Anarchic update news all over the world - 29.09.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Philippines, The Fake News is Violence Anti-Authoritarian
      against Fascism September 21, 2017 Luneta Park, Manila by
      etnikobandido [machine translation] (

2.  usi-ait: "Soft" coup in Catalonia? (ca, it)

3.  Britain, Surrey and Hampshire Anarchist Federation:

4.  Communiqué of the group of the Paris region of the
      Coordination of the Anarchist Groups following the aggression of
      feminist militants by members of the service of order (SO) of the
      CGT on September 12, 2017 (ca, fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

5. The ruins of the nationalist Piraeus by Ex
      Portu - Anti-authoritarian Movement -- Anti-fascist Concentration
      in Piraeus (gr) [machine translation] (

6. Lessons for Ireland from the Pro-Choice movement in
      Italy (




Message: 1

Remembering this day Sept.21, one of the horrific and tragic moment happened in the 
history of the Philippines. Martial Law was declared by President Marcos to suppress and 
repress most of the people. Rampant violence, forced disappearance, arrest, killings and 
torture experienced by dissidents and common people who are criticizing the authoritarian 
regime at that time. ---- Today, Duterte's administration was also following the path for 
being a totalitarian and a fascist by putting people's lives on his own hands defying 
constitutional and human rights. Declaring Martial Law in Mindanao and instigating War on 
Drugs policy by killings thousands of poor people. This regime are misleading the people 
by their fake news by putting their effort on drug related issue to stop criminality and 
not confronting the real problem of the society, that social injustice like poverty, no 
job opportunity, no social welfare, forced displacement are the main cause and this 
injustices are already violence.

As our attempt to express our sentiments against this atrocity. We planned to gather in 
Luneta Park to have a picnic, Food Not Bombs mass feeding, Really Free Market, mobile 
library, culture jamming, Radyo Kalye and many more. More than 40 participants show their 
support engaging ourselves with the homeless community who sleep and stay in the park. 
Homelessness are one of the awful problem happening in the Philippines and no government 
since before could make a solution.

"The Fake News is Violence"

Trick the faux. Fake money, fake products, fake stories, fake hair, fake drugs and fake 
news. I do not know if there is a Peking duck.

Perhaps nothing is fraudulent but cheat. Why? Because it conceals the truth. Someone else 
can not see the real situation because it is filled with pretentious truth. You may have 
purchased a cheap fake product, if your search is branded you have been deceived. But if 
the buyer intends to buy it, the corporation will. The use of fake hair is also a form of 
treachery, without the intention of intentionally concealing the truth, hair loss is 

Spreading fake news and stories is inherently bad. It attempts to hide, obscure or mislead 
people in real conditions to protect the interests, position or purpose of one or a group 
of people.

The forgery of the real situation is harmful. You have missed that the real situation is 
the poverty and hunger of the majority. This is because there are only a few people 
holding and controlling the wealth of society. The land, property and facilities that 
create our basic needs are controlled by the state because of their positions and 
influence on government.

People have been rented by fake rallies. This false rite focuses on attention and becomes 
blind to important matters that are directly related to our very existence. For example, 
why do not we get mad at the very low base salary of the worker? While the price increases 
of basic commodities and services will not be curtailed.

Government robbery is widespread, rather than going to the money on social services it is 
put into the pocket of a few. We'll hear a cry but overall the thieves are business as 

The protection of nature is always mushrooming but mining continues, cutting trees, 
extinguishing carbon emissions and waste dispersion and environmental poisons.

Why do not we slander hundreds of thousands of people and homeless families scattered in 
the streets? Children, elderly people or women with disabilities are asking for mercy, 
rather than reaching support, they will blame more quickly in their laziness and loathing. 
We forget that the absence of many of us is caused by the control of a few.

The leaders and politicians of the parties, corporations and churches are unlikely to make 
the most of their lives as the vast majority of people struggle with the crumbs and 
residuals of the few.

You do not pay attention to them because your attention is in PEKENG NEWS. Are you glad to 
see that your fellow poor are killed because of accusation? Tell us that he is a retailer 
or retailer of retail shabu, is it a good basis for him to be caught?

Certainly there are violence in relation to illegal drugs; it may be a psychological 
impact or sales opportunity should not cover it. It should be enough to counter such 
violence. But think about it; how many lives have been lost because of war between the 
republic and the government? Do you have the idea of how many killed in the battle of the 
soldiers and the Muslim rebels? Did you also see that just a simple wine is also a massive 
slaughter incident?

Due to fake news, you no longer have to worry about a serious matter. You have not 
addressed the issues of deep damage to our society such as hunger, poverty, discrimination 
and environmental degradation.

