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» Anarchic update news all over the world - 28.08.2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 28.08.2017
Today's Topics:
1. Coordinación Anarquista Brasileña (CAB): Note on adherence
to international solidarity against the criminalization of
poverty and protest in South Africa (ca, fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. fda-ifa - [A-Radio in English] Brazil 2: Indymedia Sao Paulo
and the struggles of the last years von Anarchistisches Radio
Berlin (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. FeL Chile - Libertarian Left Chile Today three causes are
approved ..... (ca, fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
4. black rose fed: ON THE MUDSLIDE DISASTER IN
FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. anarkismo.net: European Union-lybia Agreement to come, is a
crime against humanity! by Defend Mediterranea giocganarkismo
(ca, de, gr, fr, tr) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. Brazil, [Paraná] Fight for Regularization at Portelinha
advances! by Movimento de Organização de Base (MOB)(ca, fr, it,
pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7. wsm.ie: Anti-fascist Heather Heyer murdered by alt-right in
ISIS style car attack by Andrew N Flood (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
8. Greece, anarkismo.net: The strategy of flattery by Antonis
Drakonakis (gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
The Brazilian Anarchist Coordination repudiates the cowardly criminalization of South
African fighters and social fighters and their persecution. ---- In February 2015, four
community members were sentenced to 16 years in prison for participating in a protest in
their community. After a brief period of provisional release, two of the four militants
were again jailed on June 19, 2017. ---- On February 6, 2016, Papi Tobias, the father of
three children and a community leader struggling for housing and social rights in his
community, disappeared as he went out to watch a football game at a bar. He was seen
leaving a bar in the presence of the local police commander, Jan Scheepers. To this day he
is gone. ---- The South African ruling class has often used criminal laws and criminal
experiments in the Apartheid era to condemn the black and poor working class and
criminalize the activities of militants and social fighters.
As in Brazil (Rafael Braga and many others), the ruling class in South Africa uses the
justice system and its racist armed apparatus to promote the criminalization of poverty,
protest and racism.
The continuity between state terrorism and its apparatuses continues regardless of the
government it assumes, in South Africa or in Brazil!
Freedom for Dinah and Sipho!
Justice for Daddy!
Message: 2
In June we talked to Elisa from the Indymedia collective of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Elisa has
been involved in the anarchist movement for a long time and is one of the cofounders of
the Brazilian Indymedia. Which in turn is one of the earliest counter information projects
using the name and mode of Indymedia. In the conversation we talk about the political
developments in Brazil of the last years as well as how the autonomous movements have been
reacting to them. ---- Follow Indymedia Sao Paulo on Twitter. ---- This is the second part
of a series of audios on Brazil. ---- Length: 42 min ---- Part 2: Indymedia Sao Paulo ----
You can download the audio at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg). ---- Here you can listen to it
directly: ---- Part 1: Indigenous Struggles in the Amazon ---- You can download the audio
at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg). ---- Here you can listen to it directly:
Schlagworte: Englischsprachige Beiträge
Message: 3
[# Aborto3Causales] Today the law is promulgated that contains a transcendental advance in
the recognition of the right to the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in three causes.
We believe that this important step in sexual and reproductive rights is a conquest of the
feminist struggle in the country. This is expressed in the fact that the Constitutional
Court has been forced to recognize the hegemony of progressive and democratic ideas within
Chilean society, in a context of criticism of the nature, composition and antidemocratic
role of this judiciary and that Threatens its very existence. ---- We reaffirm that
changes in reproductive matters must be deepened, which will only be possible to the
extent that we change the rules of the game so that 8 men decide for us 8 million women,
so that the majority will not be subject to veto some Of a minority.
We will decide and a thousand times we will win!
