Today's Topics:
1. Britain, Brighton SolFed: Spencer & Leigh Make Legal Threats
Against a Tenant with Young Children: Brighton SolFed Opens a
Dispute (
2. Czech, afed: DIY carnival lives! -- A short report from this
year's carnival celebrating the bottom-up culture and defining
hate speech. (
3. Philippines: Ang Pekeng Balita ay Karahasan (Fake News is
Violence) Anti-Authoritarian against Fascism Luneta Park, Manila
by etnikobandido (pt) (
4. Catalunia, Solidaridad Obrera Position paper: [STRUGGLE]
LET'S TAKE IT ALL ... TO THE ROOT (ca) [machine translation]
5. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Catalonia: for the right
of peoples to self-determination! (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - Vocational
education: High schools for employers (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
7. Czech, Nevolo nikoho! -- The Anarchist Federation
joined the anti-authoritarian appeal calling for a boycott of
elections and decentralized actions revealing electoral fraud.
[machine translation] (
8. Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki - Concentration in
the courts against auctions --- Housing is a social good and not
a commodity (
Message: 1
Brighton Solidarity Federation has started a dispute with the lettings agency Spencer &
Leigh in Patcham. A tenant has been organising with SolFed after £510 was withheld from
her deposit in order to change a lock and to have the property professionally cleaned. The
tenant left the property secure at the end of her tenancy, and she also had it
professionally cleaned prior to vacating it. ---- The tenant was introduced to the
landlady by Spencer & Leigh. Brighton SolFed has supported the tenant to try and find an
amicable resolution to the dispute, with a demand letter delivered to the agency on Monday
11th September. So far, the landlady has refused to refund the £510 withheld from the
deposit, and Spencer & Leigh have now instructed a solicitor to demand the removal of all
material relating to the dispute from Brighton SolFed's website and social media channels.
If this is not done, the solicitors say, Spencer & Leigh will take 'urgent injunctive
action' against both ourselves and the tenant to make it happen.
The letter from the solicitor is an attempt to intimidate a tenant with young children out
of taking action for the return of her deposit - money that, as any tenant will know, is
much needed and in short supply. We're not surprised by these legal threats - anyone who
has ever dealt with a landlord or letting agency will know that it is an industry that
functions via bullying and intimidation. Indeed, the tenant experienced this during her
tenancy, which was cut short and her request for flexibility ignored. The tenant was
further distressed by the behaviour of the landlady, who turned up at the property
unannounced to insist that she leave by a certain date. This was extremely upsetting, both
for the tenant and for her young children, and that incident, coupled to the distress of
the unjustified deductions from her deposit, has had a significant and negative effect on
her physical and mental health.
The landlady has so far refused to return the £510 withheld from the tenant's deposit, and
Spencer & Leigh are now trying to use legal intimidation to force the tenant to end the
campaign. The problem for the agency is that SolFed does not hide disputes in
administrative or judicial procedures. Our intention is to bring every dispute onto the
streets. Not just because it is faster, cheaper and more effective, but also because it is
the only way we can understand that each of us has the same problems. Through solidarity
and direct action, ordinary people have the power to improve their lives. Tenants in
Brighton and beyond are sick of being mistreated, but we know that our collective action
and solidarity is stronger than their threats and intimidation.
Our public campaign will continue until the tenant receives the £510 withheld from her
deposit. If you would like to support this tenant, keep in touch with us via our website
and social media, to look out for information about forthcoming actions.
As Chelsea says, We Got This!
Message: 2
If anyone thought that regular DIY carnival had already run out and after a pause of years
they were veto and only a memory that would not make anyone anymore, was wrong. On
Saturday, September 23, everyone could see that this holiday of free and below-ground
culture has faithfulness - at least three thousand participants. ---- DIY carnival always
meant entertainment, music from boxes of sound systems, imaginative masks, but for someone
and alcohol, etc. Moralists may prefer to stay at home on this day. Even though a large
number of participants and policymakers do not address too much, it is clear to everyone
that taking the streets back and bringing their own content is of utmost political value.
