Today's Topics:
1. Poland, rozbrat: All-Polish youth with Robert Winnicki at
the top are not welcome in Poznan! [machine
translation] (
2. freedom news: Roots of the raids against Brazil's anarchist
movement (
3. Violence against women: Denounce, loud and clear, all the
time (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
4. Poland, rozbrat: Not for the street name Ronald Reagan! So
for the street named Jolanta Brzeska! Anarchist Federation
s.Phanna [machine translation] (
5. Britain, Edinburgh anarchists: STATEMENT OF DISSOCIATION
Message: 1
In March this year, just after the nationalist shootout, thirty masked bandits attacked
Reed's club bookstore full of guests. The attack was only two weeks earlier, another month
ago. So All-Polish Youth is trying to terrorize Poznan. ---- On November 15, 2017, at the
invitation of MW to Poznan, Robert Winnicki, a neo-fascist, was sentenced to hate seizure
and xenophobia. The presence of an "important guest" is an attempt to legitimize the
actions of nationalists. Winnicki, known among others for his unsuccessful attack on the
Romani cavalry in Wroclaw, became the face of the fascinating extreme right. Our city will
come to meet the local all-Polish in one of the cellars near Poznan Rybaky. ---- The
assault on Revenge is not the only example of the fascist activity of the All-Polish Youth
in Poznan. They had already been involved in various demonstrations, including the
Equality Mars, LGBT activists, tore off the rainbow flags. There were also loud voices of
hatred against refugees and migrants organized by them. The fruits of this kind of action
are attacks on foreigners, many of which have been talked about recently.
Can we look passively and sleep peacefully? Let's say again stop - stop them! Let us show
that in Poznan there is no place for chauvinism and racism, and the terror of nationalists
is contrary to our values! Let's take a picnic on Fishermans march the extreme right to power!
On November 15, despite the autumn cold, we will join the forces and voices of different
people and organizations in the happening. We will play, make noise, play and dance,
demonstrate, participate in artistic actions. Everyone loves each and every one of them:
banner, whistle, leaflet, poem, sandwich - anything! Let us show that there is more that
we do not share the bandits and politicians.
Bo, different and different on a daily basis, we can unite in a common cause. This time is
All-Polish youth with Robert Winnicki at the top are not welcome in Poznan!
Message: 2
Following a series of raids against properties linked to the Gaucho Anarchist Federation
(FAG) late last month, The Kaos Library in Porto Allegre analyses its own troubles from
the crackdown, including the use of its published books to "justify" Operation �rebo. ----
We took notice early in the morning of a police operation against a group suspected to be
responsible for several attacks on police vehicles, bank, car dealers, police stations and
political party headquarters. ---- According to local press this alleged group will be
accused of crimes related to gangsterism, use of explosives and attempted murder. The
address of our former public headquarters, located on the Travessa dos Venezianos, was
invaded by police who seized computers, telephones, books and other belongings of the
cultural group that kept the space. We learned that the warrant was addressed to our
organisation. Other political-cultural sites were also visited by civilian police.
This is another asserted "fact" that aims to create a scarecrow, a scapegoat, to
criminalise and repress all social movements and the non-electoral left and specifically
our ideology. In a conjuncture of withdrawal of rights, fiscal adjustment, intensification
of exploitation and domination over all the oppressed classes, the heavy hand of
criminalisation against the anarchists comes into play.
We have not yet had our public place invaded, but we believe it may only be a matter of
time. We alert all of the social fighters about this and about the need for SOLIDARITY to
everyone who fights!
