Dear friends –
I've been told to my face that I should be murdered for being a lesbian. My name is Ifeatu and I'm a proud queer woman living in Nigeria, where being gay can cost you your life.
Earlier this year, I attended All Out's training for young LGBT activists in Nairobi, Kenya. I jumped right in, eager to learn all I could about campaigning for the rights of my community.
It was a life-changing experience. I learned critical skills, joined a community of activists, and found new confidence in myself. Just a few months later, I was hired by All Out to be a full-time campaigner.
Now I'm writing to you because I want other young LGBT activists in places like Nigeria, Kenya, and Uganda to have the same opportunity that I had. I want others to have the skills, community, and confidence needed to challenge hatred and bigotry.
But there's NO funding for this work to continue. All Out hasn't received any help from foundations, corporations, or governments to keep training young activists like me.

All Out was able to train 75 young LGBT activists from Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya this year. As someone who took part, I know that 75 young people are now equipped with the skills needed to combat hate and change hearts and minds.
We learned crucial skills around digital security, creative campaigning, and fundraising. As internet access rapidly expands across African countries, we need these skills more than ever.
Our opponents are online, spreading vile homophobia and transphobia. They're infiltrating our online communities and hacking our phones. Some bigoted authorities go so far as to use the internet to stalk our every move.
But with All Out's help, activists like myself know how to protect ourselves online, keep up our defiant march against hate, and continue to fight for equality.
We can't rely on big donors to fund this life-changing work. But with your help, we CAN empower even more young African LGBT activists in 2018.
This is a critical moment. A moment in which your solidarity could help change the lives of young LGBT activists like myself, hungry for justice and equality.
Thanks for going All Out,
Ifeatu Nnaobi
Campaigns Manager