Daily Reflections
Friday, 27th October 2017,
Twenty Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Rom 7: 18-25;
Ps 119: 66, 76-77, 93-94 (R) 68;
Lk 12: 54-59.
Today’s Gospel from Luke addresses how some in Jesus’ day could interpret the weather from the clouds and the appearance of the earth, but they were not able to discern the signs that Jesus put before their very eyes in his proclamation of God’s kingdom. And isn’t it even more true today?
We are so technologically advanced, we pride ourselves in all the scientific advances we have made as a society, yet we so often miss the message that God is trying to convey to us. “The signs of the times” was an important message of the Second Vatican Council, as it called us to interpret God’s Word through the signs of our modern era, yet to also be true to the original message of Jesus and the message preached by the early Church fathers. Interpreting the present time means to wholeheartedly commit ourselves to the Truth. We must seek Jesus above all things through prayer and allow His presence in our lives to help us sort out what is from Him and what is not.
Our societies present us with countless moral choices, so we may find ourselves being drawn here and there. We can find that our minds are challenged and, at times, find that even the most basic truths of humanity are attacked and distorted. Take, for example, abortion, euthanasia and traditional marriage. These moral teachings of our faith are continually under attack within the various cultures of our world. The very dignity of the human person and the dignity of the family as God designed it are called into question and directly challenged. Interpreting the present time means we see through any and every confusion of our day and age. It means we see the cultural and moral errors for what they are.
Reflect, today, if you are ready to allow the Holy Spirit of Truth to penetrate your mind and lead you into all truth? Seeking the truth in our present time is the only way to survive the many errors and confusions thrown at us each day.
Prayer: Lord, help me to interpret the present time and to see the errors fostered all around us, as well as Your goodness manifest in so many ways. Give me courage and wisdom so that I may reject what is evil and seek that which is from You. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.