Instead you are entertained by stacked corpses in the belief that drug involvement is 
worse than murder, plunder in the people's treasury, lack of decent housing, landlessness, 
ongoing war and environmental degradation.

Meanwhile, September 21 is the 45th year declaration of martial law. NO MISCELLANEOUS.

Our remembrance of the Government's GREAT VIOLENCE against the people.

Marcos and his cronies were in awe of the rich and the wealthy.


HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, TORTURE, CONSUMER, AND DELETE LIBO. These are some of the things we 
should remember to avoid such disasters.

At TOTOO, a lot of people are crazy. This is because the politicians want it. Strap and 
split people. The enemy is politically incapable. The DEMOCRACY is FIRST, the opposition 
is recognized but the object is to conquer the unlike. Considering that self-governing 
groups and parties are superior to others. You have "sharp lines" while others are "real 
socialist". They also have "true faith" and "false" to others.

You have forgotten that the decision can be made to yourself. Decision with recognition of 
your interests, family, community and nature. The INTERACTIVE is not the interest of a 
few. Por diyos por saint! You know for a long time that politicians and parties are just 
being moved by their interest to remain in power. Do not be fooled by the fact that you 
are just in control of resources. Still not touched? How many times have we changed the 
administration, different Consumerism and our situation? GUTOM and MANGMANG are rotated in 
the hands of the powers. Can you give me a ruling that eliminated poverty, hunger, sound 
social services? And in the experience there is no sensible PLACE OF GOVERNMENT, it is 
more violence in many countries than in other ways.

Let's look at IDEAS AND PRACTICE OF GOVERNMENT - cooperation in our communities. Giving 
support without any favor. It is the relationship that recognizes our limitations and 
recognizes collective action as an effective solution to our problematic situations.

Do you know that party and group embraces the object of being a boss, center and saying 
that he is the only true nature of a dangerous nature? It wants to make one's own beliefs 
and tastes. There is no recognition of our natural diversity. Whatever you do, the 
diversity of communities in the archipelago is vast. We must recognize the diversity of 
cultures that exist in many places not just here in the world.

THE POLITICS INCLUDE THE PASSPORTs are working to keep our ignorance out of it so that we 
continue to depend on them and while we are still supporting them. WHICH WILL CREATE WE 
ARE WE BETWEEN. This wall serves as a barrier so we can not see the fact that while there 
are few controls of power and wealth, the majority of the poverty and the availability of 
vast numbers of communities remain.



Message: 2

Dear comrades: ---- bellow is a statement approved by all unions in the "regional", in 
this case, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. Please translate to your local language and 
distribute and post widely. ---- If you'd rather work on the Spanish/Catalan version, it 
can be found here ---- As I said in my earlier 
report, the comrades are working hard to distance themselves from the nationalist agenda 
and introduce a class perspective to the issue, but this is difficult, amid an 
understandable surge in nationalist sentiment in the people. Meanwhile, repression is 
growing larger, and the militarisation of Catalonia is starting to look more and more like 
a "soft" coup.  ---- On the union front, the larger, official unions, seem to be 
distancing themselves already from the call for a general strike, "favouring a different 
approach, instead", while reports say that CGT is tearing itself appart with internal 
strife in the wake of their behaviour on this issue. Other smaller unions are keen to go 
on with the strike, but some of them are closely linked to nationalist groups or parties, 
and see it only from a political point of view.

CNT, on its side, have an important meeting today, to decide whether the Catalan unions 
will join the strike on a regional level, or on a local, one by one, basis. This meeting 
will also have to outline the aims of the strike, put the wheels in motion to organise it, 
etc. But as far as we are concerned, one way or another, we're heading to a general strike 
in Catalonia. We'll keep you posted.
Thanks for your support.


Message: 3

What is Fracking? ---- Fracking is a type of drilling used to extract fossil fuels (Oil 
and Gas) from the ground, it involves drilling into a rock formation, then pushing in 
large amounts of a water and chemical mixture (Fracking fluid) at high pressure to extract 
oil or gas from the cracked rock formations. ---- Water Use and Pollution ---- A single 
frack uses 5-10 Olympic swimming pools of clean water (10 billion gallons or more) which 
are turned into toxic ‘flowback/produced water' which must be treated and disposed of. 
Methane produced by fracking migrates via the damaged aquifers into drinking water. ---- 
Corporate Profit vs Community Cost ---- The impacts and dangers from fracking are extreme 
and long term and are borne by local communities who find themselves living in the middle 
of gas fields. The rewards go to an elite of shareholders, directors and investors. Any 
benefits to locals - such as jobs - are short-term: unskilled and high risk, including a 
high incidence of the lung disease silicosis, resulting from exposure to silica. Such 
benefits are vastly outweighed by the costs.

