November 20, 2017

White Dog heard Steve fussing in the kitchen after bedtime walks and gave me a tilted head, questioning look. ""Dad is putting the turkey in to slow roast overnight," I told her. "That way it will cook while we sleep, adding heat to the house, and will be done in the morning."

The rest of the White Dog Army was already assembled to watch Steve rinse and oil the huge bird that was  gift to them from our grocer.

Our Thanksgiving plans have become streamlined to the point that we do not "do" the big, tabled feast that is traditional. Instead, we prepare a list of favorite appetizers and noshes and nibble across the entire day in a casual, relaxed cocoon of music and togetherness. We eat turkey often enough that it is not a huge treat so it was not planned.

However, when Steve did the grocery shopping for this week, the clerk reminded him that, with our grocery spending total, he was entitled to a free bird of his choosing. She kindly ran back to where they were stocked and brought on to him in line. "I got you the biggest one left," she winked.

I looked when he returned with a gobbler that was not on the list and he told me the story. Bailey cleared her throat. "The White Dog Army LOVES turkey," she said. "Just put it on the floor."

"Um, no." I replied. Steve wondered aloud WHERE we were going to store a 28lb frozen turkey. "Let's thaw it and cook it," I suggested, "then we can carve it up into several containers and freeze most of those tucked into smaller spaces. I will use the bones for broth needed for the holiday cooking." "I guess that means you won't just give it to us now," Bailey clarified. "No."

It took the turk-cicle until Monday dinner time to defrost. And plans were made after dinner to prep and put it in the oven right before bedtime.

After walks the WDA rushed into the office for their usual post walk snack and then deserted me to watch the bird, as big as White Dog, slide into the oven. Every pup wanted to sleep in the kitchen to keep watch.

"As it cooks, you will be able to smell it from your beds. Come and be comfortable. After breakfast in the morning we will carve it up, sample, and make stock."