- Concise summary of, comments on the book. Toward an Environmentally
- Sustainable Future.
- Country Environmental Analysis of the
- People’s Republic of China.
- The book was published in 2012. The publisher was Asian Development Bank (ADB). Authors of the book: Qingfeng Zhang and Robert Crooks. 200 pages.
- Full text of the book is available here:
- https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2017/09/book-china.html
- Full text of the book (free) is attached to this online publication, which is an update to one of projects on ResearchGate:
- Contents:
- List of Tables, Figures, and Boxes. vii;
- Abbreviations. ix;
- Foreword. xi;
- Acknowledgments. xiii;
- Executive Summary. xvi;
- 1. Introduction. 1;
- 2. The Environment and Development Framework. 4;
- 2.1. Introduction. 4;
- 2.2. The Pace of Economic Growth and Development. 4;
- 2.3. Sectoral Structure of the Economy. 6;
- 2.4. Energy. 7;
- 2.5. Urbanization. 10;
- 2.6. Future Prospects. 16;
- 3. Natural Resources Management. 18;
- 3.1. Climate and Topography. 18;
- 3.2. Land Resources and Land Degradation. 19;
- 3.3. Biodiversity. 23;
- 3.4. Forests. 28;
- 4. Water and Air Pollution and Solid Waste Management. 34;
- 4.1. Water Quantity and Quality. 34;
- 4.2. Air Quality and Sources of Air Pollution. 55;
- 4.3. Solid Waste. 64;
- 5. The Climate Change Agenda. 69;
- 5.1. Introduction. 69;
- 5.2. Contribution to Climate Change of the People’s Republic of China. 69;
- 5.3. How the People’s Republic of China Has Been and Might Be Affected
- by Climate Change. 73;
- 5.4. The Strategic Position of the People’s Republic of China on
- Climate Change. 80;
- 5.5. Climate Change Strategies under the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015). 86;
- 5.6. Barriers. 87;
- 5.7. Role of the Asian Development Bank. 89;
- 6. Policy, Institutional, and Fiscal Frameworks for Environmental Protection 91;
- 6.1. Introduction. 91;
- 6.2. Strategic Framework and the “Three Shifts”. 91;
- 6.3. The Institutional Framework for Environmental Management
- and Protection. 92;
- 6.4. Changes in Laws, Regulations, and Related Instruments. 105;
- 6.5. Fiscal Dimensions of Environmental Management. 112;
- 6.6. Conclusion. 122;
- 7. Strategic Framework for Environmental Protection. 124;
- 7.1. Introduction. 124;
- 7.2. Macro-Environmental Strategy of the Ministry of Environmental ;
- Protection. 124;
- 7.3. The 11th Five-Year Plan (2006–2010). 127;
- 7.4. Environmental Strategy for the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015). 138;
- 8. Implications for the Country Partnership Strategy. 149;
- 8.1. Introduction. 149;
- 8.2. Asian Development Bank’s Assistance Program. 151;
- 8.3. Private Sector Participation in ADB’s Environmental Projects. 159;
- 8.4. Environmental Assistance of Other Donors. 161;
- 8.5. Policy and Institutional Issues: Environmental Impact Assessment. 164;
- 8.6. Assessment of ADB Performance in the People’s Republic of China. 172;
- 8.7. Strategic Directions of the People’s Republic of China and Possible Areas
- of ADB Assistance. 174;
- References 187;
- Figures (26), and Boxes(3):
- Figures (26):
- 1 Real Gross Domestic Product Growth of BRIC Countries and the
- United States, 1990–2008. 5;
- 2 Composition of Gross Domestic Product by Sector, 1998–2009. 7;
- 3 Economic Energy Intensity and Per Capita Energy Consumption, 1990–2009. 8;
- 4 Economic Efficiency of Energy Consumption, 2000–2007. 9;
- 5 Components of the Energy Mix in the People’s Republic of China, 1990–2008. 9;
- 6 Urban and Rural Population Trends, 1982–2008. 11;
- 7 Annual Plantation Establishment Rates, 2001–2007. 32;
- 8 Total Water Consumption and Sector Consumption, 2000–2008. 36;
- 9 Water Utilization Rates by River Basin. 38;
- 10 General Surface Water Quality Trends, 1998–2009. 40;
- 11 Water Quality of Key Lakes and Reservoirs, 2003–2009. 41;
- 12 Industrial and Domestic Wastewater Flows and Chemical Oxygen Demand Loads,
- 1999–2009. 46;
- 13 Major Sources of Industrial Chemical Oxygen Demand Discharges. 47;
- 14 Livestock Numbers in the People’s Republic of China, 1978–2005. 50;
- 15 Ambient Urban Air Quality Trends, 1999–2009. 56;
- 16 Changes in Air Pollutant Emission Intensities, 1997 and 2009. 58;
- 17 Industrial Air Emissions, 1998–2009. 60;
- 18 Number of Civil and Private Vehicles and Gross Domestic Product
- Growth in the People’s Republic of China, 1978–2007. 61;
- 19 Growth of Municipal Solid Waste Production and Gross Domestic Product,
- 2000–2008. 65;
- 20 Carbon Dioxide Emissions of the People’s Republic of China (1980–2008),
- Compared to Selected Major Economies. 70;
- 21 Carbon Dioxide Emissions Project in the People’s Republic of China,
- Under Different Development Scenarios. 72;
- 22 Actual and Projected Total Energy Demand in the People’s Republic of China,
- 2000–205. 73;
- 23 Schematic Diagram of the Environmental Supervision System in the
- People’s Republic of China. 98;
- 24 Investments in the Treatment of Environmental Pollution, 2004–2008. 112;
- 25 Sector Distribution of ADB Lending by Value, 10th and 11th Five-Year Plan Periods. 152;
- 26 ADB Lending, 1991–2010. 172;
- Boxes:
- 1 The Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Program. 21;
- 2 The People’s Republic of China–Global Environment Facility Partnership
- to Combat Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems. 24;
- 3 Tai Lake Cleanup. 42;
- Comments (on the basis of the final part of the book):
- This book presents the results of a 2-year effort to
- update environmental assessment in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The research
- was a collaborative effort involving the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Ministry of
- Environmental Protection, the National Development and Reform Commission, and numerous
- other technical and research institutions in the PRC. Based on this research and extensive
- consultations, ADB proposes a wide range of programs and policies that will help improve
- environmental quality despite new and emerging sources of pollution and challenges to
- natural resources management.
- Inclusive growth and a green economy are the government’s guiding principles for
- its development agenda under the 12th Five-Year Plan and beyond to 2020. To support
- these principles, the PRC needs to restructure its economic and fiscal systems to reflect
- environmental externality, expand the use of market-based instruments to control pollution,
- and introduce and implement legal reforms to clarify responsibility and promote cooperation.
- This publication is of interest to all those concerned
- about environmental quality in Asia, especially in China.
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» Book. China. Toward an Environmentally Sustainable Future. Country Environmental Analysis of the People’s Republic of China. Qingfeng Zhang, Robert Crooks. Concise summary of, comments on the book.