The Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP) and the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property will hold a Joint JIPLP-GRUR event: A Distinctive Mess? Current Trade Mark Law and Practice in the EU and UK on 24 November 2017. Don’t miss out!
Kat Neil provides us with the second installment of his report on the 6th Global Forum on Intellectual Property: Ideas to Assets held in Singapore (part 1 here). The second plenary session discussed “IP and Innovation in an Age of Sustainability” as well as the judge’s forum-- “Do the courts have a role in encouraging technological advances which are in the public interest?”
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Kat ready for autumn goodies |
Onto wildlife reality shows, we all remember the Monkey Selfie Dispute. There have been developments and it appears that the parties have reached an agreement. The Selfie Monkey case: the end?, Guest Kat Mathilde reports.
Schweppes = Schweppes - AG Opinion in parallel goods dispute. Guest Kat Rosie talks about how parallel importation of Schweppes soft drinks can be tricky, as she explains in summing up AG Mengozzi’s opinion for us!
In The Israel Supreme Court adopts the conceptual separability test of the US Copyright Office, rejecting the Star Athletica standard Kat friend Adar Bengom reports on the decision and the tests for copyrightability used.
To end the week in style, Maradona sues Dolce&Gabbana over 2016 'MARADONA' jersey. The former football star apparently did not take so well that fashion house Dolce&Gabbana used a replica of its Napoli football jersey at a fashion show. It is also safe to say Dolce&Gabbana did not take well the news of the legal claim…
Image credits: thescribe55
Never Too Late 163[week ending Sunday 3 September] Coase (with help from Grossman and Hart), transaction costs and IP | UPDATE: Complainant against UPC ratification in Germany confirmed as Ingve Stjerna | Brexit: European Commission publishes guiding principles on Intellectual Property | Neptune’s kitchen designs infringed? No, the DeVOL is in the detail | AG Szpunar advises CJEU on cloud-based recording and private copying exception | Br*x*t and Brands – 568 days and counting – the EU’s position | 6th Global Forum on Intellectual Property: Ideas to Assets (part 1) | Mark your calendars: Design Law Reform Conference in Singapore! | Friday Fantasies | Around the IP Blogs
Never Too Late 162 [week ending Sunday 27 August] Book Review: Economics of the Internet I France: "Photoshop decree" coming up soon I Is there a role for the tort of unlawful means in patent law? I Around the IP blogs!
Never Too Late 161 [week ending Sunday 20 August] Italian Supreme Court issues groundbreaking decision on punitive damages, opening the door for IP claims | TILTing Perspectives 2017 | Freedom of panorama in Portugal: content and scope of the exception | When "mayo" is not mayonnaise, yet still is mayonnaise: All a matter of the label? | Friday Fantasies
Never Too Late 160 [week ending Sunday 13 August] Scottish court “vaporized” trade mark invalidity appeal | Battle of the free trade mark databases – Global Brand Database versus TMview | An Improved Improver? - Part 3. | Netflix weather report: sunny today, possibility of rain clouds tomorrow? | Roger in troubled Waters