Anarchist Gaucho Federation - FAG
October 25, 2017
The Anarchic Confrontation
There are many things to say, but we will start with the most urgent. On October 25th
there began an anti-anarchist persecution against FAG, the Parhesia institute, Pandorga
squat and some individuals who had their spaces and houses raided by cops. If not all,
probably a good part of the anarchist milieu was affected and several of them spoke out
firmly against repression. And this is a fresh air that strengthens every one who feels
It is evident that the aim of the agents of repression also points against us, against the
publications we have made or in which we participate. And that is what we are going to
say. "The chronology of the Anarchic Confrontation," collecting information from 2000-15,
and another collating the anarchic trigger of 2016, are books being exhibited as
"evidence" of vandalism, attacks, and criminal acts. Among the many ways anarchism has to
search for freedom, these books speak of anarchic informality as an option according to
the current domination's face. Further, we clarify that these books speak of actions but
not only anarchist ones. The focus of the books is the diffusion of anarchic actions. To
be more precise, it spread actions in which we smell the aroma of anarchy. And between
anarchism and anarchy there are differences that may be delicate but which are important.
The anarchic instinct is that anti-dominating impulse that can be present in any
individuality or collectivity, beyond its ideological belongings and political militancy.
That is why in the chronologies we include conflicts of non-Western populations, street
conflict within larger protests and diverse motivations, actions against the State and
Capital, and more. Far from going by theory, we clarify this since the persecution against
the anarchists does not consider these differences in order to find a scapegoat for
multiple events that bothered the cops and the powerful of always. It is surprising that
the police, deputy Jardim, and the media, show as Big News some facts that were already
headlines at the time and involving places which have already been searched by cops, just
because all these facts are condensed in our publications.
None of the books is a claim. They are books of an anarchic memory, with actions and
conflicts from long before the existence of the Kaos Library, which will surely continue
beyond us. The publication shows with joy and yes, with head held high, the existence of
an anarchic confrontation that respond to the domination, the devastation of the earth and
the attack against all forms of freedom, but it does not claim responsibility for these
facts that can be collected, as we have done from various internet pages and local
newspapers. And if we have made these publications aware of the risk they presented, it is
because insubmission deserves to be defended, howled, celebrated and shouted by all
possible means. We will never believe or respect the obedience they intend to impose, the
submission and the fear they want to inoculate in people from the moment they are born.
Therefore, the actions printed in the chronologies are attacks against the materiality of
domination. That is against buildings, cars, machines, roads, windows. Stuff. Objects.
Symbols. Cops in the territory controlled by the Brazilian state are internationally
famous for being a murderous police force. The so-called "pacification operations" are
massacres, authentic massacres, such as Candel�ria and Carandiru, as well as the murder of
Eltom Brum from behind his back that even had a police crowd receiving the murderer. And
are they the ones who talk about terror, about evil gangs, about attempted murder? They
show a sling and ecological bricks as weapons while they're holding guns. They speak of
terrorism and evil gangs while preparing the next invasion against a village or favela,
where the dead will not even be mentioned by the media. That's how insignificant they are
to them. We would like to believe that everyone feels insulted by the evidence of the
Garden Delegate. In a context where weapons are commonplace, ecological bricks presented
as explosives are an insult to anyone. However, we do not forget when Pinho Sol[famous
deodorizer label]was considered a weapon and used "evidence" against Rafael Braga* whom
they held behind bars until he got tuberculosis, that is, until they felt they had done
everything to kill him.
The repression against anarchists show two things. First, to present "terrorists" on
screen serves as a TV show to turn the spotlight away from issues such as corruption,
political-police discredit and slow genocide throughout economic reforms. That they now
try to solve the facts of 2013* and chase a book and literature, clearly showing a
spectacular attempt to hide the growing attack on the population, to depoliticise through
threats and spread fear even to read (evidently democratic practices).
The second thing that presents an anti-anarchist persecution is that anarchy disturbs.
When we speak of anarchy that disturbs, we are clearly not talking about well behaved boys
and girls acting within the limits imposed by power, we do not speak of people who have
laws in their bodies and hearts drawing their limits of action. When we speak of anarchy
that disturbs, we speak of such a strong insubordination of people and groups that have
been able to interrupt the normality of the power square, to paralyze the city, to break
the symbols of militarisation in Haiti**, to burn the vehicles that seize, and they kill
dragging like horses of the inquisition (Claudia we do not forget your death).
