Bennett Seftel, Cipher Brief: The Legacy of Leadership Decapitation after 9/11
Since the September 11 attacks, the U.S. has used leadership decapitation – the targeting and killing of terrorist leaders – as a pillar of its counterterrorism strategy. Through combat operations, special operations forces raids, and drone strikes, the U.S. has successfully removed al Qaeda and ISIS commanders from battlefields across the globe and has undermined the operational capacities of militant organizations that aim to strike the U.S. homeland, as well as America’s allies and interests abroad.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 11, 2017
Understanding 9/11 and the Terrorist Threat Today -- John Amble, Modern War Institute
Recruiting a generation with no memory of Sept. 11 -- Tara Copp, Military Times
Sixteen Years After 9/11, How Does Terrorism End? -- Robin Wright, New Yorker
If Israel played by America's rules, Iraq and Syria would have nuclear weapons -- Zev Chafets, National Post/Washington Post
Iranian Vice President Salehi on Nuclear Deal 'Our Partners Have More To Lose Than We Do' -- Susanne Koelbl, Spiegel Online
The Risk of Nuclear War with North Korea -- Evan Osnos, New Yorker
Trump Turns Kim Jong Un’s Hopes into Achievable Goals -- Andray Abrahamian. 38 North
As Scandals Dent His Approval at Home, Japan’s Abe Hobbles Along -- J. Berkshire Miller, WPR
Japan scrambles to growing incursions of China, Russia warplanes -- Peter Brown, Asia Times
In the Pacific Theater, A Cold War Sequel -- Stratfor
Bangladesh raises Rohingyas with India, seeks intervention -- Saikat Datta, Asia Times
The Real Test for US-Malaysia Relations -- Prashanth Parameswaran, Diplomat
Pope Francis Mixes His Messages in Latin America -- Mac Margolis, Bloomberg
Will Chechnya Detonate Russia? -- Karina Orlova, American Interest
Mexico Has Been Devastated by Earthquakes Before. This Time it Was Ready. -- Joshua Keating, Slate