Anarchic update news all over the world - 6.09.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Poland, rozbrat: Banned for protest against the Forest Mafia
      The Hunters Against Hunters [machine translation]

2.  Greece, Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki: TIF: Nothing
      is over. Let's go to the counterattack! | Route 9/9 18:00 Kamara
      (gr) [machine translation] (

3.  A-Radio Berlin - Reportback from Charlottesville: Unite the
      Right and the murder of Heather Heyer (


Message: 1

Two activists linked to the Poznan Against Hunters initiative, which took part in the 
protest action at the hunting fair "Knieje 2017" on February 18, 2017, were punished by 
the Poznan district court. Activists were exempt from the need to pay fines and court 
fees. The activist recording the whole event, who also sat on the bench of the accused, 
was acquitted. ---- The protest was attended by a total of 6 women who stepped onto the 
stage inside the fair, then set up animal masks and unveiled t-shirts with the words 
"Bloody Hobby Stop" and "Las is not a company." ---- In our opinion, this is a 
satisfactory judgment; Activists have objected to a pre-emption verdict on this matter, 
and have appealed against a fine previously awarded to them for a fine of PLN 300 plus PLN 
80 court costs (per person). It is difficult, however, to agree with the justification of 
the judge in which the hunters were treated as victims of the incident. The judge was 
downplaying the most important aspect of peaceful activist protests - animal welfare and 
civic freedom, free access to forests. The PPM announces further action against the 
capitalist tendencies of the State Forests and the Ministry of the Environment.



Message: 2

Each year at the Thessaloniki International Fair, capital, through its civilian staff, 
sets the living conditions of the workers, the unemployed, the retired, the lower. ---- 
Every year the Prime Minister comes - always with regret (!) - to announce the new steps 
of an all-out attack on state and capital on labor and social achievements. Every year, he 
promises that the measures are the latest. ---- The worst that can happen to you with 
chains is to get used to them. Already, for seven years, at regular intervals state and 
capital "bite" and a new piece of the last means of survival of the world of work. It 
looks like a natural phenomenon every 1.5 years, after a "tough" period of supposed 
negotiations between the Greek state and its patrons, the EU and the IMF, the announcement 
of new cuts in wages and pensions, the loss of new labor rights, our class is increasingly 
underestimated. Not even the phraseology changes from PASOK to SW and from SW to SYRIZA.

Year by year, state and capital are increasing the armies of poor, unemployed, homeless, 
who can not meet their basic needs, who have no access to health or education - with 
public schools and hospitals shutting down or under-working . Labor rights are constantly 
being curtailed, for the benefit of both local and foreign bosses. In the coming months, a 
new labor law will be put to vote. This law is expanding and completing the scene of 
absolute misery and social disarray.

By abolishing the minimum wage, the 13th and 14th salary, by abolishing and / or bypassing 
collective labor agreements and replacing them with individual employment contracts - at 
each appetite of every small or big boss - with the right to strike (it is more difficult 
to declare strikes through the increase of days to alert the start of the strike, the 51% 
decision of the strike industry and the establishment of lock-out), the scene Recent years 
have become more and more dystopian. A form supplemented by new conditions of precarious 
work, such as individual contracts or contracts through ... telephone, mini jobs, 
teleworking, employee hire and others,

At the same time, social benefits and benefits are abolished, pensions are reduced and 
cut, the age limit for retirement, insurance funds are abolished or merged.

As long as one is struggling not to see it, choices are now becoming narrower within the 
systemic framework, the illusion of social peace is cracked.

The downward trend in the rate of profit, the inherent contradiction of capitalism, which 
is the result of (and) the increase in labor productivity and the inability to capitalize 
on existing capital, has led to yet another structural crisis of over-accumulation. In 
these circumstances, state and capital carry out an all-out and coordinated attack on the 
social basis in order to overcome the deadlock. The social consensus on the regime is 
increasingly shaken, so state administrators resort to emergency measures.

Within this critical environment, the state and capital have been stripped. Their 
barbarity is obvious. The power grid is exposed. The variety of relevant policy proposals 
is spread out on the table. First of all, we have the allegedly democratic, left-wing 
government, which, due to the demands of local and international capital, implements 
policies of austerity and social welfare. It is essentially about neo-liberal policies 
that would be a craving for the broader liberal arc, with a dominant position within it 
being held by the main opposition. Qualitative differences between them exist only in 
relation to the increased (communicative) use of the brush that lasts for the last time, 
that is, persecution and repression of those who struggle and resist the plans of 
sovereignty (for SYRIZA has also demonstrated in the local and international capital that 
it will joyfully suppress immigration riots, collusion demonstrations, evacuate 
occupations, continue the anti-terrorist crusade etc), but also at the level of rhetoric, 
with the right to the soldiers of class consciousness (for the benefit of the 
bourgeoisie), namely, personality, patriotism and the religious plus observation. Smaller 
resonance seems to have traditional social democracy or a common "center-left", 
constituting another dusty urban pawn. Still lower is the Eurocommunist left - we could 
say the pre-election SYRIZA number 2 - with a reformist pretensio of a social character, 
continuation of capitalism with protectionist policies and return to the national 
currency. Regarding the revolutionary proposals enclosed in the ruling family, there is a 
wide range of the revolutionary left. Pioneering parties, with the long-term goal of 
political revolution, the establishment of a centralized state, and the emergence of state 
capitalism, as an intermediary of the supposedly linear course towards communism. Finally, 
as a reserve of capital, fascism stands as the last mound for the bourgeoisie. Whether as 
a parliamentary force or supposedly extraterritorial bodies, its purpose is concrete: the 
attack on the world of the struggle, the diffusion of misanthropy, and ultimately the 
fight against social resistance by an iron boot for the benefit of capitalism.

