Edited by Azizi Powell
This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series on commercialized children's jump rope and hand clap rhymes.
Part II provides an alphabetized list of selected examples of children's jump rope (or ball bouncing) and/or hand clap rhymes that include a brand name for a product, store, or television channel.
Additional examples in this collection include parodies and other children's recreational rhymes that are chanted without any accompanying activity.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2017/08/commercialized-childrens-jump-rope-hand.html for Part I of this series. Part I features an excerpt from Chapter 4: "Double Dutch And Double Cameras: Studying The Transmission of Culture In An Urban Shool Yard" by Ann Richman Beresin in the 1999 book Children's Folklore: A Sourcebook and an excerpt of Chapter 4 "Nike, Nike, Who Can Do The Nike: New Commercialization and Scripted Exploitation" in the 2010 book Recess Battle: Playing, Fighting, and Storytelling by Anna R. Beresin.
My comments about the status of the commercialized rhymes that the researcher/writer showcased are given in the Addendum to this post.
The content of this post is presented for folkloric and recreational purposes.
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to all those who contributed examples that are included in this collection. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.
This is part of an ongoing pancocojams series on Double Dutch (jump rope) and jump roping rope in general, particularly as those activities relate to African American females.
Click the tags below to find other posts in this series.
DISCLAIMER: This post isn't meant to be a compilation of all the brand names for jump rope and hand clapping rhymes or for any other type of children's recreational rhyme that is included in this particular compilation.
If you know of any additional examples, particularly examples from other "rhyme families" than those that are now included in this compilation, or any other examples that you consider distinctive, please share them in the comment section below. Thanks!
These examples are given in alphabetical order based on what I believe is the most often used title for that rhyme.
The titles are capitalized.
Although most of these rhymes have countless versions, I've usually only included one or two examples in this collection. Numbers that are assigned by me for multiple examples of a specific rhyme are given with no particular order and no intended preference.
[updated August 8, 2017] The brand names are written in italics the first time that they appear in each rhyme.
Hyperlinks or book sources for the source of these versions are included after the entry along with any demographic information (geographical location/dates) that is available for those versions.
The dates that are given with some of these examples are either the dates that the contributor remembers performing or hearing the rhymes, the dates that the researcher collected the rhymes, or the dates that the particular example was published.
The performance activity/activities are given in brackets after each entry. If not physical activity is performed when that rhyme is sung.
The underlined portions of the some double dutch rhymes are as they were given in Recess Battle: Playing, Fighting, and Storytelling by Anna R. Beresin (University Press of Mississippi, Jackson; 2010) [hereafter given as Recess Battles. These underlined words or syllables represent the accented beat of the rhyme.
Here's some information about the movement commands that are included in the double dutch rhymes:
from Recess Battle, page 64:
"Many traditional double-dutch songs list specific steps in order, and the commercial ones utilize the old formulas well:
footsies - two basic running steps with one small two-footed bounce
hopsies - one foot hopping
bouncies - two footed small jumps
turnsies - a complete rotation while inside the two turning ropes
walksies - basic running step
criss - crossing both legs repeated while jumping"
Note: Recess Battles examples were from African American girls in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I've included brief comments after some of these examples.
A, B,
ABC it's easy as 1,2,3,
My momma takes care of me (or it can be my momma sings do,re,mi)
My papa watched MTV,
My granny says:
Ooh, aaah, I wanna piece of pie.
Pie too sweet, i wanna piece of meat.
Meat too ruff I wanna ride a bus.
Bus too full, I wanna ride a bull.
Bull too black I want my money back.
Money back too green, I wanna a Lima bean.
Lima bean not cooked, I wanna read a book.
Book not read I want to go to bed.
Bed not made I want some lemonade
Lemonade too sour I wanna take a shower.
Shower too cool, I wanna go to school.
School too dumb, I wanna suck my thumb.
Thumb too dirty, I wanna ride a birdie.
Birdie too slow and that's all I know so close your eyes and count to ten, Whoever messes up starts all over again.....
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
No one messed up so that's the end!
