November 22 - Celebrating Saint Cecilia in Saint Lucia!

Posted on November 22, 2017

The patron saint of music, Saint Cecilia, has a feast day today...So, to celebrate, let there be music!

Typically musical performances are held all over the island on November 22, to honor Saint Cecilia. 

St. Lucia is a speck of land in the Caribbean that changed hands so much, between France and Britain, that some call the island the "Helen of the West Indies."

Helen is a reference to Helen of Troy, a figure in Greek mythology who was supposed to be so beautiful, she was wooed by many men - and fought over, and even kidnapped! 

So, why was there so much competition over St. Lucia, the island? Is it, too, beautiful?

You be the judge:

The most common views of St. Lucia feature these two mountains, the Pitons, which are volcanic plugs or spires:

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