Daily Reflections
Thursday, 23rd November 2017.
Thirty Third Week in Ordinary Time

1 Mac 2: 15-29;
Ps 50: 1-2, 5-6, 14-15 (R) 23;
Lk 19: 41-44.


Albert Schweitzer a greatest musician from Germany, was a Lutheran pastor’s son was a famous organist. He also held doctorates in Philosophy and Theology. At the age of 30, he read a Paris Missionary Society article on the desperate need for physicians in Africa. To everybody’s dismay he enrolled in medical school and went on to found a hospital in Gabon, West Central Africa. He went on to the Nobel prize and used the prize money to build a leper colony. Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote:"One day, in my despair, I threw myself into a chair in the consulting room and groaned out: 'What a blockhead I was to come out here to doctor savages like these!'Whereupon his native assistant quietly remarked:' Yes, Doctor, here on earth you are a great blockhead, but not in heaven.'"Dr. Albert Schweitzer later wrote: “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

In the first reading, we see the king Antiochus imposing all Jews to offer sacrifices to Greek Gods. Mattathias not only refused to do so, but also slew the Jew who stepped forward to do so. He said: “I and my sons and my brothers will continue to live by the covenant of our ancestors” (1Mac 2: 20). In the Gospel, Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. Jesus’ weeping is a prophetic sign. As Prophet Elisha also wept over Israel, foreseeing their suffering (2Kgs 8:7-15), Jesus too does so before its doom. The city of Jerusalem had opportunity after opportunity for their salvation, peace and greatness, but the people let them slip through their fingers like a grains of sand. As He approached and had a good view of the city, He immediately became aware of the fact that so many people would reject Him and His visit. He came to bring them the gift of eternal salvation. Sadly, some ignored Jesus out of indifference while others were infuriated at Him and sought His death. Jesus was not only weeping over Jerusalem. He was also weeping over all people, especially those of His future family of faith. He wept, in particular, at the lack of faith that He could see so many would have. Jesus was keenly aware of this fact and it grieved Him deeply. 

Reflect, today, upon the serious temptation we all face of being indifferent to Christ and his message. Root out any indifference to Christ today and tell Him you want to serve Him and His holy will with your whole heart. Like Dr Albert, who with just one inspiration left everything he had in success to serve people in Africa, or Mattathias who preferred to die than to follow the King’s decree. Are you willing to make your life a dwelling place of God or reject him like Jerusalem did?

Prayer: Lord, I beg of You to weed out every bit of indifference in my heart. As You weep over my sin, may those tears wash me and cleanse me so that I may make a total commitment to You as my Divine Lord and King. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.

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