Woo Hoo guys
Happy Birthday to me, sorry there's no Pet Peeves this week, we're having a pawty and give-away instead... and look, I even put my bestest tie on! MOL
Grab a Hat!
Get some cake!

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Now onto the Give-Away
Furstly as I'm the one with the cash at our place, I've had to supply the goodies fur the give-away! MOLThere is 1 x surprise goodie bag up fur grabs with a supurr selection of stuff... mew know how epic they are!
And all mew need to do to enter is LEAVE A COMMENT below and we'll pick a winner out on next weeks Pet Peeves post!
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We hope mew all have a totally wild time, if mew need to chill we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen-zone, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash out.
Thanks so much fur coming
Luffs mew all loads
Parsley and The B Team
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