Your signature needed to help First Nations in Canada

Canada: Prioritize Clean Water for First Nations Communities
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Best friends,
Can you imagine not being able to use your tap water? Just think about how you'd manage to cook, clean, drink and wash with contaminated and muddy-coloured water coming from your pipes.
Well, for over 100 First Nations communities in Canada, this is the reality. And for some, it's been going on, unaddressed, for decades.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised when he was elected that all First Nations communities would have clean water within five years. But two years later, the numbers are worse than when he first entered office. Reports show that the government is not on track to meet Trudeau's promise.
Everyone should have access to clean and safe water, especially in a wealthy country like Canada. The fact of the matter is that Canada does have the resources to make good on its word, but we need to make sure that the government moves this issue up on its priorities list.
Would you be able to wait any longer for clean water?
Thank you,
 Alex B.
The Care2 Petitions Team

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