Air Pollution

The methane produced by fracking leaks into the atmosphere as fugitive emissions. Over a 
20 year period it is 100 times worse than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, and more 
polluting than coal. Ozone, aromatic hydrocarbons and silica gas (see above) are also 
produced by drilling and fracking, and there is further pollution from construction, 
drilling rigs and machinery. About 6% of wells leak immediately; 50% leak within 15 years.

Damaging Health & Countryside

Most wells require many sites: needing roads, foundations, floodlights and enclosures. 
Wildlife corridors are disrupted, habitats fragmented and damaged or destroyed. The 
evidence is mounting: in Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania in the U.S, & Queensland 
(Australia) people have been exposed to toxic, carcinogenic and hormone disrupting 
chemicals in air and water, causing symptoms ranging from headaches and breathing 
difficulties to neurological impairment. Animals and crops were killed in Alberta, North 
Dakota, New Mexico, California and Pennsylvania.

We Can Win

At Leith Hill in Surrey locals and their supporters have been fighting the fracking 
company Europa Oil and Gas Ltd for 6 years. Despite being granted planning permission, 
Europa Oil and Gas Ltd's plans were thwarted for 8 months by a camp and fort built in 
their way, and the struggle continues. At Preston New Road in Lancashire the council's 
decision to refuse Cuadrilla planning permission was overturned by the government (so much 
for supporting ‘local democracy'!). Cuadrilla's plans to build the drilling site in July 
were defeated by a month of rolling resistance with protests and actions every day ranging 
from blockades to carnival processions and picnics. The site ground to a halt, and 
Cuadrilla have been haemorrhaging support ever since, successively abandoned by the North 
Wales police, L & M transport, who said "We can state that we will never knowingly work 
for Cuadrilla or any agents involved with Cuadrilla or the fracking industry again." 
Followed by the crane operators. Campaigners have been successfully targeting the 
financial backers: Barclays sold its 97% stake in the Third Energy fracking company. A 
recent Heriot-Watt University survey found that UK fracking could produce significantly 
less gas than expected, with little profit return - let's finish them off!


Message: 4

The CGA-RP unambiguously denounced the collective aggression carried out by members of the 
CGT's security service against five feminist activists during the union demonstration on 
September 12 in Paris. Three comrades were injured, including one belonging to the CGA and 
the Antipatriarcal Front . Their only wrong: to have reacted to a sexist insult by a 
member of the SO of the CGT (1). Without an immediate feminist solidarity, the balance 
could have been much heavier. ---- These acts of violence are unacceptable and have no 
place in the trade union movement or elsewhere. Nothing can justify them. They recall that 
the militant spaces are not protected against sexist attacks; daily and massive violence 
to maintain the patriarchal order.

The masculine and anti-feminist solidarity of a part of the SO questions the organization 
and the methods used by it. We call for solidarity with the women concerned, including by 
calling on the militants and members of the CGT to disassociate themselves from these 
practices and act accordingly.

Against patriarchy: feminist self-defense

The feminist struggle is a constant struggle and must take place both within our militant 
frameworks and outside. Today as yesterday, we will continue to defend feminist 
self-defense as the first bulwark against male violence. No patriarchal, verbal or 
physical violence will undermine our determination to build a new society based on 
equality and solidarity, rid of patriarchy and all forms of domination.
Paris, 15 September 2017

(1) The exact words were: "I will eat you pussy"


Message: 5

The battle is not won, but the fascist body crashes and it is each of us's duty to push 
it. There is no reason to let a company, such as T. Golden Dawn of Piraeus, try to manage 
its disgraced reputation, reproduce itself in the social fabric. The upcoming protests are 
not memorials, nor festivals. It is the anti-fascist struggle we have to give. Not a step 
back. ---- A few days ago, four years have passed since the murder of Paul Fussa. This 
chronicle from the Golden Dawn invasion battalions is known to everyone and is not 
disputed by anyone. Paul died from the knife of an agent-member of the neo-Nazi 
organization. Heroic marching, "immortal" and memorial belong to the culture of blood and 
death. Paul unfortunately does not live. He does not live because he did what it is 
appropriate for anyone to do in view of the beast. Paul was one of us. One of us, not a 
criterion of a label or property. One of us, because he did not run in front of the snake, 
did not turn his head, did not assign his dream to characters of his dreams, but he turned 
to push it as it pleased him.

