Is Iran Paving The Way To Abandon The Nuclear Deal?


Washington Free Beacon: Iran Paving Way to Abandon Nuclear Deal, Fortify Missile Program

Tehran accuses U.S. of 18 violations of nuclear agreement

Iran has taken steps in recent days to file what it claims are 18 instances in which America violated the landmark nuclear agreement, a move that could set the stage for Tehran to abandon the deal and lay blame on the Trump administration, according to regional reports and sources familiar with the matter.

On the heels of an effort by the Trump administration to tighten the nuclear accord while still upholding U.S. commitments under it, the Iranian Foreign Ministry has submitted to European Union leaders a plethora of information recounting what it claims are 18 separate violations of the deal by the United States, according to Iran's state-controlled media.

The latest move is said to be part of an effort by Iran to abandon the nuclear agreement and save face by blaming the United States for its decision, according to national security insiders closely tracking the situation.

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WNU Editor: The verification and inspection protocols of the Iran nuclear deal was always its Achilles Heel. And what has not helped the situation is Iran's refusal to allow UN inspectors access to military sites where suspected nuclear work is being done. The above author is correct that as the U.S. demands a more tightening on the verification aspects of the accord, there will be push-back from Iran. Not surprising .... UN nuclear chief Yukiya Amano will be in Iran this weekend to enhance these verification protocols .... UN Nuclear Inspection Chief To Visit Iran This Weekend (RFE). My prediction .... UN nuclear chief Yukiya Amano will leave Iran and say Iran is in compliance with the deal, but he did not get the enhanced verification requirements that would satisfy countries like the U.S., Israel, and the Saudi bloc.

Update: Israel is nervous .... If Trump Fails To Stop Iran's Nuclear Ambitions, Israel Will Strike, Minister Warns (Newsweek).

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