Anarchic update news all over the world - 14.09.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Britain, afed: DSEI ARMS FAIR-DEMO ON SEPTEMBER 9TH by Nick
      (London) (

2.  Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki: Concentrations
      Against Sunday Work: 10 & 17 SEPTEMBER (gr) 

      [machine translation]

3. Why YOU need to get out and March for Choice on the
      30th Sept (

4. Why YOU need to get out and March for Choice on the
      30th Sept (

5.  Poland, Worker Initiative: Block of "Black Friday" during
      the sale in Amazon [machine translation] (

6.  Ireland, Derry Anarchists Barricade Bulletin No. 4 OUT NOW!

7.  cira marseille, Another future for Kurdistan?: Libertarian
      municipalism and democratic confederalism (fr) [machine
      translation] (

8.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Dossier 1917: Minority
      but galvanized, anarchists advocate expropriation all the way
      (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (

9.  Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki: Invasion of the
      Macedonian-Thracian ministry by the NAP and the Rubikon (gr)
      [machine translation] (


Message: 1

For four days in September 2017, the international weapons industry plans to set up shop 
in London at a huge arms fair, DSEI. ---- The weapons sold here fuel the death, 
destruction and injustice perpetrated by militaries, police forces and at borders around 
the world. ---- Because those who torture protesters, brutalise indigenous people and 
murder civilians are on the guest list. ---- Because arms companies profit when their 
plane drop bombs on ordinary people  ---- Because they profit again by pushing militarised 
solutions ot ‘protect borders' from the refugees fleeing those bombs. ---- Because public 
services are cut but there's always money for war. ---- Because war, repression and 
injustice start here ---- London AF members will be at Day Of Action tomorrow at Excel 
Centre in East London. See you there!


Message: 2

For 4 years, the bosses of commerce have been trying to end the holiday altogether with 
the ultimate goal of working 52 Sundays a year. From the 2013 "7 Sunday" law, from the 
"pilot" implementation of the "52 Sundays" measure in the summer of 2014, from the "8th 
Sunday" to the end of 2014, from the 3 rd Memorandum of 2015 and the margin which leaves 
for "more Sundays" and the "2 additional conditional Sundays" at the end of 2016, we 
arrive in May 2017 and on "32 Sundays"   based on the agreement of the SYRIZA government 
with the "institutions". This development has been marked by strong pressure from 
governments, capitalists and their various mechanisms , such as statutory SMEs, towards us 
workers forto accept the total dominance of the market in our lives . The abolition of the 
Sunday holiday is a measure that  is aggravating the difficult situation that we are 
experiencing as workers, with overstatement, but also wasting wages or even the failure to 
pay accrued salaries, dismissals and so many other incidents of employer terrorism. And of 
course, the abolition of Sunday's holiday is a measure that, very soon, seems to be 
generalizing in many other industries too .

And if it has not been completely abolished so far this Sunday holiday is primarily due to 
collective labor reactions. Back then, we have a long struggle, with major battles in and 
out of workplaces, with strikes and strike strikes , interventions , demonstrations , 
Giving this competition every Sunday that attempted to circumvent our rights. Through this 
struggle there have been steady steps towards our organization, the collectivization of 
our colleagues themselves and the emergence of a series of issues from the point of view 
of labor interests.

Mass strikes of 16 July that lasted more than 2.5 hours and interventions on the 23rd of 
the same month are obviously not enough. With big bosses and multinationals setting the 
pace even on Sundays in August, they have a proven "hoax", we realize that in front of us 
we have the great powers of commercial capital, determined to turn into a habit, despite 
the temporary cost to their turnover, the Sunday work. Habit for both consumers and 
workers themselves.

The battle to defend our free time has not stopped by the passage of a bill, nor is it 
going to stop in front of their greed. We will do our best to fight for it to exist and we 
can enjoy our non-working time, our rest, our families, against 7 to 7 that begins to 
become a rule. To do what goes through our hands does not mean that we can defend 
ourselves by conquering the entire working class and the employees in this case. We are at 
the point that or will share a common struggle to which and will win or will share one 
universal silence that will lead and to share our defeat .

