Houghton College Expands Affordability Options

Houghton College is pleased to announce the expansion of its financial aid affordability options to include the New York State Enhanced Tuition Awards (ETA) program.
In line with the college’s mission – to provide a high-quality Christian education to students from diverse traditions and economic backgrounds – this new option makes that experience more readily available to students from across New York State.
Under the ETA program, operated by New York State, select enrolled students from New York State may be eligible for up to $6,000 per year in additional financial aid funds. Furthermore, tuition will not increase for recipients during their four years at Houghton College. Eligibility and selection are determined by New York State. The ETA program
website provides more information on this opportunity.
This new program joins existing scholarship and financial aid resources, such as:
  *   Academic awards up to full-tuition
  *   Scholarships in music and art
Raise.Me the Bill & Melinda Gates microscholarship platform where students can earn up to  $12,000 guaranteed minimum scholarship
  *   SAGE Tuition Rewards where students can earn up to one full year’s tuition as a guaranteed minimum award
Ryan Spear, director of admission at Houghton, states, “Houghton College has always sought to make our high-quality, Christ-centered education available to all students who qualify for admission. At a time when many families believe they have to choose between quality and reasonable cost, I am proud that Houghton has stepped into the middle and boldly announced that here you will find both.”