Anarchic update news all over the world - 4.09.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Greece, "Black & Red" [Anarchist Political Organiza] -
      Anti-fascist vigilance against all fascist constructions (gr)
      [machine translation] (

2.  Britain, wessex solidarity: Surrey and Hampshire Anarchist
      Federation - blockades of PJ Brown Construction 


3.  [Spain] In attack against United Colors of Benetton store in
      Madrid in solidarity with Santiago Maldonado By ANA (ca, fr, it,
      pt) [machine translation] (

4.  [Spain] CNT supports the Intersindical Canaria affiliate
      sentenced to 4 months in prison for a graffiti against
      unemployment By ANA (ca, fr, it, pt) [machine translation]


Message: 1

Constant fight against state and capital ---- After the declassification by the Golden 
Dawn Society itself of the "antisystemic" character that it was supposed to pretend and 
its most complete identification with neonazism, the state is looking for new successors 
from the fascist space, limiting their rhetoric to A more patriotic / nationalist 
narrative and will therefore better manage their image. The Holy Lodge in Thessaloniki was 
obviously considered a very appropriate case. This, of course, does not apply at all, 
since AMUs and other micro-groups that draw their womb from the Golden Dawn and rally 
around IL. Even more emphasize their belief in national-socialism, the Third Reich, 
Hitler, and so on. ---- The state, therefore, always having the need to form a 
paracetrical court, observing the structural weakness of Golden Dawn to successfully 
mobilize in the city of Thessaloniki, sees the Holy Loch its last chance to form a fascist 
struggle that attempts to step in pavement. That is why EL.AS. And in particular the MATs 
of Thessaloniki have been assigned the role of a staff assistant and a bunker of the 15 
cathars that are assembled each time to attempt the rape of any infant kidnappers or just 
to wipe out their racist and homophobic poison.

The reason why they summon each other is absolutely indifferent even to themselves, just 
picking a theme from the familiar fascist agenda (immigrants, Cyprus, civil war, etc.) and 
all the substance is at stake in establishing the alliance With the police on the street, 
so they can be gathered around somewhere in the city without even being able to announce 
in advance. Police are tangling this alliance, since they did not hesitate to attack the 
last two anti-fascist gatherings in the White Tower area, from which the first attack was 
the capture of three anti-fascists, and the second the injury of companions and guardians 
of guardianship. The cops leave the showcase of supposed neutrality and act as the arm 
that the fascists do not have. But when the cops' detours became possible, the result was 
fascists still measuring teeth in the municipal yard in Oreokastro. Cops know very well 
what the result will be, if they fail to exaggerate themselves in guarding the far right, 
so they are attacking with anti-fascists and anti-fascists with such fury.

The struggle with fascism is not exhausted in central appointments, in flamboyant 
announcements and obedient journeys, it is everyday. An integral part of the anti-fascist 
struggle in the city is the anti-fascist concentration that limits the dynamics of the 
fascists, as well as their spatial diffusion. The support of anti-fascist rallies should 
be the self-evident and minimal mobilization of all anarchist and anti-authoritarian 
groupings and organizations, as naturally it should normally be a minimal move, and of 
organizations that generally refer to antifascism.

In the next period, both at the central level with the completion of the Golden Dawn trial 
and at the local level with the outcome of the battle against the Holy Loch, the next 
developments concerning the way of expressing and organizing the anti-fascist struggle 
will be judged. The Charlottesville events, and in particular the murder of Heather Haier, 
reveal once again the criminality of fascists and neo-Nazis at international level, while 
at the same time demonstrating the importance of the victorious outcome of these 
struggles. A common thread unites the struggles worldwide against modern capitalist 
totalitarianism, fascism and neonazism, and a part of these struggles corresponds to us 
and falls on our backs.




A long time with the system that generates phasism

Collectivism for Social Anarchism "Black & Red" Member of the Anarchist Political 
Organization - Federation of Colleges-


Message: 2

On Wednesday 27th of September and Thursday 28th of September there will be all day 
communications blockades of PJ Brown Construction. They are one of the companies involved 
in the fracking operations at Leith Hill. ---- We appeal to international anti-fracking 
activists to spread the word about this communications blockade. ---- We encourage people 
to express their disapproval of PJ Brown's involvement in the fracking operations at Leith 
Hill so that the company will change their mind. ---- On Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th 
of September, phone, email and fax the company to voice your concerns. Dialling (141) 
before the PJ Brown's number will hide your own landline number. ---- Main Office: +44 (0) 
1293 544856 ---- Fax: +44 (0) 1293 571164 ---- Email: ----


Message: 3

In the early hours of August 30, the façade of the Benetton store in Madrid, on Avenida 
Mediterrâneo, was filled with paint. ---- This direct action is part of the international 
call for Santiago Maldonado, disappeared by the Argentine gendarmerie on August 1 in 
Chubut, in the Mapuche community of Cushamen, while the repressive bodies triggered 
repression against said community and other solidarity people who participated in the 
resistance, and among them was Santiago Maldonado, an anarchist militant. ---- Since this 
Italian textile multinational bought in 1991 about 900,000 hectares (a larger area than 
the community of Madrid) in which they raise 100.00 sheep, which produce 10% of the wool 
used by the company, have become one of the most important private interests to attack and 
destroy the Mapuche communities, which have years in struggle and resistance against the 
Argentine and Chilean states.

Santiago Maldonado is one more on the long list of state crimes. This is a small show of 
solidarity that intends to send encouragement to the comrades and  friends  of Santiago 
and to make the state and capitalism understand that the struggle continues against all 
forms of authority and dominion over the land and the beings that inhabit it. Anarchy.

Where is Santiago Maldonado?


Maldonado /

Translation> Liberto


Message: 4

Before his imminent detention, which will happen on September 11 after being denied a 
pardon he had requested, the National Confederation of Labor expresses its solidarity ---- 
The National Confederation of Labor (CNT) has shown its support for Aisha Hernández, a 
member of the Intersindical Canaria, sentenced to four months in prison for having done 
several years ago a graffiti denounced the high youth unemployment in the Spanish 
archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. ---- In the face of his imminent detention, which will 
take place on September 11 after being denied a pardon he requested, as reported weeks ago 
by Alternativa Nacionalista Canaria, a party of which he is a militant, the CNT wanted to 
show his solidarity. ---- Since, according to the anarcho-syndicalist organization, it 
considers the arrest of Aisha Hernández "a new gesture of dishonesty and waste" with which 
"the administration tries to stifle the dissident voices".

At the same time, it is a shame that the girl should be punished for graffiti where she 
exposed "75% of youth unemployment in the Canary Islands", while "corrupt politicians, 
exploiters and fraudsters are still free."

For all this, the CNT shows its decision to "take part in acts that seek to give 
visibility to the conflict and to make effective mutual support and solidarity" with the 
unionist, in a note that explains that it spread during a concert that had organized today 
(25/08) in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, precisely as a way of expressing solidarity with her.


Translation> Rose and Cinnamon