At this crucial point, it is important not only not to weaken our resistances, but rather 
to dampen, network, organize to cut the appetite for the bosses. Only united can we face 
the bosses and impose our right, otherwise we are doomed to work more and more, more and 
more cheaply, that time, that day they want and for as long as they want us before they 
send us back to the OAED queues. For this we call the workers and the workers to come in 
contact with the unions and the workers in the industry initiatives, to set it up news 
where there are, To create workers' assemblies in each shop as recently happened with 
COLLEAGUES at Leroy Merlin, Public, Media Markt and get in touch with the coordination . 
It is necessary to understand the power that we have in our hands as the true producers of 
the wealth around us and based on our backs and with our weapon of class solidarity , to 
continue to work more and more dynamically to organize and to resist collectively inside 
and out from our workplaces.




Coordinate action against Sunday work and freed hours

* Contact: sintonismoskiriakis @


Message: 3

We are in the 4th decade of the struggle to get rid of the 8th amendment - no one under 
the age of 52 could even have voted for it.  But this year should be the year and that's 
why everyone should be on the March for Choice in Dublin, September 30th. ---- It's been a 
year when young children have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act for seeking 
abortions and suicidal women have been denied access to the abortion they're entitled to 
under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act because their doctor doesn't think 
they're "suicidal enough".  This is a result of recent legislation introduced by the last 
Fine Gael/Labour Party government and clearly shows why we cannot trust the politicians 
one inch. ---- We warned at the time this would be a likely consequence of that 
legislation, the same legislation also threatens to jail women who obtain abortions by 
importing the abortion pill for 14 years.  In Northern Ireland 3 women have been 
prosecuted under a similar law and the homes of pro-chocie activists raided, we cannot be 
complacent. In October we are going to be running a bus from Dublin to Belfast for the 
Rally for Choice there.

The government set up the Citizens' Assembly to both delay things and because they 
expected the Citizens' Assembly would not take a pro-choice position.  When it did they 
started to invent excuses for why they would not legislate along those lines.  It's still 
quite possible they will try to present us with a useless amendment that doesn't get rid 
of the 8th but proposes a replacement that is almost as bad. For instance perhaps they 
will require women to go in front of a panel of doctors to prove they have been raped.

That's why all of us need to get out and march on the 30th.  We have to maximise the 
pressure by maximising the numbers in the streets.  The 8th has to go.

So see you at Parnell square at 13.30 on the 30th.

Join and promote the ARC / organisers Facebook event to get your friends out

March with the Anarchist bloc on the day


Message: 4

We are in the 4th decade of the struggle to get rid of the 8th amendment - no one under 
the age of 52 could even have voted for it.  But this year should be the year and that's 
why everyone should be on the March for Choice in Dublin, September 30th. ---- It's been a 
year when young children have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act for seeking 
abortions and suicidal women have been denied access to the abortion they're entitled to 
under the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act because their doctor doesn't think 
they're "suicidal enough".  This is a result of recent legislation introduced by the last 
Fine Gael/Labour Party government and clearly shows why we cannot trust the politicians 
one inch. ---- We warned at the time this would be a likely consequence of that 
legislation, the same legislation also threatens to jail women who obtain abortions by 
importing the abortion pill for 14 years.  In Northern Ireland 3 women have been 
prosecuted under a similar law and the homes of pro-chocie activists raided, we cannot be 
complacent. In October we are going to be running a bus from Dublin to Belfast for the 
Rally for Choice there.

The government set up the Citizens' Assembly to both delay things and because they 
expected the Citizens' Assembly would not take a pro-choice position.  When it did they 
started to invent excuses for why they would not legislate along those lines.  It's still 
quite possible they will try to present us with a useless amendment that doesn't get rid 
of the 8th but proposes a replacement that is almost as bad. For instance perhaps they 
will require women to go in front of a panel of doctors to prove they have been raped.

That's why all of us need to get out and march on the 30th.  We have to maximise the 
pressure by maximising the numbers in the streets.  The 8th has to go.

So see you at Parnell square at 13.30 on the 30th.