-https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-lyrics-to-the-ABC-hand-game, Joy Ahmed, no year given; [hand clap rhyme]
This rhyme may be known as "Ooh Ahh I Wanna Piece Of Pie". There are countless versions. Some versions may refer to "BET" (Black Entertainment Television) instead of "MTV". A version of this rhyme that includes a parody of an old "Winston" cigarette commercial is given in the "O,P," section below.
A Pizza Hut (make a square in the air)
A Pizza Hut
Kentucky Fried Chicken (flap your arms like you're doing the chicken dance)
And a Pizza Hut
A Pizza Hut
A Pizza Hut,
Kentucky Fried Chicken
And a Pizza Hut
McDonalds McDonalds (use two hands-make an "M" in the air, starting in the middle)
Kentucky Fried Chicken
And a Pizza Hut
Mc Donald's, Mc Donald's,
Kentucky Fried Chicken
And a Pizza Hut
A Jabba the Hut
A Jabba the Hut
Luke Skywalker
And a Jabba the Hut
A Jabba the Hut
A Jabba the Hut
Luke Skywalker
And a Jabba the Hut
Darth Vader Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker
And a Jabba the Hut
Darth Vader Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker
And a Jabba the Hut
A Burger King (mime eating a burger)
A Burger King,
A Taco Bell (mime ringing a bell)
And a Burger King
A Burger King
A Burger King,
A Taco Bell
And a Burger King
Red Lobster, Red Lobster, (make claws)
A Taco Bell
And a Burger King
Red Lobster, Red Lobster,
A Taco Bell
And a Burger King
I'm including this example even though I think it's most often sung as a imitative motion camp song. It's possible that some children might recite it as a hand clap or a jump rope game.
BIG MAC [Version 1]
Big Mac*, Filet o' Fish
Quarter Pounder Frenchie Fries
Icee Coke, milk shake foot
Filet o' Fish
Quarter Pounder Frenchie Fries
Icee Coke, milk shake bounce
Filet o' Fish
Quarter Pounder Frenchie Fries
Icee Coke, milk shake hop
Filet o' Fish
Quarter Pounder Frenchie Fries
Icee Coke, milk shake turn
Filet o' Fish
Quarter Pounder Frenchie Fries
Icee Coke, milk shake criss
Filet o' Fish
Quarter Pounder Frenchie Fries
Icee Coke, milk shake walk
Recess battles, (1991, 1992, 1999, 2004), [double dutch jump rope rhyme]
*I've written "Big Mac" in italics as its name represents the McDonalds Corporation.
Four hand clap versions of "Big Mac" are given in the "Welcome To McDonalds" entry given below
BIG MAC (Version 2)
Big Mac, Filet o' Fish shake and fries
She's a mean mama honey and that's no lie
McDonald's got footsies play that beat
McDonald's got hopsies.
Recess battles, (1992, 1999), [double dutch jump rope rhyme]
My mom gave me a penny
She said to buy a henny
But I didn't buy no henny
Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM
My mom gave me a nickel
She said to buy a pickle
But I didn't buy no pickle
Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM
My mom gave me a dime
She said to buy a lime
But I didn't buy no lime
Instead , I bought BUBBLE GUM
My mom gave me a quarter
She said to buy some water
But I didn't buy no water
Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM
My mom gave me a dollar
She said to buy a collar
But I didn't buy no collar
Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM
My mom gave me a five
She said to stay alive
But I didn't stay alive
Instead, I choked on BUBBLE GUM
i learned that one in elementary school... not sure how i remembered it! have fun... whoever needs this
-i know hand games! ; http://blog.oftheoctopuses.com/; 12/22/2005 [website no longer accessible]; [hand clap rhyme?]
Brick Wall Waterfall
Girl, you think you got it all.
ou don't. I do.
So BOOM with that attitude.
Peace Punch Captain Crunch.
I got something you can't touch.
Bang Bang Choo Choo Train
Wind me up I do my thang.
Reeses pieces 7 Up
Mess with me I'll kick your butt.
Elbow elbow, wrist wrist.
Shut up girl,
You just got dissed.