Likewise, this year's carnival had its political motto: "For freedom and against
xenophobia". The last years of hatred against a particular religious minority and refugees
who have not seen them in the Czech Republic have been saying that. The tightening screws
of the securitization company were reflected in the cry of desire for freedom without
bullying and restraint.
In the vicinity of the Prague Cross Club, it was already alive after noon, more than
twenty mobile, imaginatively decorated sound systems. And with them, thousands of people
in a party in the city center, which as part of the process of gentrification ceases to be
a place of life and becomes just the backdrop of a capitalist spectacle. The static part
of the carnival was accompanied by the performance of bands on the outdoor stage of the
club. Besides, the Cocina Perida kitchen team offered vegan goodies in symbiosis with the
distraction of the Anarchist Federation. Flyers were distributed to support the Klinika
Autonomous Social Center. On some sound systems, flags of Antifascist action or
anti-racist messages are fabulous.
Shortly after three o'clock, all vans, trailers, trucks, even the tractor, and the
original steampunk pedal were headed. The sound of the music went through the Dukel heroes
on the waterfront of Captain Jaroš and at the Štefánikuv bridge the length of the whole
parade was great. From there people danced in the direction of Dvorák's embankment. In the
allegedly most luxurious street of Bohemia-Paris, noise alarms were added to the expensive
cars that did not control the pulse of the ubiquitous tekna. Hordes of tourists were
recording a passing attraction to their smart phones, and sometimes they asked what they
were doing here. From Old Town Square it turned into the Long and then the Revolutionary.
On the way, it was probably the cheerleaders who crowded their supplies. It is no wonder
that some of the dancers already looked "tired" at that time.
Here, a number of cops, including heavy-haired kuklás and anti-demo weapons, were bursting
on the bridge. Fortunately nothing provoked them. During the march, some police officers
tried to snatch somebody out of the grass and annoyed people who only had a wrapped
cigarette because they could not recognize her from the juncture. In general, however, no
one was doing anything like that.
DIY Carnival has been the atmosphere of a liberating city experience where there are no
differences between people due to their color, gender or sexual orientation, where the
road is full of dancers instead of the regular car queue, where you light the jointa and
cough up on the cops next to what you would rather drown in the Vltava River.
27.9.2017 -kl-
Message: 3
Remembering this day Sept.21, one of the horrific and tragic moment happened in the
history of the Philippines. Martial Law was declared by President Marcos to suppress and
repress most of the people. Rampant violence, forced disappearance, arrest, killings and
torture experienced by dissidents and common people who are criticizing the authoritarian
regime at that time. ---- Today, Duterte's administration was also following the path for
being a totalitarian and a fascist by putting people's lives on his own hands defying
constitutional and human rights. Declaring Martial Law in Mindanao and instigating War on
Drugs policy by killings thousands of poor people. This regime are misleading the people
by their fake news by putting their effort on drug related issue to stop criminality and
not confronting the real problem of the society, that social injustice like poverty, no
job opportunity, no social welfare, forced displacement are the main cause and this
injustices are already violence.
As our attempt to express our sentiments against this atrocity. We planned to gather in
Luneta Park to have a picnic, Food Not Bombs mass feeding, Really Free Market, mobile
library, culture jamming, Radyo Kalye and many more. More than 40 participants show their
support engaging ourselves with the homeless community who sleep and stay in the park.
Homelessness are one of the awful problem happening in the Philippines and no government
since before could make a solution.
Message: 4
In recent days, although the agitation and the feeling of experiencing a moment of
exceptional mobilization continue, we have entered into a waiting time characteristic of
the before a battle, generating a sense of uncertainty, which can affect the mass
initiative on the street. However, neighborhoods, villages and other actors are still
alive. Strategically, it is clear that without a lasting massive mobilization there will
not be what is being called "the Catalan Republic". Not calling for fear of its
ungovernable component may mean leaving the opportunity to turn everything around. -Air
confirmed that on 3 October various unions called General strike, including CGT, CNT, COS,
IAC and INTERSINDICAL-CSC. We are in the streets! ---- Who is not feeling these days that
with the enormous mobilization to defend the referendum of 1-O is expressing the desire to
change things one fiery time?