Join and promote the ARC / organisers Facebook event to get your friends out

March with the Anarchist bloc on the day


Message: 5

Black Friday Block - A Week of Action for the Striking Employees of Amazona ---- For 
nearly four years, Amazona's employees in Germany have been struggling to meet their 
demands for the company. It's not just a few euros in increments, which can guarantee a 
collective agreement. This is about the working environment that causes illness, 
humiliating control and disrespect for employees. ---- The "Black Friday" action week, 
24.11.2017 (International Amazon Day) will be our form of support for our employees. In 
"Black Friday" with the blockade of Amazon, we will strengthen the power of destruction of 
pre-Christmas strikes. The Kudamm-Karree distribution center in Berlin guarantees the 
delivery of goods within two hours (for prime customers even within an hour). The 
guarantee is quite poor, because the downtown area consists of many narrow streets! During 
this week, Amazona's customers, who are in solidarity with his crew, will place an order 
(excluding shipping costs), and the packages will then be sent back by attaching a letter 
of support to the employees. We do not know if this will lead to the blocking of Amazon's 
website. However, one should expect,

Despotism of total control

Performance pressure and physical exhaustion are the norms in the so-called Fulfillment 
Centers (FCs). Amazona's software enables fast pace and coordination of all stages of 
operation. The goal is to take over "control" over the work your employees have to be like 
ordinary tools: detect signals, scan goods, lift, push, run, run - 20 km per day, 200 
packs per hour. At the same time, algorithms record all types of moves and completed work 
stages, create individual performance profiles and collective average performance, which 
are presented to employees as allegedly objective requirements. This is how the factory 
works, where total control and continuous evaluation produce mental stress and stress. 
Performance pressures increase the strategic use of temporary workers in high unemployment 
areas. If they are recruiting for permanent employment, they must exceed the assumed 
standards. Such discipline is possible through the occurrence of unemployment, which 
arouses fear of social exclusion and creates competition among workers.

We are machines, we are robots, it is as if you are connecting yourself to a scanner. With 
the massive data flow in real time, Amazon can monitor the performance of its employees in 
detail. But it uses even more sophisticated methods: using the app encourages employees to 
constantly evaluate each other and show each other feedback - the "worst" team member is 
threatening to be dismissed at the end of the year.

Amazon in Germany overcomes the frequent incidence of workers, which is around 20%, by 
introducing a "freq rate bonus". It does not belong to an individual employee, but to the 
whole team. Team members who show fewer sick days receive a bonus of € 70-150 per month. 
Not only does it pollute the relationship between employees, it also questions the illness 
itself as a normal part of the (professional) life, often occurring in the case of 
monotonous and unilateral workload.

Hidden violence of digital capitalism

Amazon is an icon of a new production model that uses intelligent information technology 
to more effectively subordinate people, and thus to exploit new growth opportunities. We 
are witnessing how the next industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 and the "Internet of 
Things" change the work and life of the people. This is achieved through the use of a new 
digital version of "lean production", standardized calculation procedures such as health 
workers or unstable working conditions on crowdworking platforms.

The theories of a breakthrough project based on knowledge and creativity in the world of 
work, however, express in reality the continuous expropriation of the knowledge of those 
subject to digital capitalist control by means of algorithms. They perform unskilled jobs 
on unstable terms, or as unemployed people have long been superfluous for capital.

Take control of production

The fight of the packers and packaging workers, the supply chain staff, the shipping staff 
and the shipping department are proof that the production is of political importance. 
Digital technologies are used in an increasing number of jobs. The changing labor market 
is a new challenge for workers' struggles. Contrary to the arbitrary reduction of their 
obedience to capital-controlled equipment, they demand to influence the use of digital 
technology. It's not just about small executive concessions, but about the recognition of 
employees as those who have their own interests and laws in place.

Because Amazon may be a pioneer in a new society, it is necessary to support the struggle 
of its employees. The success of our fellow Amazons will also be our success!

The text is from the "Make Amazon Pay" campaign:



Message: 6

Barricade Bulletin No.4 of Derry Anarchists free bi-monthly info sheet is now available in 
various bookshops and libraries around Derry.  If you can't wait or live outside Derry 
then here's a PDF link 
to view it online for free.  All we ask is for you to help share it to friends and comrades.