-from https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2013/01/brickwall-waterfall-examples-analysis.html "Brickwall Waterfall" (Examples & Analysis) [hand clap rhyme]
brick wall waterfall
girl you think you got it all
you dont i do
so boom with that attitude
yo momma yo dadda
yo bald headed grandma
she 99 she think she fine
she goin out with frankinstien
shes hip shes fat
she needs a tictac
not a tic not a tac
but the whole six pack
sorry to be mean
but she needs some listerene
not a sip not a swallow
but the whole dang bottle oh!!!!!!!
-ash; Cocojams.com. 10/26/2007
Cocojams.com was the name of my cultural website. After almost 15 years, I voluntarily closed that website in October 2014. some of the reader submitted children's rhymes and cheers material can be found on pancocojams and some can be found on my other blog "cocojams2".
When Cocojams.com was active (until 2014), the "Brickwall Waterfall" (either separately or in combination with "Bang Bang Choo Choo Train") was by far the hand clap rhyme that was most often submitted to that site by children, preteens, and teens.
C, D
(Challenge is a competitive follow-the-leader game)
Challenge, challenge
1,2,3,4,5,6,7.8, 9, 10
Big Mac, Filet o’ Fish foot
And bounce
And hop
And turn
And walk
And criss
Hey consolation
Where have you been?
Around the corner, and back again
Stole my money
Knocked my honey
Papa’s go the hiccups
Mama’s got the ice
So come on baby
Let’s slice that ice
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 hop
2,4,6,8,10 turn
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 criss
2,4,6,8,10 turn walk
Recess battles, (1991, 1992, 1999, 2004)[double dutch jump rope rhyme]
this is what ne and my friends say
Coca Cola came to town
diet Pepsi shot him down
Dr pepper fixed him up
now we're drinking 7up
7up has got the flu
now were drinking mountain dew
mountain dew fell down a mountain
bow we're drinking from the fountain
oh no the fountains broke
now we're drinking cherry coke
cherry coke is so laat year
now we're drinking ginger beer
ginger beer got in a fight
now we're drinking ice cold sprite
ice cold sprite is out of date
now we're drinking lemonade
lemonades starting to fade
now were drinking power ade
power ade played hard to get
now we're drinking turbo jet
turbo jet fell in a lake
now we're drinking chocolate shake
chocolate shake thought it was banta
now we're drinking orange Fanta
orange Fanta got hit by a tree
now were drinking boiling tea
boiling tea was caught by her
now were drinking sparkling water
sparkling water got shot by cupid
now we're feeling very stupid
all these drinks were so so bad
now we're feeling very sad
Victoria Robertson, 2016; discussion thread for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6Cw-Awwm_M [hand clap rhyme]
"Coca Cola Came To Town" rhymes document and reflect the 1980s Coke vs Pepsi "Cola Wars". Click https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cola_wars for more information about the advertisement battle between these two soda brands.
Ours always was:
Coca Cola went to town, Pepsi Cola knocked him down. Dr. Pepper helped him up, now we're drinking Seven Up. Seven Up caught the flu, now we're drinking Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew fell off the mountain, now we're drinking from the fountain. Fountain broke, now we're back to plain old Coke, turned to mush, now we're drinking Orange Crush, Orange Slush disappeared now we're drinking Root Beer, I tried and tried with all my might but I just can't find the......SPRITE!
lol. When we said Sprite you had to tag someone or something xD
Haven't heard that in years hahahahaha
I still don't understand how Coke can just turn to mush, but whatever. lol. I was probably 5 haha
-anonymous, http://www.amirite.com/260398-coca-cola-came-to-town-pepsi-cola-knocked-him-down-dr-pepper-fixed-him-up-now-were-drinking [partner hand clap rhyme, or competitive group hand slap rhyme?]
"Coca Cola" and "Coke" are the same brand of carbonated soda (pop).
Another example of "Coca Cola came to town" is given below in the entry for "Down By The Banks Of The Hanky Panky".
COMET (Version #1)
Comet, it makes your teeth turn green.
Comet, it tastes like gasoline.
Comet, it makes you vomit.
So drink some Comet, and vomit, today!
