Bridge Replacement to Start August 17 in Potter County

Coudersport, PA – Beginning August 17, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will be working to replace a bridge in Sweden Township, Potter County. Replacement of the bridge will remove its “functionally obsolete” designation.
The existing 12-foot bridge spans Lyman Creek on Faith Street (Route 4031), near the village of Sweden Valley. It dates from 1946 and carries an average of 130 vehicles each day. PennDOT will replace the bridge with a new box culvert.
Replacement work will require closing the bridge, with an official detour in place for the duration of the project, which is expected to last until September 15. Detour signing will direct drivers to use Faith Street (Route 4031), Route 6, and Sweden Hill Road (Route 1001). Drivers familiar with the area may choose alternate routes.
PennDOT will open the new box culvert ahead of schedule if work progress allows. Local residents on either side of Lyman Creek will be able to access their homes during the replacement work. There will be no access across Lyman Creek during the closure.
This project is a cooperative effort between PennDOT Potter County Maintenance and contractor L.C. Whitford of Wellsville, New York. PennDOT Potter County Maintenance will perform erosion and sedimentation control, excavation of the old bridge, and back-filling of the new box culvert. The contractor will deliver and set the new box, perform paving and guiderail installation. Faith Street will also be paved during this project.  All work is weather dependent.

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