Message: 7

In the press, among left-wing activists or political scientists, there is much talk about 
the exploits of the Kurdish fighters. Why do they succeed, where others fail? Because 
beyond the defense of their identity, a new idea makes them hope for another future: 
democratic confederalism. And of that, one does not speak. ---- In the early 2000s, the 
Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) abandoned Marxism-Leninism and its ambition to build a 
Kurdish nation-state. He then adopted the idea and strategy of democratic confederalism 
thought by his leader, Abdullah Öcalan, himself strongly influenced by the libertarian 
municipalism of the American philosopher Murray Bookchin who places social ecology as the 
engine of the revolution. Organizations of civil society (associations, trade unions, 
cooperatives, ethnic and religious communities, parties ...) network without their 
strategy excluding the conquest of municipalities and the election of parliamentarians. 
The goal is to marginalize the state and ultimately make it useless, just like capitalism. 
Democratic confederalism is not limited to Kurdistan, it has a universal vocation.

In Turkey, the PKK wanted to abandon the armed struggle to devote itself to the already 
well-federated Kurdish community federation under a new Turkish constitution. As the peace 
process was broken by the Turkish government in 2015, a fierce struggle continued on 
military, social and political grounds.

In the north of Syria, the Rojava, under the control of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), 
is organized according to democratic autonomy, which is a pre-democratic phase of 
democratic confederalism. A "government" called democratic self-government ensures the 
management of the region. Will this power dissolve into Confederate civil society or will 
it maintain a state? In other words, will libertarian federalism be strong enough to 
defeat the political federalism put in place and justified by the conduct of an uncertain war?

Everything is not perfect in Rojava, the state has not disappeared, direct democracy is 
far from general, and the libertarian federalism of the self-administered communes 
stammered. However, is there such a radical desire for change elsewhere in a political, 
cultural and military context so unfavorable? The revolution does not happen in a day, so 
why doubt that the Kurds manage to build another future of emancipation? Their experience 
is an example, not a model, to break the impasse in which the social movement finds itself.

Pierre Bance, a Doctor of State in Law, was Director of Editions Droit et Société from 
1985 to 2008. Anarchist and syndicalist, his latest works are published on the site Autre ( ).
Another future for Kurdistan?: libertarian municipalism and democratic confederalism by 
Pierre Bance. Black and Red, 2017. 399 pages. 20 euros. This book will be available on the 
day of the talk.

cira.marseille at /


Message: 8

In 1917, anarchist groups multiplied throughout Russia. But if the beating heart of the 
revolution is in Petrograd, it is the Communist Anarchist Federation of Moscow that is the 
most solidly implanted. ---- Justin Jouk (1887-1919) ---- The anarcho-syndicalist is also 
a leader of the Red Watch Guard in the capital of the Schlüsselbourg Block Factory, 
promoter of his takeover in self-management. He will die before the whites, on the front 
of Karelia. ---- Like the other socialist groups, the Petrograd anarchists took an active 
part in the events. During the week of bloody demonstrations and riots that preceded the 
fall of the Tsar, they were seen parading with black flags under the slogan "  Down with 
Authority and Capitalism  ". ---- Russian anarchism is relatively young. It emerged only 
in 1903 and reached its peak in the aftermath of the 1905 revolution , before being almost 
completely wiped out by the repression around 1908. It then mainly survived in exile in 
Europe and the States -United States, introducing in Russia newspapers broadcast under the 

When the February revolution breaks out, anarchists are only a small tendency of the 
socialist movement - they are estimated at 200 at most on Petrograd, against, for example, 
2,000 Bolsheviks, who themselves are minority to their Menshevik and 
Socialist-Revolutionary rivals .

Their implantation is meager but very proletarian, with activists active in several large 
factories like Metallicheskii, Trubochnyi, Poutilov and the Tube Factory [1]. The 
Schlüsselbourg Blowing Powder, 50 kilometers from the capital, was soon to be added. At 
the beginning of March, just after being freed from prison, a valuable anarcho-syndicalist 
worker was hired to take a leading role in the events: Justin Jouk (30 years old) [2].

