Today's Topics:
1. liberta salonica: Concentration Against Sunday Work 17/12
(gr) [machine translation] (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire - policy, Attempted coup de
force: What is happening at Lille-III ? by AL Douai-Valenciennes
(fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
3. New Edition of the Migrant's Guide to Manchester in English
and Spanish (
4. Czech, afed: The police bully from Hamburg did not end.
[machine translation] (
5. Greece, APO: Information from the Solidarity Concentration
in Aromalab's Failure in Thessaloniki (gr) [machine translation]
Message: 1
TO REMOVE THE WATER OF CAPITALISM ---- In the times of the impoverishment of the working
class and the state of exception to which the unemployed are, comes the law of
co-government SYRIZA / ANEL, which provides for the operation of the shops for 32 Sundays
per year. The intention of the state and the capitalists to completely abolish the Sunday
holiday is more than obvious. ---- Where does the Sunday holiday abolish? ---- The
abolition of the Sunday holiday and the full elasticities of the hours are a very
important part of the capitalist restructuring that was intensified by the crisis. At the
core of this restructuring is labor relations as the factor that relies on exploitation of
workers, the production of surplus value and ultimately the profits of capitalists. It is
a measure that will directly benefit the big businessmen and the big shopping malls, which
will favor the further accumulation of capital. But it is yet another attack on work
achievements that paves the way for further intensification and autocralization of already
precarious labor relations in line with the dominant spirit of full commercialization of
our lives. In order to survive capitalism in crisis, it must be aggressively expanding on
more and more points where it has not been sufficiently exploited to date. The goal is to
turn workers into working machines with few rights that when they are not working they
will be compassionate consumers. That is to say, the total transformation of life into a
cycle of production of surplus value, consumption of goods and accumulation of capital.
This is the notorious capitalist development. Anyone who thinks that this attack on
workers' free time will stop trading is very much a shame. That is to say, the total
transformation of life into a cycle of production of surplus value, consumption of goods
and accumulation of capital. This is the notorious capitalist development. Anyone who
thinks that this attack on workers' free time will stop trading is very much a shame. That
is to say, the total transformation of life into a cycle of production of surplus value,
consumption of goods and accumulation of capital. This is the notorious capitalist
development. Anyone who thinks that this attack on workers' free time will stop trading is
very much a shame.
The sacred alliance of commercializing our lives
This effort brings together an expanded front of forces that each contributes to the
common goal. Driving force is, of course, the capitalists and the main lever is the
government that, using the state mechanism, acts as the agent of capital. This, of course,
is one of the basic functions of the state in modern totalitarianism. The role of the
judiciary is also clear and distinct, and a brief look at the role it has played in the
labor rights laborer in recent years has not left the fact that the CoE's provisional
decision has blurred the waters. Statutory SMEs have assumed the role of ideological
vanguard in trying to present Sunday's operation as a solution to their crisis and to
advertise it as much as possible, at the same time they show any reaction as antisocial
and detrimental to workers. Particular reference should be made to the free-press
libraries that, with their supposedly de-ideologized and aesthetized view, crystallize the
content of socialism as aggressive neo-liberalism. Most of the trade associations also
helped them in their own way. Initially with his "7 Sundays and not 52" where they showed
that they did not understand that the hegemony was now owned by the big ones rather than
the ones themselves, and any change in the Sunday holiday would not stay there, but would
spare everything. Then with the introduction of institutions that contribute to the
elastification of hours such as "white nights" where workers are forced to work until
midnight to increase turnover. The "white nights" contributed to a number of
municipalities that supported many such efforts, including mayors on the left,
demonstrating its role as a left of capital and a potential management power of the system
rather than a power of overthrow. Last but not least, disturbing consumers who are willing
to pretend their breasts to shop on Sunday play the role of useful idiots who do not
realize that the complete abolition of labor rights will also affect them.
The importance of the fight against the abolition of Sunday's holiday
We must not forget the immediate impact of the intensification of work on the lives of
workers. At the same time that official unemployment is at 26%, employees' free time is
clipped. The concept of leisure time narrows to accommodate only the consumption and the
absolutely necessary rest. The labor movement must understand the issue of leisure time as
being of equal importance to salary, as aspects of the same thing. He has to reorganize
the concept of leisure time out and against capitalism as a time that workers use to
organize their resistance to capitalist barbarism, to create their own culture, to live
out of the sovereignty of commodity.
What to do
The abolition of the Sunday holiday is not only for the employees but for all the workers.
Strikes of industry unions on Sundays that are open to shops are essential and must be
supported but not enough. Horizontal co-ordination of wider parts of our class, grassroots
clubs, labor struggles, and societies is necessary to make these strikes generalized. In
this effort, institutional unionism and its defeated rationale and practices are
weightless, not ally. To win this battle, the road is one: we must destroy the functioning
of the market on Sundays. With massive paths, dynamic interventions and shop blockades,
sabotage, street closures to create a multi-faceted movement until they make a decision
that our Sundays are not going to give them to the world of commodity. On our Sundays we
will use them to celebrate and discuss, to fall in love and organize the Social Revolution
that will sweep the world of the state and capital and build freedom.