-http://www.topix.com/forum/city/huntsville-oh/TFIPIRQI91LHJ5DI9, Detroit, Michican, [parody of a commercial, recited without any other performance activity]
information given on that site: (sung to the tune "Colonel Bogey March" theme from
the movie "Bridge on the River Kwaii")
"Submitter comment: Matthew only recently learned this song, and thought is
was new. When he tried to teach it to his older cousin,
Joshua, who lives in the Chicago area, Josh had already heard of it."
COMET (Version #2)
We used to sing
Comet, will make your father mean
Comet, will make your mother scream
Comet, will make you vomit
So get some Comet, and vomit, today
-Mickey527, Feb 22, 2010, https://www.disboards.com/threads/comet-parody-anyone.2403629/ [parody of a commercial, recited without any other performance activity]
Criminal minded, you've been blinded
Looking for a shoe like mine, can't find it
Mine cost more
Yours cost less
Mine Footlocker
Yours Payless
So criminal minded
Foot, you got it
So criminal minded
Foot, you got it
So criminal minded
Hop, you got it
So criminal minded
Walk, you got it
So criminal minded
Criss, you got it
Recess battles, (2004) [double dutch jump rope rhyme]
"Criminal minded you've been blinded/ "lookin for a style and you can't find it" are beginning lyrics of a 1987 KRS_One rap song.
Criminal minded, you've been blinded
Looking for a shoe like mine, can't find it
Mine cost more
Yours cost less
Mine Footlocker
Yours Payless
Do your footsies, 1, 2, and three
And your hopsies, 1, 2, and three
And your bouncies, 1, 2, and three
And your walksies, 1, 2, and three
And your turnsies, 1, 2, and three
And your crisses, 1, 2, and three
Recess battles, (1999) [double dutch jump rope rhyme]
Down by the banks of the hanky panky.
Where the bullfrog jumps from bank to bank. Say As Es Is Os ees I did it.
Bing Bong your daddy smells like King Kong.
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Michael Jackson makes me gag.
Coca-cola burnt him up
Now we're talkin 7 up
7 up has no caffeine
Now we're talking Billy Jean
Billy jean went out of style.
Now we're talking Bobby Brown.
B-o-b-b-y B-r-o-w-n went out of town
GUEST,amy in Kentucky, http://awe.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=94034&messages=263, Origins: Down By The , May 14, 2001
There are numerous examples of "Down By The Banks Of The Hanky Panky" partner hand clap rhymes or group (competitive) hand slap rhymes.
This particular version documents the actual event that occurred in 1984 when Pop Star Michael Jackson suffered serious burns on his head while filming a soft drink commercial. Ironically, given the Cola Wars, although many examples of this rhyme that I've found say that "Coca Cola burnt him up", Michael Jackson was actually filming an ad for Pepsi Cola.
Some examples of this rhyme have the line "Michael Jackson is a [derogatory term for homosexuals that rhymes with "gag"], reflecting some rumors that were widely spread about that celebrity.
Down by the banks of the hanky panky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
Singing Eeep Op Eeep Op
Skiddle diddle eep op op
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Miley Cyrus makes me gag
Miley Cyrus came to town, Coca Cola shot her down
Dr. Pepper drink it up, now we're drinking 7-Up
7-Up has no caffeine, now we're drinking gasoline
Gasoline ran out of fuel, now we're drinking Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew fell off the Mountain, now we're drinking from the fountain
Fountain broke, now we're drinking PLAIN-OLD-DIET-COKE
-Guest, http://awe.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=94034&messages=263, Origins: Down By The Banks Of The Hanky Panky, March 20, 2012
This example is part of the HUGE family of "Down By The Banks Of The Hanky Panky" rhymes. it combined with an example from the somewhat smaller rhyme family "Cola Cola Came To Town". Two examples of that rhyme are given above.
Most of the "I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag" rhymes mention Michael Jackson. However, since that Pop artist's sudden death in June 2009, I've found a few other examples of this rhyme that substitute another celebrity's name for Michael Jackson. It appears to me that the celebrity who is named in this insult rhyme is usually someone who is disliked by fans of a particular music genre.
