Daily Reflections
Wednesday, 6th September 2017.
Twenty Second Week in Ordinary Time

Col 1: 1-8;
Ps 52: 10-11;
Lk 4: 38-44


In today’s Gospel, we see the account of the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. Unlike miracles where Jesus often healed through touch, today he heals by speaking the Word. The command is addressed to the disease itself, just as Jesus addressed the raging storm on the Sea of Galilee with the command, “Peace, be still!” (Mk 4: 39), and the storm ceased. People realized his authority, so did the devils who came out of people howling: ‘You are the Son of God.’

The next day, at daybreak, Jesus went away to be alone, to pray and simply be present to His Father in Heaven. And though Jesus had dedicated the entire last evening and night to the people, they wanted to be with Him some more. He was gone for a short time to pray and they immediately went searching for Him. And when they found Jesus, they begged Him to stay longer. Jesus made quite an impression with these people.

The passage tells us of the desire for Jesus that we should all have. We should desire that Jesus remains with us 24/7. We should go to sleep with Him on our minds, wake praying to Him and allow Him to accompany us throughout every day. We should foster the same love and affection for Jesus that the people had in this passage above. Fostering that desire is the first step to allowing His presence to accompany us all day every day.

Reflect, today, upon your desire or lack of desire to be with Jesus always. Are there times when you prefer He not be there? Or have you allowed yourself to have this same affection for Jesus seeking His presence in your life always?

Prayer: Lord, I desire that You be present in my life all day long every day. May I always seek You and always be attentive to Your presence in my life. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.

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