Today's Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire Tract AL, All micro-patterns
? (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
2. brighton solfed: international Solidarity with Indonesian
striking Uber drivers! (
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Dossier 1917:
Anarcho-syndicalists in factory committees (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
4. Catalunia, EMBAT: September 11th destitute - Debate on
sovereignty (ca) [machine translation] (
5. Black Rose Anarchist Federation - Los Angeles: AFTER DACA:
6. Greece, The dead workers of our class by
Libertarian Trade Union of Thessaloniki (
Message: 1
The offensive carried out by Macron for the benefit of the bourgeoisie is global. Our
response must be so too. Macron wants to abolish wage labor for the benefit of the
bourgeoisie. We want to abolish it too, but for the benefit of the workers ! Class
struggle in its pure state. ---- A coherent offensive ---- The Macron Orders carry an
unprecedented attack on social and trade union rights. They deserve an extended strike !
Yet these ordinances are only one aspect of a global offensive aimed at destroying not
only the achievements of the old power relations but the very idea of any compromise
between capital and labor ... since we would soon be all micro-entrepreneurs . The
breakdown of the last acquis on the pension plans following the closure of the RSI, the
increase of the CSG to the decline of the ISF, the massive redundancies of jobs helped the
suppression of 120,000 civil servants, public school to the establishment of faculty
selection, Macron's program has the merit of a strong ideological coherence in favor of
the rich.
All bosses ?
Let us take the example of a territorial official working in Parks and Gardens. Ringard
privatization of his service and the waltz of the bosses according to tenders:
self-entrepreneur, he will become, cutting here the trees of a municipal park and there
mowing the lawn of a grandmother ! Let us take the example of a maintenance worker.
Ringard subcontracting and competition from specialized companies: self-entrepreneur, he
will become in fierce competition with his peers to win the contract.
In any case, it is the end of the contract of employment and long live the commercial
contract ! No collective work, no more union, no more socialized wages (charges ...). They
are all bourgeois, but there will be rich bourgeois and Uberized bourgeois ... The scam is
obvious: at the very moment when the government is taking measures to develop the
micro-enterprise, it is obliged to close their social security (RSI in bankruptcy) to back
the "workers-its independent" to the general system conquered and financed long by the
struggles of the employees !
Pdf flyer to download
Strikes and blockages !
After the defeats of 2010 and 2016, the weight of unemployment and the precariousness that
hinder the spread of strikes, we must learn lessons. First, recognize that the big
demonstrations and the days of repeated strikes are no longer enough to win. The next
mobilization date, around September 20, must therefore be the starting point of a strike
that can be renewed in as many sectors as possible, wherever the balance of power permits.
Union unity will be our constant concern to achieve this. But for a movement that includes
all the young people, the precarious, the retired ... general assemblies must be set up by
locality, capable of impelling all actions that can slow, block or sabotage production and
movement of goods.
The abolition of wage-earning will be gained by the expropriation of the bourgeois and the
self-management of production by the workers themselves. Let's start by self-managed
production stop !
Message: 2
Solfed locals have taken solidarity action to express our support of Uber drivers in
Jakarta taking strike action today 11.9.2017. Similar actions have been taken by
anarcho-syndicalists on 4 continents as a result of a call by the IWA-AIT. Solfed members
in London held a picket outside Uber's UK headquarters in Aldgate. Brighton Solfed had
previously expressed their solidarity while members in Liverpool and Manchester have been
spreading the word about the struggle of Uber workers in Indonesia in a flyposting
campaign. Uber drivers, organising with the anarcho-syndicalist PPAS, are taking strike
action, demanding higher pay and an end to highly casualised working conditions. These are
the same problems faced by Uber drivers across the world - our solidarity is as
international as their capital!
Drivers around the world have protested against UberExploitation. In Indonesia, drivers
organized in KUMAN, along with comrades from PPAS, have organized protests and a strike
against the bad working conditions and more protests and strike actions are being planned.
On August 19, hundreds of drivers went on strike. A few hundred rallied at the Uber office
in Jakarta while drivers in some other cities also joined in by turning off their apps and
not taking any jobs. KUMAN sent a list of demands to Uber, concerning pay and conditions
and met with the company, which did not allow it to bring legal representation. Among the
demands are raised rates and not forcing the drivers to take free fares as part of Uber
While Uber drivers are struggling to survive on the lousy rates, other drivers across the
country have also been hard hit by Uber's practices, which drive down rates in the whole
industry. Tens of thousands of drivers protested against Uber in 2016.
