Stopping Trumpism Without Trump

Thomas Riggins
“He’s closed an enthusiasm gap by rallying around the Trump agenda,” said Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s former strategist. “And I think the big lesson for Tuesday is that, in Gillespie’s case, Trumpism without Trump can show the way forward. If that’s the case, Democrats better be very, very worried.”
The perfect shouldn't be the enemy of the good and defeating Ed Gillespie, who is running an openly racist campaign, would be an unqualified good. Voting for the Democratic candidate in this case is the only way to halt Trumpism without Trump which is more dangerous than Trump himself. The recent increase in Gillespie's support indicates that American racism is deeper and more widespread than many on the left have imagined. We cannot allow this budding fascist Trumpist ideology to gather strength and unleash more violence, persecution, disenfranchisement, and rejection of civil liberties and equal treatment under the law against the minority communities in our country both citizens and non citizens. It's not only Democrats who should be "very, very, worried" but everyone and anyone concerned with human rights, the defense of democracy, and struggle for decent wages and political representation for the working people and the 99% and all those who want to make this a better world for all of us from the protection of the environment to the elimination of militarism and war. Let's not let the stench that began emanating from the Munich beer hall 94 years ago this month befoul our land.
A racially tinged campaign by the Republican nominee for governor, Ed Gillespie, has tightened the race and, perhaps, presented a template for how to run in the Trump…

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