In those four years, Paul, through his swan song, gave to his neighborhood, Piraeus, what 
was missing. Breath, courage, will, and courage to raise her stature to some goddamn 
rubbish-garbage. It is now clear that the balances in Piraeus and its neighborhoods are 

Local society realizes that it can no longer ignore the "sulets" and the blasphemous 
propaganda of any neo-Nazi structure. The children in the commentary grow up by 
experiencing that the nationalist profile is not a "mogia", but it is a bit of a bitch. 
Throughout the social fabric it has become evident that fascists never had a connection 
with their rhetoric with the "anti-systemic" project and the isolation of the meanings 
that the nostalgists of the losers of the second world are in the process of proceeding 

That's why in Piraeus they are on the roof of a skyscraper, they make sic events with 10 
colleagues, they open their offices with the MATs underneath and when their hearty friend 
EL.AS has not cared, they are locked in the sight of any anti-fascist mobilization .

Those who have remained faithful to Nazi ideology and aspire to eat the last crumbs from 
the party's pie, have stayed where they belong. In the Parliament setting up nice "good" 
quarrels, drinking coffee, having congratulations to employees and playing their role with 
the rest of the professional politicians of parliamentary democracy.

In the rest of the ATHENS mice (AME, C18, and others sprayed) that come early at dawn and 
put colas in our premises, baptizing this practice militant and revolutionary does not 
need to be extensively mentioned, as they laugh at the stones, which also says the popular 

On the other hand, the streets, squares, neighborhoods and the public space in Piraeus 
generally find anti-fascist meanings. From the open spaces of freedom and the anti-fascist 
manifestations, to the structures that embrace the subjects fascist and the anti-fascist 
slogans on the walls. It is now clear that our neighborhoods belong to the world of 
freedom, and whatever trash is circulating, it will make a good watch.

The battle is not won, but the fascist body crashes and it is each of us's duty to push 
it. There is no reason to let a company, such as T. Golden Dawn of Piraeus, try to manage 
its disgraced reputation, reproduce itself in the social fabric. The upcoming protests are 
not memorials, nor festivals. It is the anti-fascist struggle we have to give. Not a step 

Ex Portu - Anti-


Message: 6

I moved to Ireland from Italy shortly after the Strike4Repeal of the 8th of March, a mass 
mobilisation on the streets of Dublin in protest of Ireland's archaic abortion laws, which 
I followed closely on social media. While still in Italy, I had been involved in 
organising a successful feminist demonstration in the city where I lived, on that same 
date (International Women's Day), and I felt deep sympathy and admiration for the Irish 
pro-choice activists and the amazing work they were carrying out. At first glance it was 
unbelievable to me that in a western-European country people still had to take the streets 
to demand access to abortion. While the Irish situation initially felt like something I 
could not relate to, I soon remembered where I was from and I had to think twice: despite 
abortion being legal in my home country, safe and effective access to abortion service is 
currently utopia.

The legal right to terminate a pregnancy was granted to Italians in 1978 with the entry 
into force of Law 194, approved as a result of a long series of protests and campaigning 
led by feminist activists, far-left organisations and movements and left-wing political 
parties. The law established the possibility to request an abortion up to the 12th week of 
pregnancy (and during the second trimester in case of high risk for the physical or mental 
health of the child bearer). On the other hand, it granted the right to conscientious 
objection, allowing doctors to refuse to perform an abortion on moral, ethical or 
religious grounds. Unfortunately, as no specific restrictions were set to limit this 
option, an ever-increasing number of healthcare practitioners take advantage of the 
loophole and refrain from helping to carry out abortive procedures, thus endangering 
women's safety and disregarding totally their bodily autonomy.

Horror stories about women being shamed, mistreated and denied essential medical 
assistance are countless and have sometimes ended up in tragedy. Meanwhile, numerous 
anti-choice groups of Catholic and right-wing affiliation praise conscientious objection 
as a form of proud opposition against "legalised murder" and are allowed to spread 
misleading and deceptive information to dissuade women from "killing their babies". The 
figures show 70% of gynecologists are conscientious objectors, with astonishing peaks of 
85-90% in Southern regions; moreover, the anti-choice epidemic includes professional 
categories that are technically not allowed to object, such as pharmacists, porters and 
paramedical staff, who refuse to take part in the procedure or even to provide contraception.