Against the Abandonment of
support the call for Action Coordinator Against Sunday Work and the Liberalized Hours
lib_thess @
Abolition of Sunday's holiday: the advancement of the elasticisation
In the 1980s, the historic political leader of neoliberalism, M. Thatcher had formulated
the basic aphorism that describes the soul of the neoliberal dystopia "There is no
society, only individuals and their families."
From a direct class perspective, the defense of the Sunday holiday is nothing but the
defense of another "castle" against the invasion of capital. Another important labor right
that is under threat, having behind it dozens of lost, and ahead of what's left.
The abolition of the Sunday holiday, as well as the complete elastification of the hours,
constitute a very important part of the capitalist restructuring, which capital imposes in
the years of the economic crisis. The abolition of Sunday's holiday benefits primarily the
large commercial capital - local and international - but secondarily all small or
medium-sized bosses who are happy to welcome the opening of the shops on Sundays with the
note not being every Sunday.
Capital is not enough to cut wages and wider employers' costs, but seeks to fully
elasticize labor relations: rotating work, split hours, contracts even for just a few
days, work on Sunday, the legal " overtime "as well as two hours a day," hourly
"employment is an aspect of this elasticities. To put it simply, you work when they ask
for it and for as long as they ask for it. Capitalism extends not only geographically but
also "temporally": every aspect of our lives is gradually but steadily embedded in the
circle of capital - not just our eighth hour, but every minute of our free time goes into
the cycle of production, consumption and accumulation.
Capital employs empirically on the world of labor, with the latter paying too expensive
both the individual resignation and the absence of struggle structures that could defend
that it is now threatened and that it has already lost.
Abolition of Sunday's holiday: the disintegration of social cohesion from the bottom
However, broadening the visual and social, and class struggle, there is a bigger picture,
a more comprehensive description of what the moment of the end of the crisis will look
like, if the power finally succeeds in imposing its own interest.
Why Sunday is not just a commentary day, stable and planned for the exploiter. It is also
a common day of commentary for everyone and everyone (with the exception of the necessary
"security staff", which begins and is scheduled for more and more professional
categories). A reality of centuries for the vast majority of workers. But the issue is not
the historicity of the holiday, it is how this historicity has determined both the
collective life, the individual time management and the overall regulatory framework of
social relations in the individual fields. When, for example, a family can meet with
certainty? When can one "wake up at what time he wants"? When will children have a certain
time with adults? When will a company be found, people who have a common hobby? When can
visits be made? Which night is for a common exit and fun? The existence of a fixed day of
the week that "society as a whole" has free time is essential for the weaving of the
social fabric itself. It is no coincidence that all the basic religions have adopted this
reality by using it at the same time to strengthen their penetration into the social
spheres and to strengthen their dictatorship over morals.
The abolition of the Sunday holiday, at best, will be replaced by a fixed day offset some
day of the week. This will cause a vertical split of "leisure communities" between
workers. Different days of rest will weaken the functioning of social fields, transfer the
weight directly from collective planning to the individual management of everyday life. In
the best case. Why, in fact, capital does not make miseries. The boss will decide when,
how much and how much he / she will work and communicate it to the worker - perhaps the
previous day as well, as often all of us have experienced. This will happen and it is a
massive "contamination" of precariousness throughout the everyday life. The course of
capital and the market towards in-depth conquest of all public and private space is a
process of deconstruction of all social cohesion from the bottom. It is a confirmation of
the apology of the Prime Minister of England.
There is no reason to doubt that social dynamics will find ways to re-weave tissues. The
abolition of the Sunday holiday, however, is still a very significant retreat from the
conditions of individual and collective survival that the workers, all of us, had gained
in recent years. It does not cease to be a serious blow to the personal dignity of
defining your everyday life as well as the possibilities of social existence.
The attack we are taking is very flat and threatens to deprive us of data that no one
decades ago would have thought likely to be questioned. Capital is omnipresent and has
neither a measure nor a limit. It has imposed a permanent emergency regime. The oppressed
have silenced. It does not even bother to take any steps to win social acceptance in order
to maintain its order of things.
The need to defend the Sunday holiday is a very important staple of our time.
The struggles given by political and trade union forces have succeeded in hindering
capitalist plans. The state hacks the "number" and "places in the country" that the right
will be abolished with its desirable tactic to salamize the problem when it finds
resistance. No one has delusions that in the end either the right to a common holiday for
all will be "universally" - as much as we have lost - or we will go to a Thatcher's jungle.
The struggles given by political and trade union forces must be supported by all and all.
Within workplaces, outside of them but also in every field of social life. The
unchangeability of the joint holiday and the consciousness of the consequences of its
abolition must lead us to fight for it in our workplaces, in our unions, on the road.
It is a fight we can win. It is enough to give it as we can.