Message: 4
The External Communications-International Relations Committee of Black Rose/Rosa Negra
(BRRN EC-IRC) is saddened by the ongoing mudslide disaster in Freetown, Sierra Leone,
which was entirely avoidable. The city allowed residents to expand into dangerous areas
prone to such mudslides, and it bears responsibility for what may be over a thousand dead
and even more homeless. The State is always careful to manage our affairs when it benefits
the accumulation of wealth, but rarely when there is no profit motive. Colliding with this
criminal neglect are the compounding effects of global climate change that have
continually had a disproportionate impact on poor people and people in the developing
world, in addition to the the colonial legacy of British imperialism and the globalized
capitalist mode of production, which locks vast swathes of humanity into extreme poverty,
rendering them "surplus populations."
Below we reprint a recent BBC article about the issue.
Freetown: A disaster waiting to happen?
By Flora Drury
BBC News, 16 August 2017
Freetown is a city squeezing itself into the small space between the mountains and the
sea, in a country with the highest annual rainfall in Africa.
In August - the height of the rainy season - an average of 539.9mm falls on Sierra Leone's
So it comes as no surprise that Freetown is a city used to flooding.
But Monday's rain brought with it a disaster which left hundreds dead, and will no doubt
be followed by finger-pointing and blame shifting.
Was it simply the effects of climate change and geography, or something more avoidable?
"Yes, the floods and mudslide were caused by nature. But they could have been avoided or
at least mitigated," the BBC's Umaru Fofana wrote on his Facebook page.
"If we hurt the environment, the environment will fight back. If we fail to plan, we plan
to fail. It's that simple."
‘People everywhere'
Freetown was first established in the late 1700s, a home for freed slaves from the US and UK.
Its position was chosen not for what was on land, however, but what the sea could offer:
the world's third largest natural harbour.
As a result, Freetown ended up in an area of heavily-forested mountains, which has not
been accommodating for a growing population - currently around the million mark.
"It is the highest density of people I have ever seen," said Olivia Acland, a freelance
journalist based in Freetown. "The amount of people when you walk through the streets, and
the traffic. There are just people everywhere."
Many of those people live in the city's informal settlements, of which there are more than
60, according to Slum Dwellers International.
Here, tiny tin homes packed with large families can be seen squeezed on the banks of
rivers, the sides of mountains, on the edge of the sea.
But, says Jamie Hitchen, of the Africa Research Institute, it is not just the city's
poorest residents who are building their homes in areas which are contributing to the
flooding risk.
Some of the city's wealthier residents are also responsible for the deforestation
destabilising the soil, tempted higher into the hills by the cooler air and impressive
views of the Peninsula Forest area, near to where the mudslide occurred.
"It is happening at both levels," Mr Hitchen said. "Unfortunately, the impact[of
disasters]is on the poorer residents."
‘A failure of action'
The government is aware of the problem - and how it might increase as the effects of
climate change begin to take hold.
Two years ago, Mohamed Bah, deputy director of Sierra Leone's Environment Protection
Agency (EPA), warned "irresponsible actions taken on the hills will affect the city greatly".
"Until we stop dumping waste into drainages, until we stop clearing the trees, we will
always face severe consequences of climate change," he told Sierra Leone's Standard Times
And yet, Mr Hitchen feels there is a lack of political will to deal with the issue head on.
"The ideas have been put forward, the failure has been in terms of political action," he said.
Mr Hitchen added: "There is technically a moratorium on building in the area of the
Peninsula Forest. That is there in writing, but not in any kind of enforcement."
Abdulai Baraytay, a spokesperson for Sierra Leone's president, told the BBC's Newsday
programme the EPA had spoken to residents about the danger two weeks earlier, and tried to
put some trees in - but said they had been chased away.
Mr Baraytay also pointed to earlier attempts to move people out of harm's way. After the
last major flooding in 2015, Sierra Leone's government did make an effort to move people
living in one settlement to somewhere safer and more spacious on the outskirts of the city.
"But they rented[the homes]out and came back to the slum," he said. Mr Hitchen had a
different view on why they returned: to find work.
"They provided houses, but they did not connect them to the grid - they did not connect
them to jobs," Mr Hitchen said.