Catalans, Catalans and people from all over the world who live and work in Catalonia, have
done an immense job these days, demonstrating to the whole world that the framework of the
'78 Regime is unbearably narrow, and the determination to make the capacity prevail
collective to decide how and where we want to live!
What is being called "Catalan Republic" is close to the hands. Rajoy could only try to
stop it unleashing overwhelming violence. It is difficult to do so, because afterwards the
whole world, inside and outside Spain, would be thrown over. Also, once you start
something like that, it's hard to know how it's done.
Tradition painted the opportunity. Calba behind and with the hair in front, because once
it has passed you can no longer catch it. Taking advantage of the opportunity means, among
other things, collecting data and interpreting them strategically ... now.
We are not naïve, it is clear that part of the mobilization is being ruled ("helpless",
they have said, but it means the same thing), by the entities, parties and sovereign
organizations and by the president of the Generalitat, who said Friday: You can not put
doors in the field. " They have great media, economic and organizational resources, as
well as taking advantage of a story indepe that is proving to be the lever that will allow
us to swallow the '78 Regime. A mythical-political power of masses that red and black
internationalisms do not have now.
The opportunity, however, is inseparable from massive mobilization and ambiguous
sentiment, of changing everything, that drives it. Opportunity also lies in the capacity
of self-organized forms that are emerging around the world, in accordance with the
transformative fraction of indepenced organizations, of promoting a massive presence on
the street as far away as possible. As well as the ways of living and struggling to break
into it. It is this presence that, while it lasts, destituates the power of the present
order and opens the field of thought. The art of the possible. Not alone, but resonant,
with existing organizations, actions and words, as well as those that arise in the middle
of the conflict.
The other day in an article, a woman testified that all this commotion of the regime and
the opportunity to turn everything around made her feel truly alive. One of the tasks of
the autonomous groups or anarchists, despite being a minority in the Neighborhood Defense
Committees that are emerging with different names, can be to try to expand in practice
this feeling more alive than ever. Instead of closing these CDs too quickly, looking for
flattening consensus, with the old colloids, baroque manipulation tactics that all see
from afar and hate, we should open up space for free use of themselves and the world and
multiplication of autonomous initiatives. In legal-political terms, using things without
having it right is to open space to another right, one where their stateization of Roman
inheritance is suspended.
Another task can be to make a patient, arguing and tenacious criticism of both meaningless
capitalist forms of life, without exit, or any attempt to break the initiative, closing
the process that opens until 1 -O and especially after 1-O, in any space where again we
can not hear it.
What do we want? We also want to change everything with independence. We want a broad real
participation in all the things that directly affect us. We want to be able to live well.
We want a political price of housing that allows us to re-inhabit our neighborhoods. We
want to stop the feet with a determined collective force that is allowed to exploit and
precarious tenants, tenants and workers and workers of our neighborhoods and villages. We
want big holders and big capitals to stop having hands free to ruin the neighborhood. We
want home refugees, refugees and migrants to feel at home and learn from them and them not
only everything that exists in our colonial colonies, but also other ways of supporting
each other. We want means to equip ourselves with spaces of common life where children and
adults know us, learn, Take time to accelerate the markets and conspire against the
intolerable. We want to deploy other ways of living, less dependent on the hostile world
that have built the governments of the capital of the whole world, and that makes us sick
and saddened us.
Image: Empampem Sant Antoni
We want so many things ... We want, with independence, to turn everything up to the root.