The Kaos Library books spread this anarchy. The one that disturbs. The one that answers
the clash of agribusiness, colonization civilization, militarization, ecocide, prison
society... In simpler words, while domination tries to destroy the planet and all that
they find undesirable, we spread what attacks the domination.
And when anarchy bothers, the reaction of the powerful threatens and wants to sniff the
fear. The anarchic response to this persecution will remain in our hearts and actions. How
we face this crossroads will mark the moment of our passage through the path of rebellious
Strength and solidarity with those prosecuted by "Operation �rebo."
Kaos Anarchic Library
October 2017
This is an edited version of a translation originally done by tormentasdefogo. Translation
Rafael Braga was arrested during 2013 protests. At the time, he was homeless and was
simply removed from his place while cops repressed the demo.
** 2013 is remembered as a year of street uprising against transportation fairs in great
part of the territory under domain of the bra$ilian state. As in other territories in the
world, there were a lot of insurgent protests mostly self organized.
*** Bra$ilian army is responsible for the militarization of Haiti.
Message: 3
November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women. How to write an article
that would say something different from previous years ? Other than the sad fact that men
persist in mistreating women or claiming means of prevention ? Other than the need to
defeat male domination, patriarchy ? ---- Social networks and the press rustle as this
article is written about the " scandal " of denouncing assaults by a US film producer.
Everyone knew it, everyone was silent. Men accomplices or not concerned, victims stuck
between contradictory injunctions. ---- Media and Justice Add Abuse to Abuse ---- To speak
and not to be believed, to have to prove their word, to hear the facts minimized ; to say
nothing and to feel complicit in the next attacks, to say nothing and to feel shame in the
place of the aggressor, to say nothing and to be criticized for this silence.
To denounce or keep quiet, women victims of violence are always wrong. The media are
accomplices, The Inrockuptibles have just afford a cover to the glory of the emotions of
Cantat who massacred Marie Trintignant with fists. The trash TV mistreats an author who
testifies, or trivializes the sexual assault when an aggressor raises a skirt. Justice
overwhelms women victims. Sexual intercourse with an 11-year-old child was not recognized
as rape as the girl did not protest ; a father who raped his daughter from 9 to 15 years
was sentenced to 18 months suspended ... The trap is total.
Demonstrations were organized in some cities
Stop talking, denounce pigs
But at each denunciation, other women speak. Not the journalists, not the police and the
justice of which they have nothing to wait for most of the time. They talk to associations
that are overwhelmed by calls, they talk on social networks inventing keywords that unite
them like #balancetonporc or #moiaussi. And all, famous or anonymous, have a history of
aggressive gestures, humiliating words, rapes. That may be the solution: the end of the
silence that protects the aggressors, the public denunciation. First, few women will dare,
but we see that it is contagious. Denouncing by giving a name exposes to prosecution, but
if several women denounce the same pig (sorry for the animals already victims of the
industrial breeding) ...
The powers are not in the women's camp, let's forge other tools. Let's use shame, bad
publicity, fear of scandal, denounce and get the aggressors off their backs, their jobs.
Of course, for some women, in some circumstances, talking is too much pain or difficulty.
The right not to speak must be absolute.
