarchistfedGr
fb: facebook.com/anarxikiomospondia2015 /
Message: 6
It is not surprising to discover that anarchist theorist Piotr Kropotkin was interested in
Christmas. In Russian culture, St. Nicholas (Nicolas the Wonderworker) was venerated as a
defender of the oppressed, weak and disadvantaged. Kropotkin shared these feelings. But
there was also a family bond. As it is known, Kropotkin comes from the ancient Dynasty
Rurik who ruled Russia before the Romans and who, since the first century AD, controlled
the commercial routes between Moscow and the Byzantine Empire. The part of the family to
which Nicholas belonged was sent to patrol the Black Sea. But Nicholas was a spiritual man
and sought to escape the piracy and robbery for which his Russian viking family was
renowned. So he settled under a new name in the southern countries of the Empire, where
Greece is now,
Unpublished sources of archive recently found in Moscow that Kropotkin was fascinated by
this family history and the striking resemblance between him and Father Christmas's image,
popularized by the publication "A visit from Santa Claus" (also known as "The Evening
Beyond Christmas ") of 1823.
Kropotkin was not as cunning as Klaus, but a pillow under his tunic could easily mimic
him. His friend, Elisee Reclus, advised him to give up the fur on the suit. It was a good
idea because it allowed him to wear more black in combination with red. He followed
Elisee's advice on reindeer, and used a handshake. Kropotlin is generally not expensive.
But he took advantage of this resemblance to spread the anarchist message, which was an
excellent propaganda by deed.
Kropotkin believed we could all be Santa Claus. On the edge of a page it says: "Infiltrate
the stores, distribute the toys!"
Remains on the back of a view proclaim:
"The night before Christmas we'll all be ready
As people sleep, we
'll blow We'll expose goods from stores because it's fair
And we'll distribute them to those who need it."
The notes of his project also show some valuable perspectives on his ideas about the
anarchist features of Christmas and how Victorian Christmas rituals can be adapted. "We
all know," he says, "that the big stores - John Lewis, Harrods and Selfridges - are
starting to exploit the commercial potential of Christmas, creating caves, caves and
magical realms to draw our children and press us to buy gifts we do not want them and we
can not afford them. "
"If you are one of us," he continues, "you will realize that the Christmas magic depends
on Father Christmas's production system, not the shops' attempts to seduce you to use
unnecessary luxuries." Kroporkin describes the workshops at the North Pole where the elves
worked all year round because they knew they were producing for the pleasure of others.
Observing that these workshops were strictly nonprofit, artisanal, and deployed on
communal lines, Kropotkin considered them prototypes for factories of the future
(described in "Fields, Factories and Workshops").
He believed that some people considered Santa Claus's dream of bringing a gift to everyone
on Christmas Day as idealistic. But it could be accomplished. Indeed, the expansion of
workshops - which are expensive in the Arctic - would facilitate generalized production
for needs and the transformation of occasional gifts into a gift-based economy. "We have
to tell people," Kropotkin wrote, "that community workshops can be set up anywhere, and
that we can pool resources to make sure everyone has satisfying needs"!
One of the things that bothered Kropotkin most about Christmas was how Nicholas's
inspirational role in creating Christmas myths that distorted his ethics. Nicholas was
mistakenly represented as a charitable, benevolent man: holy because he was benevolent.
Absorbed in the figure of Santa Claus, Nicholas' motivations to give birth became even
more erroneous by the Victorian fixation for children.
Kropotkin did not really understand the ties, but he thought it was an attempt to moralize
childhood through a concept of purity symbolized by the birth of Jesus. Of course, he
could not imagine creating the "big brother" Santa Claus, who knows when the kids are
sleeping or not, and who arrives in the city knowing who dared to cry or be stunned.
But, sooner or later, this idea of purity will be used to distinguish between naughty
children and those who are good, and only the latter will be rewarding with gifts.
Whatever the situation, it was important both to recover the principle of Nicholas'
compassion from this confusion and the folkloric origin of Santa Claus. Nicholas gave him
because he was aware of the suffering of other people. Although he was not an assassin (as
far as Kropotkin knew), he shared the same ethics as Sofia Petrovskaya. And although it is
important to worry about the well-being of children, the anarchist principle is to take
account of everyone's sufferings.
Similarly, the practice of dedication was wrongly considered to require the implementation
of a centrally coordinated plan supervised by an all-knowing administrator. This is wrong:
Santa comes from the imagination of the people (consider the variety of names accumulated
by Nicholas: Sinterklaas, Tomte, de Kerstman). And the spread of the gentle spirit was
organized from bottom to top.
Rooted in Christmas, says Kropotkin, is the solidarity principle of mutual aid.
Kropotkin appreciated the significance of the ritual and real value that individuals and
communities attributed to carnival, commemorating and remembering actions. He did not want
to decimate Christmas just as he did not want it to be republicanized by any bureaucratic
reordering of the calendar.
It was, however, important to separate the ethics that Christmas holds for the singularity
of his holiday. A party means only that; expanding the principle of mutual help and
compassion in everyday life is quite different. In the capitalist society, Christmas
offers a space for particularly good behaviors. Although it is possible to be a Christian
once a year, anarchism is for life.
Kropotkin realized that his propaganda would have the best chance of success if he could
show how the anarchist message is embedded in popular culture. His notes show that he was
particularly interested in Dickens 'Christmas Carol' to find a vehicle for his ideas. The
book was highly appreciated because it strengthened feelings of love, joy and goodwill for
Christmas. Kropotkin considered it brilliant in its structure. What else was the story of
Scrooge's encounter with the ghosts of past, present and future if not a prefigurative
account of change?
Seeing his present past, Scrooge has been given the chance to change his blatant way of
being and shaping both his own future and the future of the Cratchit family. Even though
it is only remembered once a year, Dickens' book, considered Kropotkin, offers the
anarchists a perfect instrument to teach this lesson: by transforming our present actions,
adapting our behaviors to Nicholas, we can build a future in which to be always Christmas!
Ruth Kinna is an editor of the Anarchist Studies journal and a political theory teacher at
Loughborough University. He is the author of Anarchism volumes: A Beginners Guide and
William Morris: The Art of Socialism .
Message: 7
The Intercompany Commission of the Crane Operators of OZZIP "Malopolska" organized a
fundraiser as part of the Szlachetna Paczka campaign. Food, cleaning supplies, electric
kettle, quilt, pillows, bedding and other items were purchased from the collected funds.
The products will go to Mrs. Genowefa, 80 years old. The operators who initiated the
action say: "We pass thanks to Mrs. Genowefa, who opened the packages while wiping her
tears." Thank you all for supporting this project and people in need.
Message: 8
In solidarity, the Vrije Bond has offered a bank account for collecting donations to
support Peike, the G20 arrestee from Amsterdam. ---- Donations can be transferred to the
bank account ---- At the moment, little is known about the exact situation. It is clear,
however, that a lot of money will be needed to pay of legal costs, etc. Peike also needs
money to buy things like food, stamps, etc. More information will follow at a later stage
from the support group that supports the arrestor. ---- See Free Peike website. ----
https://freepeike.noblogs.org/ ---- And this article ‘First NoG20 court verdict &
Linksunten Ban: Banana republic Germany shows its ugly face' on Enough is Enough! ---- Or
this article ‘G20 protest and state repression. Solidarity with Peike and other
prisoners!' on Anarchistnews.org .