The Defense Committees have been created to defend the Referendum of 1-O. Once passed this
Sunday, they must serve to actively defend their results. But what in this process is
necessary to defend is, also, both the yearning to change everything one-time, like the
feeling of being more alive than ever. That these CDs do not turn into cheat
micro-governments, nor fall into micro-politicians in search of their own reputation, but
in spaces where widening their desire to live by changing everything!
What should be clear in the process of creating the so-called "Catalan Republic" is that
it will not be carried out without permanent mobilization or without CDs. That is why CDs
need to consolidate their power, their capabilities. The CDs should be equipped with
revocable delegates who can quickly coordinate with confidence, among them and with other
agents and combative sectors that are positioned, feminists, students, unions, migrants,
and so on. They should also create an organ of powerful propaganda to be critical with any
attempt to close the process too quickly, as well as to disseminate the enthusiasm that
lives in the desire to sink the 78's Regime to overturn everything. -We see neighborhood
assemblies, neighborhood strike committees, housing assemblies, libertarian agencies and
self-employed groups, They are everywhere because the desire to stop an odious order and
organized people are everywhere. We need to find trust, intelligence and agility to be in
each place, and at the same time, to intervene as an organized force and defend a
position. In order to be able to create autonomous zones everywhere, we need at certain
moments to be more centralist than the centralists, not as a new bureaucracy, but as a
force that is manifested.
Image: Painted in the Barrio de Gracia
A centrality space for mobilization must be open and open. A square or a palace. We hope
that it does not suffocate in a permanent assembly that copies a parliament badly, but
serves to multiply the initiatives, to inspire everything that comes, to share ideas,
resources and proposals, and, above all, to find ourselves in the eyes of and others in
the process of giving birth to the new world we take to our hearts.
Message: 5
In Catalonia as elsewhere, for the right of peoples to dispose of themselves ! Gathering
in front of the Spanish Embassy Place Pierre Brisson, Paris 16 th , metro Alma Marceau
Wednesday, September 27 at 18h ---- The threats and then the repression exercised by the
Spanish State in Catalonia are intolerable attacks on democracy. The Spanish police
invaded several official buildings of the Generalitat de Catalunya, arresting officials of
the administration and ministers. More broadly, extensive police operations were organized
against autonomist and independence circles. It was a guardia civil who was entrusted with
these tasks ; it does not have the legal powers to act thus on the Catalan territory ; the
central authority flouts its own rules of operation. It is a political choice ; that of
denying the people the right to decide their future.
By all means, the central government wants to prevent the referendum scheduled for the 1
st of October. Many organizations of the Spanish state alert: " The current events show
how far the specter of Franco is still present. "
Referendum or not ? Independence or not ?
It is up to the people living in Catalonia to decide ! Not to others.
The occupation forces of the Spanish State must withdraw.
It is not for us to decide either. We may have opinions on these subjects ; they may be
different. But our common responsibility is to support those who defend fundamental
freedoms and rights ; in this case, the right of peoples to self-determination.
Associations, trade unions and political signatories combat all forms of colonialism and
defend the right of self-determination of the peoples: in Catalonia as in Kurdistan, in
the Basque Country as in Kanaky ...
We denounce the state violence against the population of Catalonia.
We support those who fight for the referendum of 1 st October to occur.
We support the social movements that organize resistance, like unions calling for strike
action in the coming days.
Against state violence
For Freedom and Democracy
For the right to self-determination of peoples
We organize a rally in front of the Spanish embassy in Paris, 22 avenue Marceau, Paris
VIII e , metro Alma Marceau, Wednesday, September 27 at 18 am (appointment: place Pierre
on Wednesday 27 September at 6 pm.
Similar initiatives will take place in front of the consulates of several French cities
Getting out of colonialism ; Union of Solidarity ; Libertarian Alternative (AL) ; Amendil
awray ; Kurdish Democratic Center in France (CDK-F) ; Collectif Fathy Koumba ; National
Confederation of Labor (CNT) ; Social ecology ; Emancipation ; Socialist Revolutionary
Group - Martinique (GRS) ; New anti-capitalist party (NPA) ; Communist Workers' Party of
France (PCOF) ; Yellow ribbon ; National Assembly of Catalonia ; Together !