DREAM LOVER (Version #1)
Dream lover, where are you?
Upstairs on the toilet stool.
What are doing way up there?
Washing out my underwear.
How did you get them so clean.
With a bottle of listerine.
-http://mudcat.org/jumprope/jumprope_display_all.cfm; Source: Abrahams (1969) [dump rope rhyme; parody of 1959 Pop song with that title]
[added August 7, 2017]
DREAM LOVER (Version #2)
(This is a parody of a rock and roll hit of 1958.)
Dream lover, where are you?
Upstairs on the toilet stool.
What are doing way up there?
Washing out my underwear.
How did you get them so clean.
With a bottle of Listerine.
Where'd you get that Listerine>
From a can of pork and beans.
Where'd you get that pork and beans?
From the city of New Orleans.
How'd you get way down there?
'Cause I killed a polar bear.
Why you kill the polar bear?
'Cause he dirtied my underwear.
I want a dream lover.
Never have to dream alone.
- Keystone Folklore Quarterly, Volume 8, Simon Bronner
Spring Issue 1963
Page 15 [Google books)
E, F
Firecracker, firecracker, oh, oh, oh.
Firecracker, firecracker, oh, oh, oh.
Boys have got the muscles.
Teachers got the brains.
Girls have got the sexy legs,
And we won the games.
If you want to take motion,
Take it slow.
This is how the motion goes:
Pepsicola, CocaCola, Royal Crown.
You've got to hypnotize her.
Boom dorizer,
Knock 'em down.
-Burkhard Leuschner, 1980, http://mudcat.org/jumprope/jumprope_display_all.cfm' [jump rope rhyme]
Here's the comment from the contributor of this version:
"I was on holiday in France, Bourgogne, at a castle with an
English landlady, whose two nieces were visiting with her.
Katy and Miranda, Chateau Leveault, 11 August 1980 *)
Contemporary versions of "Firecracker, Firecracker" are also performed as a children's cheerleader cheer or as a hand clap rhyme.
G, H
Give me a break
Give me a break
Break me off a piece of that kit kat bar
That chocolate crispy taste is gonna make your day
And whereever you go
You hear the people say
Give me a break
Give me a break
Break me off a piece of that
-pittypassion, 2008; https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081204205947AARvcYx [hand clap rhyme based on the late 1989s Kit Kat candy's commercial jingle]
I, J
I won't go to Macy's (* A big store in New York *)
Anymore, more, more.
There's a big fat policeman
At the door, door, door.
He takes me by the collar.
He makes me pay a dollar.
I won't go to Macy's
Anymore, more, more.
Source: Abrahams (1969)
[jump rope rhyme]; The most widely known contemporary versions of this rhyme are known performed as partner hand clap games with the name "I Don't Want To Go To Mexico".
Here's some information about this rhyme from the Folk song index:
"DESCRIPTION: "I won't/don't go to school/Granny's/Macy's any more, more, more, There's a big fat teacher/copper/policeman at the door, door, door" who takes me by the hair/collar and sits me in a chair/makes me pay a dollar...."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1935 (Howard)
KEYWORDS: playparty hair police
FOUND IN: Britain(England(North,South)) US(MA,SE)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Opie-Game, p. 478, ("I'm not going to school any more, more, more") (2 texts)
ADDITIONAL: Dorothy Mills Howard, "The Rhythms of Ball-Bouncing and Ball-Bouncing Rhymes" in The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. LXII, No. 244 (Apr 1949 (available online by JSTOR)), #6 p. 168 ("I won't go to Macy's any more, more, more") (1 text)
Mabel Hillery, Janie Hunter and her grandchildren, "I Want To Go To Mexico" (on JohnsIsland1)
NOTES: Opie-Game has "not going to school" as a clapping game and separates it on that basis from a ball-bounce "don't go to Grannie's" which derives from "I won't go to Macy's." Macy's, as Opie-Game notes, is a famous department store in New York City. "
I hate Bosco
It's not the drink for me
My mommy put it in my milk
To try to poison me
One day I fooled Mommy
I put some in her tea
And now I have no mommy
To try to poison me!