PPAS, an anarchosyndicalist organization in Indonesia says that international solidarity
would be welcome and the ASF, the Australian section of the IWA will be holding actions
around Australia on September 9.
If you would like to support the drivers, you can do so by:
- sharing information about Uber's practices and the KUMAN protest
- organizing a solidarity picket or other type of action against UBER
- sending a letter or email to UBER offices saying you support the workers and won't use
Uber due to its exploitation
--posting on Uber social media
Message: 3
From the spring of 1917, a second libertarian pole competes with the Communist Anarchist
Federation. Marked by the Western revolutionary syndicalist culture, it seeks to
emancipate workers' organizations from social democratic tutelage. ---- For three months,
the Communist Anarchist Federation (FAC) was the only serious libertarian grouping in
Petrograd. But as of May, with the return of the exiles, a competing pole is formed: Union
of propaganda anarcho-syndicalist (UPAS). ---- Daniil Novomirski ---- A leader of
revolutionary trade unions in Ukraine in 1906-1908, he was the founding father of Russian
anarcho-syndicalism and even the inventor of the term. In 1917, after returning from
exile, he joined the editorial committee of Golos Trouda. ---- Its iniators - Efim
Yartchouk (31), Bill Chatov (30), Voline (35) and Alexandre Schapiro (35) - are the heirs
of the anarcho-syndicalist pioneers of the years 1907-1908 (see opposite) but their true
common denominator is to have militated in the revolutionary syndicalist movement in the West.
Several of them were living Golos Truda ( " The Voice of Labor "), a body of the Union
of Russian workers in the United States, which has about 10,000 members. Very inspired by
the French CGT and by the American IWW, these militants have very little taste for
spontaneism and insurrectionalism at all-vault of the FAC.
For them, the prospects are not encouraging. Voline is annoyed by the numerical and
organizational inferiority of the anarchists in relation to the Bolsheviks. " Our delay
is irreparable," he confided to some comrades. It is as if we had to catch up on foot an
express train which, in possession of the Bolsheviks, is 100 kilometers in front of us and
100 kilometers an hour. " It would take a miracle. " Our duty is to believe in this
miracle," concluded Voline, " and to work towards its realization. " [1]
Bill Chatov (1887-1938)
As an activist of the IWW during his exile in the United States, this anarcho-syndicalist
co-founded Golos Trouda in 1917. In 1918, he became one of the anarchist figures rallying
to communist power.
So soon joined by veteran Daniil Novomirski, the anarcho-syndicalists embarked on the
Russian edition of Emile Pouget's revolutionary syndicalist brochures, Fernand Yvetot and
Christiaan Cornelissen, and went to meet factory committees. They recruit a young
supporter who took part in the February Days and will soon play a pivotal role among them:
Grigori Maximov (24 years). In August, they will launch a new series of Golos Trouda,
which will have a significant impact on conscientious workers.
UPAS closely monitors the work of factory committees, in which it has identified a dynamic
similar to that of revolutionary syndicalism: rootedness at the place of production,
direct action, and a tendency towards self-management. This is where the most fruitful
workers' activity is seen, in front of the Soviets and, above all, in front of the trade
unions which the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks are rapidly building on the Social-Democratic
Self-management does not resolve marasmus
On 20 May, the Conference of Kharkov factory committees, where anarchists are influential
calls to " take control of the production, backup, bring it to its maximum " [2]. It is
followed, from 30 May to 5 June, by the conference of factory committees in Petrograd,
which, with 236 companies represented [3], takes stock of the economic situation.
This is alarming: the shortage of coal is general, rail transport is erratic, productivity
falls, the employers licensed and firm. In this critical context, most of the plants taken
over by self-management vegetation. Worse, they compete for the little fuel available.
Only the anarchist delegates - Justin Jouk gives Schlüsselbourg as an example - exhorted
to multiply the expropriations. The conference did not follow them and confined itself to
advocating workers' control, without calling into question capitalist property. But the
Mensheviks, who advocate " state control ", are also put in a minority. In conclusion,
in order to encourage mutual assistance between enterprises under workers' control, the
conference designates a Petrograd Council of factory committees. Maximov was elected
there, surrounded by Bolsheviks [4].