Message: 6
For years, politicians and employers criticized vocational education by blaming it for its
" maladjustment " and wrongly accusing it of being removed from the company. It is a
safe bet that the government attacks this poor relation of the National Education. ---- In
France, the vocational lycée is not the only institution to prepare a professional diploma
(CAP, BEP and vocational baccalauréat). Indeed, training centers for apprentices (CFA),
also prepare this type of diplomas. In vocational lycées, pupils are under school status,
whereas in CFAs, which are the result of an agreement between regional councils and
private partners (chambers of commerce and companies), they are alternated under a
contract of employment (the apprentice. e is an employee. It is in this distinction that
one of the main issues concerning the future of professional lycées is found.
Jurors fighting unemployment among young people, employers, government and regions are
challenging the vocational pathway under school status while promoting and funding the
learning system. But the reasons are quite different.
The government wants to regionalize vocational education in order to place it under the
control of the regions and employers' organizations. In conjunction with the regions,
Medef thus claims to have its hands on the design of diplomas, now under the supervision
of the Ministries of National Education and Agriculture.
This regionalization would amputate the vocational path of the National Education, making
it more difficult for the graduates and graduates pro the continuation of studies in BTS
or license pro. In addition, the regions will try to reduce the supply of training in
vocational lycées while encouraging apprenticeship, thus leading to specialization of the
territories and thus accentuating the inequalities between them.
Caesar (AL Saint-Denis)
Message: 7
This year, elections are held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament on 20-21
October. You will not see most of the anarchists and anarchists at the ballot box unless
they are just throwing in white ballots to symbolize what they need a representative for
their lives - none. Although we are pushing for a critical election absenteeism, we do not
have to blame anyone when they go to the polls to choose so-called lesser evil - if they
are aware of what this step means. That is, by inserting a ticket for lesser evil nothing
changes, at best, the situation of survival in capitalist marathism will not deteriorate
much, but the nature of the system will be preserved. ---- For most of us, however, this
step is by adopting rules that have been dictated to us; rules for a game that can not be
won, as these rules have already set their winners ahead. Putting a ticket in the
bourgeois democracy is the confirmation of it. It is not a winning political party, it is
not a "holiday of democracy," as we are embarrassed, it is only a confirmation of the
legitimacy of the ruling regime.
We do not like to play this game. Likewise, we do not mean to look quietly and stand up
with our hands. We have our vision of a free and self-governing society. We are guided by
the principles of equality, freedom, cooperation and solidarity, which are the direct
opposite of the capitalist practice of inequality, social oppression and indiscriminate
competition among individuals. Capitalism and its sacred bodies of inviolable private
property are the crap that keeps most of the company in pursuit of earnings, either for
survival, the achievement of gilding, or the keeping of its head over the debt trap. And
so far, a party that barely packed one panel, lives in surplus and decides about the lives
and future of others. And the politicians elected during the election circus such a world
shield and keep up.
Still, elections are a good opportunity for free-minded people; opportunities to detect
and attack the entire electoral fraud; the opportunity to call for direct action and to
take people back to their lives instead of giving them as an offering to the altar hidden
behind the ball.
Everybody can engage in the campaign of decentralized anti-election actions, for example
by destroying or altering electoral propaganda, spreading their own materials, performing
different types of performances, banners, graffiti, or picking up the counter-election
number of the A3 wall paper that we released on the occasion of this year's election.
We do not need any representatives to dictate what we can or can not do!