Message: 2
A conference on critical thinking that ends with an attempt at censorship, threats, and
finally the intervention of the police, all of this in a public university. ---- This
Thursday, December 7 in the faculty Lille-III, we were a hundred people to attend the
conference of Edouard Louis and Geoffroy de Lagasnerie: " Invent a thought"
dysfunctional". Politics, knowledge, writing. ---- The conference is proceeding normally,
and must end on some questions from the public. A student comes in, questioning Geoffroy
de Lagasnerie on the possible way to fight against new measures in universities. We are in
the theme after all. ---- Finger of honor at the meeting ---- At this moment, to the
general stupefaction, a man intervenes brutally to take the microphone and cut the speech
of the student. This man is Philippe Vervaecke, first vice-president of the university and
vice-president of the Lille III board of directors. Not anyone, not a vulgar vigil. But he
can not take the microphone, and goes down furiously, handing a finger of honor to the
whole room ! He even comes to interfere at the table of speakers and tries to take the
microphone ! We are witnessing a delirious scene !
The speakers, well aware of what is happening, refuse to let him speak, and ask him to
leave the platform. He refuses. The atmosphere is tense. Far from having finished his
number, he invites Edouard Louis, in the hollow of the ear, to " come to explain himself
outside " ... Then leaves the platform, to type frantically on his phone. He's bringing
in the cops.
The conference ends. Students call for a general meeting against the new selection
measures, but also against the prevailing security climate in the university. A few hours
before the conference, a forum signed by professors-researchers and doctoral students is
published on Médiapart: " No place for the police at the University ! " .
Vigils and handlers
We leave the room, but dog handlers are waiting for us at the exit. A security guard
pushes a student to the ground. The dogs are barking, growling. We learn that a number of
people have been banned from entering the conference. The vigilantes, on the orders of
Philippe Vervaecke, blocked access at a certain moment. We leave the university as
hallucinated. Regarding the general assembly, she is expelled by cops in battle dress !
On 7 December, very serious things happened at the University Lille-III, which are the
work of a first vice-president of a university. What is happening in Lille-III ? Is it
still a university or a barracks ? A place of emancipation or oppression ? We obviously
support all the students who undergo the security and liberal bidding at Lille-III, but
also in all the universities. We denounce the crackdown on students who are organizing to
deal with the breakage of the university that the Macron government is putting in place
with the selection in license, the end of the compensation of the EU, or the reform of the
statutes of the universities.
Antoine (AL Valenciennes)
Message: 3
migrant solidarity migrants guide migrants' struggles Manchester manchestersf Greater
Manchester UKBA immigration ---- Manchester Solfed's guide for migrants coming to
Manchester has been republished with a updated edition for November 2017. ---- The guide
contains information to help new migrants settle in the city. While focusing on
Manchester, much of the guide will be useful to people living anywhere in the UK. ----
Available in English and Spanish, the guide can be downloaded in pdf format from the links
below, paper copies will also be distributed around the city. ---- We are currently
working on a translation into Portugese and we are producing a version for smartphones.
---- The Migrants Guide is a work in progress and we welcome submissions and suggestions.
Please contact the Manchester local if you have anything to contribute.
Migrants Guide to Manchester November 2017
Guía del inmigrante en Mánchester Noviembre 2017
Message: 4
The German state again deals with anti-authoritarian and anarchist movements. On Tuesday 5
December, the police raided more than twenty addresses. Represe still concerns protests
against papalas around the world that took place during the G20 summit in Hamburg in early
July. ---- At 6:35, a twitter account @linksunten_goe was posted on the amount of cops
moving in the streets of Göttingen. There were news coming from other cities soon. During
the day, the police broke into the social centers and apartments of activists and
activists in Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne, Bonn, Siegburg and Stuttgart. The Rotes Zentrum in
Göttingen and another social center called Lili Herrmann in Stuttgart did not miss the
attention. In the streets of Göttingen several people spontaneously resisted. There were
clashes and injuries. One rescued activist had to be called a rescue officer. An
unexpected visit to Göttingen was also honored by one representative from the Pirate
Party. In Bonn, the anti-terrorist squad was focused on, among other things, the youth
union of the Verdi Union, which is one of the largest in Germany.
German fighters can still not cope with the events in Hamburg in early July. Their
systematic misinformation campaign, launched at the beginning of the year, gradually broke
down reports of bullying demonstrators before any protests began and, in particular,
evidence of police brutality at the start of protests that sparked sharp clashes in the
streets. Criticism comes from the corporate press and the federal assembly. In neighboring
countries, however, mass media and internet trolls managed to portray events in Hamburg to
the detriment of demonstrators.
The theme of the protests in Hamburg can be reminded here:
Message: 5
Yesterday, the announced solidarity summit was held on Saturday at Aromalab KB, at its
premises in Oreokastro, Thessaloniki. ---- Unprecedented was the increased presence of
police forces with police, patrol and security forces, which arrived in the area well
before the planned concentration. Police chiefs attended both the company's parking lot
and opened a door to customers, while a squad of MATs attended the entrance of the company
overseeing entry! ---- In spite of high policing, concentration was normally conducted,
dozens of texts were shared with customers and passers-by and slogans were called. Banners
were hung from both the solidarity assembly (Immediate re-entry of Aromalab's redundant)
and the collectivism for social anarchism Black & Red (Immediate re-appointment of the
redundant organization and struggle at the workplace).
Employers stayed indoors by watching the door and windows of the building ...
The text of the redundant can be seen
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