Christine (AL Orne-Sarthe)
Message: 4
Anarchist Federation s. Poznan firmly opposes the common idea of Poznan councilors PiS and
PO naming one of the key streets of the city named US President Ronald Reagan. This figure
is a symbol of neo-liberal politics in the sphere of economic and conservative politics in
the social sphere. Reagan's economic policy was aimed only at the interests of the
American economy, which led to the economic crisis in many countries in the mid-1980s,
numerous social appearances in Latin America, and mass starvation in poorer countries in
the South. ---- Reagan administration also supported criminal regimes in South America,
thereby sanctioning political crimes committed by them (among others in Argentina). In
this case, Reagan's statements on Poland and the introduction of martial law on December
13, 1981, were not dictated by respect for human rights and citizenship, but rather a
geopolitical strategy to strengthen or maintain the influence of the US and US
corporations in the world. In this context Ronald Reagan does not deserve to name one of
the streets of the city of Poznan. It would not only be a manifestation of the contempt
for human rights and citizenship in the world, the acceptance of economic policy, which is
attributed to US companies, but also to the attitude of the post-Soviet elite to the US.
We believe that if Roosevelt Street is to change its name, it should be Jolanta Brzeska
Street, a murdered Warsaw League of tenants' activists. She was a victim of cleaning
tenement houses, and at the same time she was an activist who steadfastly fought for the
rights of other oppressed tenants. And so she had to die. Renovation of the street name
for Jolanta Brzeska would be a symbolic cut off of Poznan authorities from "wild
privatization" of housing resources, "cleaning of townhouses", "testamentary clean-up"
etc. It would also symbolize reparation to those residents and residents of Poznan who
were forcibly displaced their homes, oppressed and humiliated, and at which the fate of
the city authorities of Poznan long remained indifferent.
We think that Jolanta Brzeska deserves to be commemorated also because of the fact that
the masculine council of the city patronized the streets mostly for men, so that for every
ten male names there is one more name dedicated to a woman. It is time for these
proportions to change and appreciate the importance of women and their struggle for social
and political rights.
Message: 5
In recent years the London Anarchist Bookfair (LABF) has has been plagued with incidents
of racism, misogyny, transphobia, abelism and other forms of bigotry. These have often led
to physical confrontation. While it is impossible to stop all problems from occurring,
many incidents would have been prevented entirely and others swiftly ended if the LABF
collective had chosen to act. ---- Many individuals, groups and organisations have
attempted to engage with the LABF collective in order to help put in place structures to
prevent these unacceptable failures from repeating. Despite this the LABF collective deny
any responsibility for the space they create and have refused to take action to remove
bigots from their event. In some cases the event organisers have actively defended bigots.
To justify their behavior the LABF collective put forward liberal notions of free speech
that are not compatible with anarchist organising.
Rather than being a showcase event for anarchism in the region, the LABF now actively
sabotages the spread of anarchist ideas and methods through the working class. The bigotry
allowed to flourish at the LABF has no place in modern working class liberatory movements.
At this point having no LABF would be better than having the current event carry on as-is.
Given this situation, we the undersigned will no longer be associated with the London
Anarchist Bookfair until the problems we note have been addressed. This means we will not
have a stall, host any meetings, take out advertising space in the programme, or in any
way promote or support the event. The problems are a result of the structures of
organisation, political orientation, and informal culture at the bookfair. As such we will
only consider associating with the bookfair once the LABF collective have undertaken the
following actions:
The LABF collective publicly post a concise outline of their politics in regard to what
behaviors they find acceptable/unacceptable at the LABF. This should make clear the types
of bigotry they find unacceptable at their event.
The LABF collective outline the structure and processes that they will attempt to follow
if someone acts outside of the bounds of what they find acceptable by those attending
their event.
The LABF collective demonstrate that they actually mean their stated political position
for the event and attempt to act in good faith with regard to the structures they have
created to maintain it.
Edinburgh Anarchist Federation
Merseyside Anarchist Federation
Edinburgh Antifa
South Wales Anarchist Federation / Ffederasiwn Anarchaidd De Cymru
If you or your group/organisation wish to co-sign this statement then please contact us
via or any of our social media accounts.
We also wish to add our support to the following statements:
Empty Cages Collective:
AFed Trans Action Faction* statement in response to events at London Anarchist Bookfair
Response to London Anarchist Bookfair (by many groups/indivuduals):
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