Message: 8
In the lunar landscape of Greek reality, as it was shaped by the right-left governments
and the European Union in the period of the capitalist crisis, the campaign of bleeding
social wealth puts another goal: housing. Following the onslaught of state and capital
attack on labor, agricultural production, insurance, social freedoms, the environment and
social goods, they target one of the few remaining material props of the working class and
the oppressed. ---- The anti-insur- ance Bill passed by the Parliament is another front of
the new war that has declared local and international capital to employees, self-employed,
farmers, pensioners and, by extension, to all the people who maintain their incomes
children, relatives of chronic diseases, etc.). Following the new criminal law against
social security, it is more obvious than ever that a pervasive class backlash in the
fields of housing, health insurance, and ultimately a coordinated proletarian denial of
payments is necessary.
Leaving aside all pretexts, the recent passage of the pre-requisites by the SYRIZA-ANEL
government in late 2015 opens the way for the rise of international financial capital
against housing. The management of red loans and real estate is now undertaken by
international investment firms and funds, among others, the Bank of Greece and the Code of
Ethics of Banks (!) Appear to be the custodian of the debtors' interests towards these
Following November's "legislative improvements" that have been hindering the protection
arrangements in place so far, the auction protection framework has been severely
sharpened, time limits are unclear, while new abstract concepts such as the "co-operating
borrower" are being introduced. Clarifications, definitions, assessments, etc., all go to
the banks' judgment. The government is losing its hands by simply asking bankers to show
understanding and leniency (see Drazasakis statements in November). The queues of the
debtors at the peace courts at the end of December, for their inclusion in the relatively
favorable Katseli law, highlight the dimensions of the threat. The application itself for
inclusion in this law is a costly process with the required amount of about EUR 1000.
From 1/1/2016, the zero-dose option has been abolished for those who have zero income or
are unable not only to pay their installments but also to meet the daily expenses of their
family. Moreover, the process of free sale and the reduction of the cost of the sale was
opened. Thus, if the first auction is fruitless, the second one starts at half the
commercial value of the property, while the third one starts at zero starting price.
Moreover, if the property is auctioned at an amount lower than its commercial value and
the amount of the loan, the debtor continues to owe the bank the remaining amount. And he
loses his home and still owes it. In essence, borrowers are asked to repay their loan for
the second time. That too,
So if one can not give the banks their net profit, it will be characterized as
"non-cooperative" and his home will go out on the hammer or alternatively, his loan can
pass into the hands of the investment houses, which with even greater ease from the banks
- as they do not necessarily expect to repay the loan - will turn the property into a
financial product and gamble by multiplying their profits. For us, the defense of the
first home and the prevention of evictions and auctions is the practical and in class
terms defense of the social good of housing. Far from populist, falsified radical fanfare,
our political framework for the struggle against auctions is the class defenses of all
social goods, part of which is also housing-housing.
The cancellation of an auction in the Peace Tribunal moves the process for 2 months later,
creating in the first year a first line of temporary defense of our class. Consequently,
the presence of all of us in peace courts is essential. We need to realize the need to
pass through the defense of housing, safeguarding it as a good for everyone and everyone;
the need to pass from defense to attack.
Starting from this position and against any private and commercial exploitation of the
dwelling, we use and predict the tool of occupation as a form of combatant recovery of
social wealth to provide shelter to all oppressed people, homeless, migrants / workers,
poor men of our time.
As Anarchist Federation, a part of the exploited and oppressed, we will fight with our
class by all means. We will be there in the courts of law, the streets, the neighborhoods,
the judges, the bank representatives and the investment fund managers, in natural
confrontation if necessary with their uniform patrons; with the poor, the unemployed, the
workers, the oppressed , with the exploited against the state and the capital.
Let's not leave anyone alone with the banking gangs
Classical counterattack, self-organization, solidarity
In Thessaloniki, auctions are held every Wednesday at 15:30 in Thessaloniki's courts.
Until the definitive exclusion of the first homes and the safeguarding of housing as an
inalienable right of our class, we block in practice, as a means of pressure, every
auction, whatever property it concerns and whatever its use. Until then, we will not allow
every kind of state and non-predatory to "do their job".
WEDNESDAY 27/9, 15:30
Eleftherial Initiative of Thessaloniki - member of the Anarchist Federation
l ib_thess @ ho t
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