Audience in the most red regiments

Iosif Bleikhman (1868-1921)
One of the most influential and mysterious figures of anarchism in Petrograd in 1917-1918. 
An ubiquitous speaker, he is also an insurrectionist in every way, leader of the days of 
July. After taking part in the putsch of October, he will oppose the Bolshevik power. He 
died in deportation in 1921.
The anarchist settlement is also significant on the shipyard and the port of Petrograd, 
thanks to the action taken by Iosif Bleikhman (49). This electrifying speaker, which 
occurs in all forums, is a key figure of anarchism in Petrograd in 1917. Versant readily 
in outbidding, glorifying the killing of officers on 1 st  March at Kronstadt, calling for 
continuous jet in insurrection and red terror against the bourjouï  [3], it sticks to the 
caricature of the destructive and bloodthirsty anarchist, and this undoubtedly explains 
its relegation to the forgetfulness of history. Visibly embarrassed, the memoirs of the 
libertarian revolution (Maksimov, Volin, Yartchouk, Gorelik) were routinely ignored ... 
unlike Trotsky who willingly devoted some earthy lines [4].

In Petrograd, where daily meetings are held in neighborhoods, factories and barracks, 
Bleikhman and his comrade Shlema Asnine will in any case gain anarchism a certain audience 
in the red areas of the garrison: 1 st  Regiment of machine-gunners and the sailors of 
Kronstadt, where two boiling libertarian sailors are also active: the brothers Nikolai and 
Anatoli Jelezniakov (24 and 22 years).

The Petrograd Communist Anarchist Federation (FAC), soon to be formed, is concentrated in 
the popular districts of Kolpino, Moskovsky, Kronstadt and especially Vyborg, a vast 
working-class quarter still pointed like a revolver on the bourgeois heart of the capital.

A magnificent palace in the Vyborg district, the Durnovo dacha is requisitioned by the 
Communist Anarchist Federation of Petrograd, which sets its headquarters there.
A headquarters in the working class district of Vyborg

It was from Vyborg that February began and that all the outbreaks of insurrectional fever 
will follow. It is quite naturally in Vyborg that the anarchists fix their headquarters, 
by requisitioning the datcha Dournovo, property of a former Minister of the Interior.

 From this small palace, they form a sort of house of the people, hosting, besides their 
own activities, a bakers' union and a popular militia unit, opening the garden to the 
families of the neighborhood, establishing links with the workers of the surrounding 

As early as March 7, 1917, the FAC requested access to the typographic presses of the 
Petrograd Soviet to draw a newspaper ; it suffers a refusal  [5]. Lot of consolation: it 
will have a representative among the 3,000 delegates to the soviet of the capital. 
Bleikhman will therefore come regularly to spread in incendiary speeches [6]. However, the 
organization, reluctant towards this soviet too moderate, will not make the center of its 
activity, far from it.

Moscow, capital of Russian anarchism

Outside Petrograd, the anarchist movement was active in March 1917 in a dozen cities such 
as Tula, Odessa and Ekaterinoslav. In Kharkov, animated by the anarcho-syndicalists 
Rotenberg and Dodonov, he is influential in several factories.

 From March 1917 to April 1918, the Merchant Club Malaya Dmitrovka Street was 
requisitioned by the Communist Anarchist Federation of Moscow, which renamed it House of 
Anarchy and made it its headquarters.

Piotr Archinov (1887-1937)
This locksmith worker, who in 1907 had shot down the boss of a railway workshop, joined in 
prison with Nestor Makhno. Facilitator of the Moscow FAC while collaborating at Golos 
Trouda, he participated in the Makhnovshchina in 1918-1920
But it is in Moscow that it is the most dynamic, especially in the popular districts of 
Zamoskvorietchie and Presnia. An Anarchist-Communist Federation is formed there with the 
help of Piotr Archinov (30 years), a fearless revolutionary who leaves six years in prison.

The FAC has quickly requisitioned, on Malaya Dmitrovka Street, a beautiful building with 
an auditorium and a bookshop: the Club des commerçants, renamed Maison de l'anarchie. 
Present at railwaymen, typographers and tanners, anarchists soon established themselves as 
bakers and other food workers. They are also influential in the Dvinsk regiment, with two 
veterans, Gratchov and Fedotov [7].

Notably, the Moscow FAC founded a newspaper, Arnarkhia, ahead of the Petrograd FAC, which, 
two months later, was able to acquire only one monthly magazine: Kommuna ("  Commune  ").

Ideologically, the Petrograd FAC is the heir of the insurrectional currents of the years 
1905-1907: spontaneist, of a fairly anti-intellectual workerism, it makes the Paris 
Commune a somewhat mythified political model, and advocates immediate expropriation of the 
means of production by the workers and the peasants themselves, without waiting for the 
Constituent Assembly.