To add insult to injury, there is a blatant lack of political will to prevent a law that 
already exists from being constantly circumvented on the basis of religious beliefs; the 
only pockets of resistance to this impasse lay in associations of pro-choice physicians or 
activists of grassroots movements, who promote awareness raising and offer information and 
technical support to people seeking an abortion. The project "Obiezione Respinta", to name 
one, monitors the presence of objectors in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies throughout 
Italy, based on reports received from users, who are encouraged to leave a short comment 
on their experience or to suggest names of healthcare institutions where non-objectors can 
be found. Being forced to rely on self-organised networks to access a medical procedure 
which has been perfectly legal for almost forty years is paradoxical, yet it is a harsh 
reality for a large portion of Italians, particularly for those of us who live in areas 
where the percentage of objectors is outrageously high.

Conscientious objection creates an alarming precedent that should not be underestimated by 
activists involved in the struggle for abortion rights in Ireland. The case of Italy 
illustrates to us a lesson of paramount importance: people fighting for the right to 
control their own bodies and lives cannot rely exclusively on the hope that a benevolent 
government will sooner or later grant them those fundamental rights. Repealing the 8th 
amendment and regulating access to abortion by law is without a doubt essential; still, it 
is evident that legislation will not stop the disciples of patriarchy and obscurantism 
from standing in the way of women's rights. Compromise is not an option: the demand is not 
for any law, but for a law as comprehensive and unambiguous as possible which grants free 
and safe access to abortion to all with no cop-outs. And yet, that's not the ultimate 
solution either. Radical and lasting societal change is what we strive for - without such 
a change, privileged groups will always be able to generate new loopholes to keep 
oppressing minorities, no matter how restrictive legislation becomes.

I have no right to vote in this country, but I have a body, a voice and a great deal of 
anger and hope to bring on the streets of Dublin on the 30th of September. While I can't 
influence the institutional change, I can be a small part of a broader change - and who 
knows which one will matter most in the long term.


Message: 7

HOUSTON - With chants of "Blood and Soil" about 30 fascists affiliated with Vanguard 
America and the Proud Boys attempted to rush the entrance of the Houston Anarchist Book 
Fair underway at MECA Houston community center on Sunday, September 24. The attempt 
occurred at 11:50am but was quickly rebuffed as the security team present locked the doors 
to the facility, blocking the entrance briefly but foiling the effort of the fascist 
groups to enter the building to intimidate and likely attack organizers and attendees. 
---- The incident lasted roughly 20 minutes in total and no confrontations or injuries 
occurred as the the fascists gave up, circled the building in their trucks and left the 
scene according to members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra - San Antonio, who were present at the 
book fair tabling. Members of the Proud the Boys and Vanguard America were both involved 
in the violent "Unite the Right" march one month ago in Charlottesville, VA, where a 
participant linked to Vanguard America rammed their vehicle into a crowd of 
counter-protesters, resulting in the  death of Heather Heyer. This incident at the Houston 
Anarchist Book Fair occurred immediately before lunch, which suggested prior planning and 
knowledge of the event.

Correction: The original headline of this article incorrectly identified the group present 
as the "alt-right" Proud Boys groups. Members of this group may have been present but our 
understanding is that this was led by members of Vanguard America.

Video clip of the incident taken by a member of Black Rose/Rosa Negra - San Antonio. At 
this point members of Vanguard America, identified by their white polo shirts, had given 
up and were circling the building to leave.


Message: 8

HOUSTON - With chants of "Blood and Soil" about 30 fascists affiliated with Vanguard 
America and the Proud Boys attempted to rush the entrance of the Houston Anarchist Book 
Fair underway at MECA Houston community center on Sunday, September 24. The attempt 
occurred at 11:50am but was quickly rebuffed as the security team present locked the doors 
to the facility, blocking the entrance briefly but foiling the effort of the fascist 
groups to enter the building to intimidate and likely attack organizers and attendees. 
---- The incident lasted roughly 20 minutes in total and no confrontations or injuries 
occurred as the the fascists gave up, circled the building in their trucks and left the 
scene according to members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra - San Antonio, who were present at the 
book fair tabling. Members of the Proud the Boys and Vanguard America were both involved 
in the violent "Unite the Right" march one month ago in Charlottesville, VA, where a 
participant linked to Vanguard America rammed their vehicle into a crowd of 
counter-protesters, resulting in the  death of Heather Heyer. This incident at the Houston 
Anarchist Book Fair occurred immediately before lunch, which suggested prior planning and 
knowledge of the event.

Correction: The original headline of this article incorrectly identified the group present 
as the "alt-right" Proud Boys groups. Members of this group may have been present but our 
understanding is that this was led by members of Vanguard America.

Video clip of the incident taken by a member of Black Rose/Rosa Negra - San Antonio. At 
this point members of Vanguard America, identified by their white polo shirts, had given 
up and were circling the building to leave.


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