DAB in Norway: Public Radio Losing One Fifth of Its Listeners

FM switch-off continues to hit NRK. P3 losing its young listenership.
AS the public service NRK has closed its FM transmitters in most of Norway, more than 20% of their listeners lost. This is evidenced by the latest listening poll from Kantar TNS. NRK had a total of 39.6% this week compared with 49.9 one year ago. It represents a decrease of over 20% in a year. The youth channel NRK P3 now has a share of 5.9%, which is half compared with a year ago.

For the total radio listening, it's not as dramatic. A 10% decline in one year. The reason is probably that P4 and Radio Norway still broadcast on FM in central Eastern Norway. Next year all three national networks will be broadcasting only via DAB+ 

The two commercial networks owned by Swedish MTG and German Bauer thus this fall take market shares from NRK. In week 43, P4 had a market share of 24.8 against 22.8%. And Radio Norway has risen from 10.8 to 12.5%.

Local radio is not measured here, but according to other polls, many of the local stations experience a significant listening increase. Local commercial (outside major metro areas) and community radio continues to broadcast on FM.

Read more in Radionytt.no

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