Guillaume Davranche (AL Montreuil)

A March 1917 leaflet of
the Communist Anarchist Federation of Petrograd

The FAC points out the false pretenses of the dual government-Soviet power, and calls for 
immediate direct action.


"  We must show the people the uselessness and absurdity of the tactic" pushing the 
bourgeoisie to the left. " Our historical task is to push the proletariat to the left so 
that it pushes the bourgeoisie into the precipice.[...]

Despite its revolutionary appearances, the Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies will 
not liberate the workers if, in fact, it does not carry out an effectively maximalist, 
anti-capitalist program.

The liberation of the workers can only be accomplished by a social revolution, and its 
realization is the most urgent task of the workers of Russia.[...]

All Russia must form a network of revolutionary and sovereign communes which, by occupying 
the lands and factories, will expropriate the bourgeoisie, thereby abolishing private 

Long live the social revolution ! Long live anarchist communism !  "


Olga Taratouta (born about 1872)
Pioneer of anarchism in Russia, she was imprisoned from 1908 to 1917. Released, she made 
the revolution in Ukraine and participated in the Nabat confederation. Arrested at the end 
of 1920, she was deported to Siberia.
Although the prominent Bakunin and Kropotkin were Russian, anarchism did not emerge in 
Russia itself until about 1903, twenty-five years after Western Europe.

It proliferated in favor of the revolution of 1905: from 11 groups recorded in 1903, it 
rose to 255 in 1907. A movement was born, populated by young idealists ready to sacrifice, 
mainly workers, students and intellectuals, sometimes peasants. There were a good number 
of Jews and defectors of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party (SR), who were very much 
attached to the armed struggle.

It must be said that in the land of the knout, pogroms and gibbets, socialism as a whole 
is broken by illegality: we finance ourselves by stealing banks, we do not hesitate to 
shed blood. In 1906-1907, nearly 4,000 patrons or agents of the regime would have been 
victims of anarchists and SRs, decimated in equivalent quantity: a veritable little social 

Two main libertarian organizations were born: Beznachalie (??????????, "  Anti-authority 
") and Tchernoe Znamia (?????? ?????, "  Black Flag  "). While the SRs were selecting 
their targets, the anarchists believed that no rich man was innocent, and advocated " 
no-motive  " terror (bezmotiv) by throwing blind bombs into cafes, theaters and concerts.

The terror "  without motive  " (??????????? ??????) was however disapproved by a part of 
the movement which, under the impulse of Daniil Novomirski, qualified as " 
anarcho-syndicalist  " and wanted to import the methods of the French CGT (strikes, 
boycotts, sabotage). On this basis have been impelled trade unions in Ukraine, recruiting 
up to 5,000 members.

Beginning in 1908, Beznachalie and Tchernoe Znamia were dismantled by repression and by 
1914 only half a dozen anarchist groups survived in the empire.

Revolutionaries besieged by the police and the army in the neighborhood of Moscow.
A scene reconstituted by Le Petit Journal illustrated, January 10, 1909. They can be 
anarchists or Social-Revolutionaries. Note the active role of women, very present in the 
Russian revolutionary movement.
In the folder:

February-March 1917: After the Tsarists, drive the capitalists
Minority but galvanized, anarchists advocate expropriation all the way
A tract of the Communist Anarchist Federation of Petrograd (March 1917)
The first libertarian wave (1905-1908)
April-May: The irrepressible rise to the social explosion
Anarcho-syndicalists in factory committees
June-July: Creating insurrection is not enough
The fiasco of the Journées de juillet
August-September: The counter-revolution digs its own tomb
The Other Components of Russian Socialism in 1917
October red (and black): The assault in the unknown
A Ukrainian revolutionary: Maroussia emerges from oblivion
November 1917-April 1918: From pluralism to the confiscated revolution . Four cleavage points:
People's Power vs. State Power
Socialization against nationalization
Popular militia against hierarchical army
On requisitions and expropriations
Epilogue 1918-1921: Resistance and eradication

[1] P. Gooderham, "  The anarchist movement in Russia, 1905-1917  ", Bristol University, 
1981, p. 230 ; Paul Avrich, The Russian Anarchists, Maspero, 1979, p. 145.

