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» Allegany County: Dog shot with arrow - man charged with felony - social media on fire UPDATED
Wellsville Regional News first brought you this story on Sunday under the police blotter news - based on what limited information was available. We only reported what was on the NY State Police public blotter. Today, the story has magnified. According to a Facebook story from Friendship-based "Rescue Pups," a dog was struck with an arrow by an alleged hunter. State Police have said they arrested Marvin C. Boncore, 63, of Wirt. He was charged with felony aggravated cruelty to animals and reckless endangerment. The blotter indicated he was held on cash bail, but the Allegany County Sheriff's Office confirmed this morning that Boncore was never processed into jail. The Facebook posting is HERE. The dog, according to the post, was severely injured. A Go Fund ME page was established to help with the medical expenses and by late Monday morning had secured nearly half of the $10,000 appeal. The dog was sent to the Buffalo area today for further care. UPDATE: Moments after this story was posted, I received this press release from State Police:PRESS RELEASE
On November 5, 2017, Troopers and the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) arrested Marvin C. Boncore, 63 of Wirt, NY for Aggravated Cruelty to an Animal (E Felony) and Reckless Endangerment 2nd.
On November 4, 2017, Troopers responded to a 911 call of a dog shot with an arrow on Pangburn Road in the Town of Wirt. Further investigation revealed that the one-year-old Beagle/Labrador mix entered Boncore’s property while the dog’s owner was fixing a nearby fence. Boncore allegedly shot the dog with an arrow in the leg. Boncore was arrested and transported to SP Amity and processed.
Boncore was arraigned at the Town of Wirt Court and released on his own recognizance to appear back later in November 2017.
The dog was treated for multiple broken bones including an elbow and the injuries are not life-threatening.