Nemesis addon - a brand new addon from Streamarmy repository. If you are finding few mega addon, an all in one kodi addon to watch any media contents around the world then Nemesis addon is exactly the name that you want. Nemesis addon allows to watch Movies, Tv shows, Live Tv, Kids, Cartoon, Anime, Different Tv channels, Documentaries, Adult etc...and more. Now, we'll show you steps how to install Nemesis addon on kodi.
There are many great all in one kodi addon such as Atom, Star Tec, Maverick Tv etc ...outside. Nemesis addon is a brand new addon , are evolving and will become a popular kodi addon in the near future, allow you watch any favorites any media contents, entertainment events from all over the world
Suggest to read: Top 10 best movies addon must have on your kodi 2017
- Open your Kodi app, and click System icon
- Select File manager
- Select Addsource, and click None
- Copy and pasted exactly this url on box:
- Select OK
- Give for media source box a name, ex type: Streamarmy
- Select OK
- Go back to Kodi home screen, click Add-ons
- Click Box icon/ Browser add-ons
- Click Install from zip file
- Select Streamarmy
- Select
Wait for this repo install, you'll see a notifications as 'Stream Army repo add-on installed' - Click Install from Repository
- Select Stream Army Repo
- Select Video Add-ons
- Select Nemesis addon
- Click Install
- Wait few second for this addon install. You'll see a notification as 'Nemesis add-on installed'
- Now you can open Nemesis to use via Add-ons > Video Add-ons