Guillaume Davranche (AL Montreuil)
In the folder:
February-March 1917: After the Tsarists, drive the capitalists
Minority but galvanized, anarchists advocate expropriation all the way
A tract of the Communist Anarchist Federation of Petrograd (March 1917)
The first libertarian wave (1905-1908)
April-May: The irrepressible rise to the social explosion
Anarcho-syndicalists in factory committees
June-July: Creating insurrection is not enough
The fiasco of the Journées de juillet
August-September: The counter-revolution digs its own tomb
The Other Components of Russian Socialism in 1917
October red (and black): The assault in the unknown
A Ukrainian revolutionary: Maroussia emerges from oblivion
November 1917-April 1918: From pluralism to the confiscated revolution . Four cleavage points:
People's Power vs. State Power
Socialization against nationalization
Popular militia against hierarchical army
On requisitions and expropriations
Epilogue 1918-1921: Resistance and eradication
[1] Voline, The Unknown Revolution t. 2, Entremonde, 2010, page 18.
[2] Maurice Brinton, " The Bolsheviks and Worker Control ", Self-management and
Socialism No. 24-25, September-December 1973.
[3] Marc Ferro, The Revolution of 1917, Albin Michel, 1997, page 956.
[4] Maurice Brinton, " The Bolsheviks and Workers ' Control ", Self-management and
Socialism No. 24-25, September-December 1973.
Message: 4
For us, the libertarias of Embat, on September 11 symbolizes a date in which we remember
all those people who, in this country, have risen against oppression in defense of
freedoms over the centuries fighting against domination structures. Thanks to these
people, systematically repressed brutally and buried anonymously in pits today we can keep
the flame of a free life. ---- This September 11, like those that preceded us, is framed
within a great wave of popular mobilization that demands different political identities
and traditions from higher levels of sovereignty. We defend as always the direct
participation of the entire population in the issues that affect it and therefore defend
the right of self-determination that our people must exercise on October 1. However, we
want to be able to extend it to all areas of life based on the constituent process that
must be opened on October 2. It will be a time to rewrite the rules that govern our
society and to put different country models on the table.
However, this will depend on what happens this September, which will be crucial.
We have a scenario with a "regime of the 78" that is no longer able to govern in a
peaceful and conventional way Catalonia. More and more social layers are increasingly
believing in their legitimacy to dictate laws, to tell us what we have to do. The
Generalitat and many town councils act virtually as institutions of an independent
country. The middle classes, the youth, and part of the working class is no longer linked
to the Spanish framework. This disaffection threatens to jump to the rest of Spain. The
central government will try to reverse it by calling on the sacrosanct "unity of the
country" and the "indivisibility of the Spanish nation", which unfortunately contributes
most of the Spanish left and Catalan, instead of taking advantage of the situation to
overthrow the monarchy and post-Francoism.
We will be witnesses to the confrontation between the Catalan and state institutions, the
positioning of loyalties, the dispute between legalities, the adjustment of positions ...
The Spanish state will not be easy to defeat and a dangerous demonstration of political,
judicial and police We know that by voting there will be no independence. There must be a
mass mobilization and disobedience in order to erode the control of Spain on the Catalan
It is also a good time to open new fronts of conflict from the neighborhoods (AAVV,
assemblies, housing groups) and unions, based on the development of housing policies,
remunicipalizations, labor relations, which help define a popular stand against the
constituent process ..
We summon and appeal to support all demonstrations in favor of the exercise of
self-determination and against authoritarianism.
59:44 + 00: 00Commemorative communiqués and texts Debate about sovereignty 9N, anarchism,
self-management, catalonia, struggle, popular power, rupture, sovereignty
For us, the libertarias of Embat, on September 11 symbolizes a date in which we remember
all those people who, in this country, have risen against oppression in defense of
freedoms over the centuries fighting against domination structures. Thanks to these
people, systematically repressed brutally ...
equipembat Administrator attacks
Message: 5
We are together in the fight to legalize all migration, to empty the deportation centers,
to demilitarize and decolonize the borders, and to disband ICE. This is the same fight
that existed before Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was enacted in 2012.
This is the same fight that we were in during DACA, and that we'll be in after DACA. DACA
has benefited hundreds of thousands of young people, but DACA has always been only a
band-aid on a lifetime of wounds. In certain ways, DACA helps, but it does not heal.
Though we would never turn down a band-aid when when it will improve the lives of some,
and though we will continue to resist like hell against anyone cruel enough to try to
strip away a hard-earned social gain such as DACA, we know that DACA is not enough. These
temporary reforms are not what we fight for, then or now. We're fighting for freedom,
nothing less.