There is another problem contributing to the flooding: the rubbish blocking the drains.
"There is no clearing of waste, the drains fill up. Everyone is saying it's not our
responsibility," Mr Hitchen said. "But even if they addressed the issue of waste
collection, there is nowhere for it to go. Both Freetown's dump sites should have been
closed in 2009."
But despite the unique challenges of Freetown. this is not just a problem in Sierra Leone.
The 2009 Unjust Water report found examples of worsening floods in Ghana, Uganda,
Mozambique and Kenya.
It was generally, the report concluded, caused by "the growing occupation of floodplains,
increased runoff from hard surfaces, inadequate waste management and silted up drainage" -
all factors said to contribute to the problem in Freetown.
Professor Ian Douglas, co-author of the report and University of Manchester professor,
told the BBC: "You have several related problems about vulnerability relating to informal
"One, people can only find vacant land to build their shelters in dangerous places, like
river flood plains. Two, urban development up stream increases the rate at which the water
rushes down in to the flood plain, exacerbating the danger by excavating in to hillsides.
"Three, encroachment on the flood plan by municipal works and major developments leads to
the waters being left with narrow spaces to flow through, therefore flowing more quickly
and with more energy to pick up debris."
When it comes to flooding then. climate change is simply another contributing factor.
Message: 5
DEFEND MEDITERRANEA* statement, solidarity and antifascist mediteranean network against
Defend Europe identitarian expedition and Fortress Europe Project ---- One year and a half
after European Union-Turkish disastrous agreement which led bi multiplication of awful and
unbearable camps in Greece and Turkey, leaders of the richest continent on Earth are about
to start over for the worse. ---- This time, it's on African coasts that the Fortress
Europe Project is going on, in partnership with lybian puppet regime and on the initiative
of the french president, in exchange of huge military resources and a large sum of money
which may be three times higher than the six billion dollars offered to the Dictator
Erdogan in 2016. ---- Under the preparation of this agreement, italian military vessels
increased the number of their patrols towards the South and Lybia, unilaterally changed
its territorial waters limits from 12 to 70 nautical miles. At the same time, italian
authorities seized an NGO rescue boat and arrested its crew while further miles in the
South, off Zuwarah coasts, lybian coastguards shot live bullets to move away another
rescue boat.
In the meantime, fascist militiamen expedition is sailing freely on the Mediterranean Sea
with no other obstacle than us, antifascist activists, for several weeks, causing them
troubles and building every possible obstacle: fears, cancellations, leaks, change of
course, engine failures and getting them to be a tad ridiculous.
Several people in charge of this anti-migration ship were all of a sudden freed from their
custody in the North of Cyprus, territory under Erdogan's control, and so, despite the
fact that charges against them were very serious and the investigation prolonged. Tamil
asylum seekers who denounced the scam were deported to Sri-Lanka. Afterward, despite their
xenophobic declarations, explicit threats and failure to respect the maritime regulations,
they were never bothered by the authorities which clearly chose to let them pursue their
Several European Union ministers also expressed their benevolence towards these Defend
Europe fascist militiamen and even Austria Interior Minister congratulated them.
In reaction to this ongoing violence, NGO ships are one after the other regretfully forced
to leave the main search and rescue zone, leaving migrants' boats in the hands of european
fascists and lybian coastgards sadly well-known for their nasty racket, torture and
sequestration habits. As we witness the death of thousands migrants these last months
(more than 2200 this year and 4500 last year) while all rescue ships were still there,
it's hard to imagine the extent of the humanitarian disaster to come for about ten
thousands families constantly running from war, poverty and repression.
In fact, as long as justice and equality won't be established in these countries, nothing
will stop human immigration. As long as european neocolonialists will pursue their project
of making Africa a vast field of ruins, nothing will prevent these families' willingness
from escaping war, death and violence. Nothing will push back political opponents and
ethnic or religious minorities who run from persecutions while western leaders' complicit
silence is surrounding them. Nothing is more dreadful for entire populations, women,
children amongst them, than being beaten, raped, recruited by force in armies or forced to
work in camps (numerous cases reported it). Above all, no-one can deny that human history
was patterned by journeys, odysseys and migrations.
