D-C Radio: Trump Administration Hosts Talk Radio Row

The Trump Administration Tuesday hosted talk radio row in the Old Executive Office Building in a push to get grass roots support for his tax reform package.

National hosts like Hugh Hewitt and Chris Plante broadcast their programs alongside select local radio hosts like Chris Stigall from WPHT 1210 Philadelphia, Tony Katz WIBC 93.1 FM Indianapolis, and Mary Walter & Vince Coglianese from WMAL 630 AM /105.9 FM Washington DC.

WMAL's Chris Plante Interviews President Trump

Bill Hess, Cumulus' VP News/Talk & WMAL PD, chats with Vice President Pence, a regular WMAL listener 
According to Mediaite, the event was a coordinated strategy by the White House communications team to bypass mainstream media and get their messaging directly to Americans in their cars on their way to work.

WIBC's Tony Katez chats with VP Mike Pence
Guests like Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Vice President Mike Pence and President Trump were all put forth for interviews on the programs. Each moving from broadcast station to broadcast station to sit with the various hosts for a segment broadcast on each of the city’s morning and mid-morning programs. There were no conditions on any of the interviews but the focus was almost entirely on the tax reform package and how it might impact the middle class.

Syndicated host and Fox News contributor Mike Gallagher also interviewed President Trump: