"Aw Fuck, Not This Again!"

Reflation is a global hoax. Which proves you CAN fool all of the people every time with exceptional bullshit...

Fake reflation originated entirely as a U.S. concept when Forrest Trump got elected. Vast sums of capital flowed out of the rest of the world to the U.S. But when it turned out he couldn't find his ass with both hands, Wall Street magically exported the fake reflation meme to the rest of the world. First to Europe, and now it's chasing Emerging Markets:

All of which is deja vu of 2011 wherein the rest of the world bought into global reflation just before it massively imploded...

Of course, this time it's an end of cycle hoax which will have somewhat more shock and awe...

You know, like 2008:

Europe has already tapped out due to the rising Euro...

Canadian gamblers have abandoned ship over the rising C$

Japan has one foot out the door...

Until a few days ago, U.S. gamblers were happily trading revenueless Biotech back and forth with Skynet, but now they've bolted for the exits...

Right on time, cyclicals are imploding at the end of the cycle


Recession stocks are too weak to hold up the casino...

Which means that the only thing left holding up the casino is reflationary bullshit and the usual bagholders left holding it

Bonus chart: Bitcoin (Bitstamp, $USD)

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