Good news, and more evidence that quickly posting a "Be On The Lookout" on social media can be more effective that filing a police report that is tossed into a filing cabinet

Dwight Sanders is a truck driver and was on the road in Kentucky last week when his neighbor called to tell him that someone broke into his place, and stole his dead wife's Mustang

He and his wife, Dolores, bought the car brand new in 2011 and worked on customizing it for years after. Dolores died in 2014 from cervical cancer. Sanders says the Mustang is more than just a car, it’s the last memory he has of his wife.

“It was me and my wife’s project,” said Sanders. “She was a wonderful person, everybody loved her. She never made an enemy. She was just a great person.”

He immediately posted photos of the Mustang on facebook, and within days the car was spotted 70 miles away. Police were sent to verify and arrest the perp.

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