[2] The Political Actors of the Year 1917, ed. Great Encyclopedia, 1993 (in Russian).

[3] Israel Getzler, "  Kronstadt 1917-1921. The Fate of a Soviet Democracy  ", Cambridge 
University, 1983, p. 38.

[4] Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution , 1930.

[5] Michael C. Hickey, Competing Voices from the Russian Revolution, Greenwood Press, 
2010, p. 91.

[6] Nicolas Sukhanov, The Russian Revolution 1917, CNLH, 1966, page 192.

[7] Voline, Gorélik, Konov, The Repression of Anarchism in Soviet Russia, 1922.


Message: 9

In view of Tsipra's visit to the TIF, the Eleftherial Initiative of Thessaloniki and the 
anarchist collectivity of Rouvikon invaded shortly after 12 noon at the Macedonia-Thrace 
ministry. A banner was opened at the entrance of the ministry, and thousands of tricky men 
were thrown while a small group of comrades managed to reach the top floor of the building 
where it dropped banners. There was a great mobilization of the police forces in 
Thessaloniki. Data verification was performed and all comrades were released. Everyone on 
the road on Saturday 9/9, at 18:00, in Kamara. In a little while will be a video of the 
action. This is the call of the Anarchist Federation. ---- Video: ---- After the invasion 
of the Macedonian-Thracian Ministry, the banner of the intervention was hanged in Kamara.

Nothing's over. Let's go to the counterattack! | TIF Route 9/9 18:00 Kamara

Every year at the Thessaloniki International Fair, capital, through its civilian staff, 
sets the living conditions of the workers, the unemployed, the retired, the lower.

Every year the Prime Minister comes - always with regret (!) - to announce the new steps 
of an all-out attack on state and capital on labor and social achievements. Every year, he 
promises that the measures are the latest.

The worst that can happen to you with chains is to get used to them. Already, for seven 
years, at regular intervals state and capital "bite" and a new piece of the last means of 
survival of the world of work. It looks like a natural phenomenon every 1.5 years, after a 
"pent-up" period of supposed negotiations between the Greek state and its patrons, the EU 
and the IMF, the announcement of new cuts in wages and pensions, the loss of new labor 
rights, our class is increasingly underestimated. Not even the phraseology changes from 
PASOK to SW and from SW to SYRIZA.

Year by year, state and capital are increasing the armies of poor, unemployed, homeless, 
who can not meet their basic needs, who have no access to health or education - with 
public schools and hospitals shutting down or under-working . Labor rights are constantly 
being curtailed, for the benefit of both local and foreign bosses. In the coming months, a 
new labor law will be put to vote. This law is expanding and completing the scene of 
absolute misery and social disarray.

By abolishing the minimum wage, the 13th and 14th salary, by abolishing and / or bypassing 
collective labor agreements and replacing them with individual employment contracts - at 
each appetite of every small or big boss - with the right to strike (it is more difficult 
to declare strikes by increasing the days to alert the start of the strike, the 51% 
decision of the strike industry and the establishment of lock-out), the scene Recent years 
have become more and more dystopian. A form supplemented by new conditions of precarious 
work, such as individual contracts or contracts through ... telephone, mini jobs, 
teleworking, employee hire and others,

At the same time, social benefits and benefits are abolished, pensions are reduced and 
cut, the age limit for retirement, insurance funds are abolished or merged.

As long as one is struggling not to see it, choices are now becoming narrower within the 
systemic framework, the illusion of social peace is cracked.

The downward trend in the rate of profit, the inherent contradiction of capitalism, which 
is the result of (and) the increase in labor productivity and the inability to capitalize 
on existing capital, has led to yet another structural crisis of over-accumulation. In 
these circumstances, state and capital carry out an all-out and coordinated attack on the 
social basis in order to overcome the deadlock. The social consensus on the regime is 
increasingly shaken, so state administrators resort to emergency measures.