-Remember, Cookeville, Tennessee, Jun 19, 2010, http://www.topix.com/forum/city/huntsville-oh/TFIPIRQI91LHJ5DI9 [parody of a commercial, recited without any other performance activity]
I'm Conchita Banana
And I'm here to say
How to get rid of your teacher
The easy way
Put a banana on the floor
and watch your teacher
slide out the door.
Down, down, down, the stairs she goes
Where she lands know one knows
And while she's gone, the kids have fun
Drinking, whiskey, beer, and rum
- http://www.topix.com/forum/city/huntsville-oh/TFIPIRQI91LHJ5DI9 Detroit, Michigan, no date recorded, [teacher taunt, parody of a commercial; recited without any other performance activity]
K, L
An example of the "Kit Kat bar" rhyme is found under the title "Give Me A Break".
M, N
McDonald's is your kind of place.
They serve you rattlesnakes,
French fries between your toes,
Hamburgers up your nose.
The last time that I was there
They served me underwear.
McDonald's is your kind of place.
-NightWing; http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=87050 Lyr Req: Kid's Parodies; 10/11/2004 [parody recited without physical activity?]
McDonalds is your kind of place!
Hamburgers in your face!
French Fries up your nose!
Pickles between your toes!
And don't forget those lousy shakes!
They're made from polluted lakes!
McDonalds is your kind of place!
MISS SUE (Version #1)
back in my day it went a little something like this:
Miss Sue (clap clap clap)
Miss Sue (clap clap clap)
Miss Sue from Alabama, her real name's Suzianna
she's sittin in a rocker, eatin Betty Crocker
watch the clock go tick tock tock tock, banana rock
tick tock tick tock banana rock
wash those spiders off of me
mooshka, mooshka, i see mommy
mooshka, mooshka, i know karate
mooshka, mooshka, oops i'm sorry
mooshka, mooshka, FREEZE.
-RespectMyThickness, 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-svfUMX3BM [hand clap rhyme]
Betty Crocker is a fictitious woman who helped market cook books. She is (was?) especially known for her recipes for cakes, cookies, pies and other baked goods..
The screen name "RespectMyThickness" was accompanied by a photograph of a Black woman. In African American Vernacular English, "thick" means a person (usually a female) who is "heavy set". "Thick" doesn't have the negative connotations of "fat".
MISS SUE (Version #2)
Miss Sue
Miss Sue from Alabama
Her name was Suzianna
Sitting in a rocker
eating Betty Crocker
Watching the clock go
Tick Tock
Tick all around go
Tick Tock
Tick all around
Gotta wash that stain right out of me
Gotta Boom-shot
Gotta Boom-shot
Gotta crick in my side
Gotta crick in my side
Salt and pepper said "DO NOT MOVE"
(alternate ending)
Salt and pepper said" DO NOT MOVE,
-Dani (White American, Southern USA), http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=63097 "Folklore: Do kid still do clapping rhymes?", September 22, 2003
my mother your mother live across the street 18,19 blueberry street every night they had a fight and this is want they said tonight boy's are rotten made out of cotton girls are sexy made out of Pepsi boy's go to Jupiter to get more stupider girls go to college to get more knowledge............. that's all I know😳😔
-Jah'Niyah Brock, 2016; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0KMFSj-FrQ Fun hand games "The summary of this 2011 video by two young African American women reads in part "old school hand games from way back". [hand clap rhyme, "also used to be" [?] used as a jump rope rhyme and ball bouncing rhyme]
Here's a true story: About ten years ago, I took my pre-teen nieces and two of their girl friends who were the same ages to get pizza. The girls were helping me put on a rhyme and cheer demonstration later that day. When we ordered pizza I asked the girls what they wanted to drink, and each one said "Pepsi". I said something like "You guys really like "Pepsi" and one of my nieces said "It's because pf the rhyme.". I said "Which rhyme?" and all of the girls recited the 'Girls drink Pepsi to get more sexy" line. That incident demonstrated to me the real life power of children's recreational rhymes.
my mother your mother was wrong lmao:
my mother your mother lived down the sreet 18 19 marble street and every night they had a fight, this is what they said all night.
girls are sexi made out of pepsi
boys are rotten made out of cotton
girls go to mars to get more bras
boys go to jupiter to get more stupider
incy wincy lolly pop incy wincy woo incy wincy lolly pop i love you!