Within this political setting, SYRIZA did what it promised. Not to us. But in the regime 
that is always served by the left wing and social democracy. He dismayed the momentum of 
the social counterattack of the first monumental years, dragged her into the humiliation 
of the ballot box and then exchanged it with a position not only in power today, but also 
as a constant pole of the new bi-mathematics in the years to come. Not too bad for 
Euro-communists of 4%, very bad for all of us. Why is the best way to get used to your 
chains that he promises to tell you that it is ultimately necessary to take them. SYRIZA 
was the best gift, the surest solution for the state and the capital that in the 
historical period we have been living has decided to "gather" everything.

Faced with the evolving dystopia of modern totalitarianism, we ought to organize a social 
and classical counterattack that will overcome the present political and economic 
structure of society, the world of state and capital. That is why it is imperative to 
build militant social and class-based movements. Organize in grassroots clubs, 
neighborhood assemblies, political collectives and anti-fascist co-ordinations. We 
ourselves, from the bottom, know our needs and desires. We do not need any savior, any 
supposed external dispatcher of our will. One thing is left to do. Take our lives in our 
hands, so that we can not live like slaves.

As anarchists, what we are calling for is to push for the social revolution and the 
radical transformation of society, collectively, unpretentious and from the bottom. It is 
the struggle for the destruction of the state and capitalism, for the elimination of all 
separated power and exploitative relationship, with the aim of creating a classless and 
extreme society of generalized self-direction, with solidarity as a coherent link. All of 
this is shaped by the occupation of the means of production and labor self-management, 
without bosses, in order to serve the needs of the community, by assisting in the 
organization of production and distribution by everyone according to their capacities to 
each according to their needs. With community-based issues being decided through 
horizontal community assemblies building from bottom to top a federation of decentralized 
and self-governing communities, including voluntary associations and free cooperatives. In 
addition, the struggle for universal emancipation ought to be internationalist and to 
break down the borders that stand between peoples.

For us, political freedom and economic equality can only be considered as indivisible in 
terms of the empowerment of the stratum strata, hence the indifference and compatibility 
of anarchy with communism. The holistic self-realization of man and the experience of 
humanity find their full expression in the society that is built on the basis of 
libertarian communism.

We urge everyone to go down the road and participate in the course of the TIF, to support 
and participate all year long in the mobilizations against the implementation of the 
memorandums in every sphere of our lives, taking action initiatives where they do not 
exist and actively taking part where there are.

The state proclaims in all tones that it has continued. Class and social struggles also 
have to follow in all tones.

Trying to make it impossible, man has always achieved what is possible. If, however, we do 
not do the impossible, we will face the unthinkable.

Nothing's over. Let's go to the counterattack!


18:00, KAMARA


Message: 3

Dear all, ---- On August 11 and 12th, fascists of different stripes organized a rally in 
Charlottesville, Virginia, they called "Unite the Right". Counter protesters and 
antifascists mobilized and managed to practically stop this ugly event. A fascist then 
drove his car into a group of counter protesters, wounding more than a dozen and killing 
Heather Heyer in the process. ---- As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of 
talking to a comrade from the US who participated in the antifascists protests. We talked 
about the Unite the Right event as such, about the different forms of fascists gathering 
there, about the counterprotests, the tragic murder of Heather Heyer and the medic and 
trauma facilities made available by antifascists groups. Also we tackle the topic of 
people discussing arming themselves and how to go forward from here.

You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes)

Length: 33 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

Among our last audios you can find:
* Brazil 2: Indymedia Sao Paulo on the struggles in Brazil in the last
* Brazil 1: Indigenous Struggles in the Amazon:
* A presentation by Anarchist Black Cross in Czech Republic on the Fenix
operation and related issues:
* An audio version of Qiyas Ibrahimov's speech in court, an imprisoned
anarchist from Azerbaijan:
* A presentation on the Prison Strike in the USA 2016:
* An interview about the "flower holiday" in Azerbaijan and the
imprisoned anarchists:
* An interview on the repression against anarchists in Czech:
* Reflections on the NoBorder Camp Thessaloniki 2016:
* An interview about the ongoing defense of the Rog factory squat in

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: We are now on Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at
ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a
hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into
English as well as people able to do voice recordings - in order to
amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at


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