Within this critical environment, the state and capital have been stripped. Their 
barbarity is obvious. The power grid is exposed. The variety of relevant policy proposals 
is spread out on the table. First of all, we have the allegedly democratic, left-wing 
government, which, due to the demands of local and international capital, implements 
policies of austerity and social impoverishment. It is essentially about neo-liberal 
policies that would be a craving for the broader liberal arc, with a dominant position 
within it being held by the main opposition. Qualitative differences between them exist 
only in relation to the increased (communicative) use of the brush that lasts for the last 
time, that is, persecution and repression of those who struggle and resist the plans of 
sovereignty (for SYRIZA has also demonstrated in the local and international capital that 
it will joyfully suppress immigration riots, collusion demonstrations, evacuate 
occupations, continue the anti-terrorist crusade etc.), but also at the level of rhetoric, 
with the right to work perfectly in the communication field solvents of class 
consciousness (for the benefit of the bourgeoisie of course), namely, personality, 
patriotism and religious plus observation. Smaller resonance seems to have traditional 
social democracy or a common "center-left", constituting another dusty urban pawn. Still 
lower is the Eurocommunist left - we could say the pre-election SYRIZA number 2 - with a 
reformist pretensio of social character, continuation of capitalism with protectionist 
policies and return to the national currency. Regarding the revolutionary proposals 
enclosed in the ruling family, there is a wide range of the revolutionary left. Pioneering 
parties, with the long-term goal of political revolution, the establishment of a 
centralized state, and the emergence of state capitalism, as an intermediary of the 
supposedly linear course towards communism. Finally, as a reserve of capital, fascism 
stands as the last mound for the bourgeoisie. Whether as a parliamentary force or 
supposedly extra-institutional bodies, its purpose is concrete: the attack on the world of 
the struggle, the diffusion of hatred and ultimately the fight against social resistance 
by an iron boot for the benefit of capitalism.

Within this political setting, SYRIZA did what it promised. Not to us. But in the regime 
that is always served by the left wing and social democracy. He dismayed the momentum of 
the social counterattack of the first monumental years, dragged her into the humiliation 
of the ballot box and then exchanged it with a position not only in power today, but also 
as a constant pole of the new bi-mathematics in the years to come. Not too bad for 
Euro-communists of 4%, very bad for all of us. Why is the best way to get used to your 
chains that he promises to tell you that it is ultimately necessary to take them. SYRIZA 
was the best gift, the surest solution for the state and the capital that in the 
historical period we have been living has decided to "gather" everything.

Faced with the evolving dystopia of modern totalitarianism, we ought to organize a social 
and classical counterattack that will overcome the present political and economic 
structure of society, the world of state and capital. That is why it is imperative to 
build militant social and class-based movements. Organize in grassroots clubs, 
neighborhood assemblies, political collectives and anti-fascist co-ordinations. We 
ourselves, from the bottom, know our needs and desires. We do not need any savior, any 
supposed external dispatcher of our will. One thing is left to do. Take our lives in our 
hands, so that we can not live like slaves.

As anarchists, what we are calling for is to push for the social revolution and the 
radical transformation of society, collectively, unpretentious and from the bottom. It is 
the struggle for the destruction of the state and capitalism, for the elimination of all 
separated power and exploitative relationship, with the aim of creating a classless and 
extreme society of generalized self-direction, with solidarity as a coherent link. All of 
this is shaped by the occupation of the means of production and labor self-management, 
without bosses, in order to serve the needs of the community, by assisting in the 
organization of production and distribution by everyone according to their capacities to 
each according to their needs. With community-based issues being decided through 
horizontal community assemblies building from bottom to top a federation of decentralized 
and self-governing communities, including voluntary associations and free cooperatives. In 
addition, the struggle for universal emancipation ought to be internationalist and to 
break down the borders that stand between peoples.

For us, political freedom and economic equality can only be considered as indivisible in 
terms of the empowerment of the stratum strata, hence the indifference and compatibility 
of anarchy with communism. The holistic self-realization of man and the experience of 
humanity find their full expression in the society that is built on the basis of 
libertarian communism.

We urge everyone to go down the road and participate in the course of the TIF, to support 
and participate all year long in the mobilizations against the implementation of the 
memorandums in every sphere of our lives, taking action initiatives where they do not 
exist and actively taking part where there are.

The state proclaims in all tones that it has continued. Class and social struggles also 
have to follow in all tones.

Trying to make it impossible, man has always achieved what is possible. If, however, we do 
not do the impossible, we will face the unthinkable.

Nothing's over. Let's go to the counterattack!


18:00, KAMARA


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