This is a time for the growth of our movement, and to go on the offensive. To really
express what we as working class people need right now; to bring us closer to knowing and
feeling our own liberated power. What we think we need now is full legalization for all.
Not one more deportation. An end to the militarized border and occupation of indigenous
lands. The disbanding of ICE. Not to mention a fundamental change in this country's
imperialist economic and foreign policy that drives displacement, poverty, and migration.
Ultimately, we recognize that it will take revolution to achieve all of our demands and
satisfy our needs.
In the next six months, maybe more band-aids that continue some form of DACA will be the
most that we will get. But we are building a movement that has its eyes fixed on freedom.
A movement that won't disappear if a DACA-like program is brought back, if Trump is
impeached, if a Bernie Sanders becomes president, or if a non-profit's funding gets cut.
Because when DACA came, it helped a whole lot of people who needed it, but it also left
behind so many people who we love and care about, and who deserved its protections as much
as anyone else: so many parents and elders, so many who were too broke to pay the
application fee, so many high school dropouts, so many prisoners and folks with records,
so many people who just fell through the cracks. Reforms like DACA have the effect of
defining a split between the "good" immigrant and the "bad" immigrant; between the
immigrant who "contributes" and is "productive", and the immigrant who is "a welfare
abuser" and "lazy"; between student "dreamers" and their parents who were the ones who
dreamt of a better life for their families in the first place. But nobody needs to prove
their basic worth as a human being through their service to an exploitative economic
system and a racist state - or through enlisting in an imperialist military like DACA
encouraged immigrants to do. Equal rights and access to the fruits of our shared society
are deserved by all.
Demands for "immigration reform" that pick some as worthy and some as not divide and leave
many behind. And for the most part, the immigrant rights movement hasn't been there for
those left behind. The big non-profits focused for years on the DREAM Act, putting their
energy into compromising with the Democratic Party instead of building a united and
militant movement that could force change from both Obama and Trump. Now a movement is
coming back to life, and it's up to us to make sure that it's a movement that fights for
the liberation of all, and not a movement that negotiates for partial reforms from the
It is clear that Trump's order fits with his white supremacist vision for the future of
this country and the world. Black and brown undocumented immigrants are targeted, while
the tens of thousands of undocumented Irish immigrants and 100,000 Canadians who overstay
their visas every year can live a relatively calm life without fear and paranoia. It is
very scary that a government with a white supremacist agenda has the addresses, finger
prints, and pictures of hundreds of thousands of DACA migrants.
Yet the millions excluded by Trump's vision are together with us in this fight, resisting
for liberation, and now is the time to build a movement that won't settle, that won't
compromise, that won't divide, and that will keep marching forward no matter what band-aid
reforms or cruel repressions are thrown our way. Because we know that love will not fix
this situation - it will take direct action, mutual aid, and solidarity.
We've won before and we will win again. We know our victories are often temporary - like
with DACA or Arpaio - but that is precisely why we can never rest or settle. Now is the
time to focus on what we really need to win our freedom, and keep fighting.
Message: 6
The profits of the bosses and the state ---- In capitalism, all of our employees are
consumables, whether they are a period of "crisis" or economic "development". In the
economic crisis, bosses rely on "reduced" earnings and, apart from wages, also eliminate
all possible security measures, while in their long-awaited growth their growing profit is
above every thought of protecting workers. ---- The dead of our class do not come only
from the building and food sectors that have measured many deadly "accidents" last winter.
This summer at the banquet of the billions of revenue that only the bosses measured by
tourism, we measured dead from each branch. Cleaners, woodcutters, truck drivers, airport
employees, clark operators, dockers were among the dozens of cases where workers never
returned home, where for between 300 and 600 euros left their lives in ditches, streets,
airports, harbors, factories and mines.
In capitalism, all of our employees are consumables, whether they are a period of "crisis"
or economic "development". In the economic crisis, bosses rely on "reduced" earnings and,
apart from wages, also eliminate all possible security measures, while in their
long-awaited growth their growing profit is above all thought for worker protection.
Companies are never even bothered to apologize, and their "deep sorrow" is less than the
pain for the cost of worker protection.
We do not risk our lives for any boss and no growth
We claim with dignity and fidelity our working interests
Memory and anger for the dead of our class
Thessaloniki Eleftherial Union of Unions
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