How much longer Europe will continue to build walls and iron shields?
In every way, the coming agreement between European Union and Lybia is a crime against
humanity, for both individuals escaping an unbearable life and individuals running away at
all costs, but who will die on an even dangerous and difficult path.
These past weeks, we did our best to prevent this fascist ship (or at least slow them
down) from stopping NGO rescue missions and save our brothers and sisters offshore. But,
despite of our actions, confronting colossal forces, witnessing grotesque agitations of
these landlubbers, we don't think we will achieve a lot.
That's why, through this statement, we decided to alert as much people possible because
it's our duty and our responsibility , wherever we are, in Europe or in Africa, to stand
against this new wall between us. A wall made of tears and blood. Every wall, is one too many.
Against this wall and those who rule by fear and by dividing us, let's take action
together, across Mediterranean Sea, from Paris to Tunis, Tripoli to Rome and beyond.
The fight goes on!
DEFEND MEDITERRANEA*DEFEND MEDITERRANEA is an antifascist, antiracist and solidarity
Mediterranean activists network who were actively involved in C-star ship's blocking in
Suez, then in Cyprus and prevented them from stopping over in Crete, Sicily and then in
Message: 6
After 10 years of much struggle and organization , the Community Portelinha was received
by mayor of Curitiba. After much sweat, blood, tragedies, meetings, demonstrations, and
much more, the community took another step towards the regularization of the area . ----
On this day 08/24/2017, Mayor Rafael Greca received the community's claims. With COHAB
(responsible for land regularization) and several municipal government departments
present, Portelinha demanded new registrations, updated mapping and attitudes related to
the repossession action that reaches the place. In a period of 30 days , adequate planning
will be done by the City Hall, COHAB, together with the residents association, so that the
appropriate solutions are taken. ---- In addition, it was possible to conquer health work
to be done in the community itself and the beginning of the Green Exchange , at the end of
Long Live the People's Organization!
Long live the Portelinha!
Message: 7
The alt-right have just carried out an ISIS style attack on anti-fascist protesters in
Virgina killing at least one person and wounding 19. In the video
https://twitter.com/brennanmgilmore/status/896434516260212737 you will see the car
accelerating at speed down an empty street into protesters that are 50m away at an
intersection, it ploughs into them without slowing down. Towards the end of the video the
car can be seen reversing back up the street at speed with its front bumper hanging off.
At that point it has hit people and other static cars, pushing them forward into yet more
people ---- This second video
https://twitter.com/brennanmgilmore/status/896434516260212737 shows the aftermath, at
least 9 people appear to be on the ground scattered over about 30m. ---- The official
report as of now says 19 people are being treated for serious injuries and one has died.
There were reports that this person was an IWW member but this is unverified.
This third video https://www.pscp.tv/Rebelutionary_Z/1lDxLkeLygzJm was a livestream that
shows the car coming into the crowd from inside the march at around the 7.30 mark -
warning its graphic, you can see people being thrown in the air
In the slowed down video you can see a white women and a black women flying through the
air, the white women goes right over the car in front, the black women lands on the bonnet
of the attacking car before it reverses back. A still photo which we are not linking as
the people are too identifiable shows two men the the air while two further people have
literally been knocked out of their trainers to one side.
Earlier the attempts by the fascists to hold a hate rally fell apart in panic with the
leadership fleeing the park after the police used tear gas. Individual groups of fascists
were left behind, the attack with the car seems to have happened about two hours after the
rally was abandoned.
The text to here was originally an 'almost live' report created by updating a Facebook
posting by editing it as more information becomes available.
The woman murdered by the alt right car attack in Virginia has been named overnight as 32
year old Heather Heyer. Heather was marching with a group that included DSA and IWW
members. Her last public post read "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."
