The LeConte Glacier is Retreating and I For One Say Good Riddance!

According to research schmesearch and science schmience, geologists just finished two years of studying the LeConte Glacier near Petersburg, Alaska and preliminary findings are that the "glacier could reach a record retreat by the end of the year." 

Well I for one say good riddance to bad rubbish. Finally, America is WINNING against elitist leftist libtards and the snowflakes/ice chips who are triggered by global warming and forced to leave their safe spaces in a couloir somewhere.

This cowardly retreating glacier is, per the news article, "a lot like hundreds of others that cover Greenland." 

Of course it is. These glaciers are all the same. They're cold and isolated and keep to themselves. They don't speak English. They refuse to assimilate. They're extremely dangerous when approached. And when the going gets tough what do they do? 


I mean, can you even GET more un-American than this? Sure sometimes bald eagles land on them, I assume. But with a name like "LeConte" you know this glacier is a French pussy. Maybe if the glacier was named Dale Wayne Jenkins or Jim-Bob Wiggins or something it'd be a different story, but all I can say about the LeConte glacier is GO HOME TO GREENLAND, LeCONTE! 

And when you wave an American flag in front of them what do these ungrateful sheets of ice do? NOTHING! They don't even stand up for our national anthem! They just LIE there slowly melting, expecting everyone else to take care of them and keep them from vanishing forever and making oceans rise to a very inconvenient level for the human race.

Well no more. 

Finally we have a President who understands that America--not remote glaciers with French last names--comes first. Trump won't let glaciers take our jobs, or murder our women and children with their crevasses, or take our AR-15s away by dropping a big giant chunk of ice on our heads and knocking it out of our cold, dead hands.

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