-Gabriella Casuscelli, 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0KMFSj-FrQ Fun hand games
Nike Nike
Who can do the Nike?
Foot to the N-I-K-E
Hop to the N-I-K-E
Walk to the N-I-K-E
Bounce to the N-I-K-E
Turn to the N-I-K-E
Criss to the N-I-K-E
Recess Battle, (1992, 2004)
O, P
OOH AH I WANT A PIECE OF PIE (with the "Winston cigarette" verse)
I learned it at summer camp as a clapping game:
Winston tastes good just like a cigarette should
Just like an - ooh, ah, I want a piece of pie
Pie too sweet, I want a piece of meat
Meat too brown, I want to go to town
Town too far, I'll have to take a car
Car too black, I want my money back
Money too green, I want a limosine
..... I want some lemonade
Lemonade too sour, by now we have the power
To close our eyes and count to ten
Whoever messes up has to do it again.
And at this point, the clapping pattern got more complicated and the players closed their eyes and counted to ten.
-Guest, Chocolate Pi; http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=26926 "Lyr Req: Oh my, I want a piece of pie", October 10, 2000
Pac Man come on tardy
And Toya had a party
She gonna move her feet
Yeah yeah
And dance to the beat
Yeah yeah
She gonna hop til she drop
Yeah yeah
She gonna turn till she burn
Yeah yeah
And criss till she miss
Yeah, yeah
Reeces Battles, (29004), [double dutch jump rope rhyme)
"Toya" is a girl' name or a clip of a female name. Substitute the jumper's name or nickname.
Pepsi Cola hits the spot
Ten minutes later hits the pop.
-https://research.udmercy.edu/find/special_collections/digital/cfa/index.php?field=keyword&term=COMMERCIAL The James T. Callow Folklore Archive, learned in Michigan; no date collected [umor Ridicule, Mockery, recited with no accompanying performance activity
A Pepsi parody from my childhood:
Pepsi Cola hits the spot
In your stomach it will rot
Tastes like beer, tastes like wine,
-RangerSteve, 21 Oct 02, http://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=52618&messages=341 Jingles you remember. [parody of a commercial; recited with no accompanying performance activity]
Q, R
Do your footsies the Reebok way
Do your hopsies the Reebok way
Do your footsies the Reebok way
Do your walksies the Reebok way
Do your bouncies the Reebok way
Do your turnsies the Reebok way
Do your crisses the Reebok way
(1992, 2004), Reebok [double dutch rope jump rhyme]
S, T
U, V
W, X
Welcome to McDonalds
May I take your order?
Big Mac
Filet of Fish
Quarter pounder
french fries
Icy coke, milk shake
Sundae, and apple pie.
You deserve a break today
So get up, and get away
To McDonalds!
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
-TMP and friends, mid 1980s, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [hand clap rhyme]
The line "and the dish ran away with the spoon" is from the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle". "TMP" is my daughter. When I asked her why she and her friends added this line to this rhyme, she said she didn't know, but it just fit.
I've seen some online examples of "Welcome To McDonalds" that also included this verse.
welcome to mcdonalds
may i take your order
see my pinky
see my thumb
see my fist
you better run
-sarahwentloco ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=eMkpiLjKWU8 Welcome To McDonalds Game; October 2011 [hand clap rhyme]
Welcome to mc-Don-alds may I take your or-der, Big Mac, French fries, coca-cola apple pie.Rock paper scissors shoot x 3
-Ami, 2015, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080602191636AAROyG0 [hand clap rhyme]
These are only three hand clap versions of "Welcome To McDonalds" (also known as "Big Mac". There are countless versions of these rhymes.
Y, Z
This concludes Part II of these two part series on the commercialization of children's rhymes.
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