Photos have emerged of the man charged with the murder at the fascist rally with the
shield and uniform of American Vanguard - see photo in comments. Just as the fascist
leadership fled their failed rally first American Vanguard have rushed out a statement
claiming that James Fields was not a member!
Meanwhile photos have emerged of the rally organiser James Kessler alongside the
Republican congressman Tom Garrett.
"Yesterday, those of us who were in Charlottesville witnessed a Nazi murder Heather Heyer
and injure many others on Water Street. This was not an accident. I was 6 feet away and
saw the racist ram his car into another car, which sent other cars, people, and glass
flying. I saw the bodies. I heard the screams.
The members and friends of the Raleigh-Durham IWW General Defense Committee who went to
Charlottesville are all home safe. Contrary to reports that arose from video that showed
us near the front of the line holding our IWW flags, no IWW members were killed. But all
of us are deeply affected by what we saw and heard, and many of us will choose, in the
coming days, to take time and space to care for ourselves, since we've got a long struggle
I am not just "saddened" or "disturbed" by this cold blooded murder. I am sick at heart. I
feel the force of this attack not only because I witnessed it, but because we know from
experience, we know from history, and we know in our bones that this was an attack on all
of us, on the whole working class. This didn't start in Charlottesville and it won't end
there. We are living in a period when even the small gains of the working class - and
especially immigrants, black people, and other working class people of color - have
created such a crisis in white supremacist, capitalist America, that the only response it
can generate is to meet out horrific violence on our communities. That violence comes from
organized nonstate actors like the League of the South and the National Socialist Movement
in partnership with state actors like ICE, the cops, and the department of injustice.
That was why the IWW General Defense Committee was in Charlottesville in the first place,
and it is why we will be in the streets again. More importantly, it is why we will be
organizing our workplaces and neighborhoods, running skill shares, creating food justice
projects, and standing up with other organized freedom fighters against ICE and the Durham
County Jail like Alerta Migratoria and Inside-Outside Alliance.
Like most others in the IWW General Defense Committee, I believe that organized worker's
power is the best, indeed the only way to overcome the fascism that threatens us now but
has always been an inevitable byproduct of white supremacy and capitalism in America.
Neither feel good rallies that say "we're not this" from a distance, nor random,
individual acts of rage, however well intentioned, will suffice. If you want to join this
fight, we urge you to join an organization that uses direct action to fight fascism,
preferably as part of a broader anticapitalist struggle. The IWW General Defense
Committee, to which I belong, is one such organisation."
GW - This is my personal statement on #cville, offered only for myself, written for
distribution to the press and the public. Feel free to share or use in whatever way you
think best smashes fascism.
"The Anarchists saved our lives"
Cornel West, a well known US political activist, has praised Anarchists and anti-fascists
for preventing a mob of neo-Nazis from brutally assaulting him and others during the
shutdown of the 'Unite the Right' fascist gathering in Charlottesville, USA, by left-wing
Speaking on Democracy Now!, a US based independent news station, he said: "We would have
been crushed like cockroaches if it were not for the anarchists and the antifascists who
approached, over 300, 350 antifascists."
"The antifascists, and then, crucially, the anarchists, because they saved our lives,
actually. We would have been completely crushed, and I'll never forget that."
A clergyman who was present on the day heaped further praise on anti-fascists, writing on
Facebook: "We may have had different goals but if you're looking to praise people
specifically for shutting down the 'Unite the Right' rally praise/thank the antifa. Not
the clergy and not the police."
While some naive liberal commentators may decry the use of tactical anti-fascist violence
against fascist groups, the importance of this kind of resistance cannot be overstated.
Those clergy got a baptism of fire and realised that you're not going to be able to talk a
neo-Nazi mob out of attacking you.
If fascist groups can control the streets through the kind of violence witnessed in
Charlottesville, their confidence will increase and they will begin to attack and kill
anyone and everyone who opposes them.
The fact that one comrade was murdered and many more injured by a white supremacist
ramming a car into a group of anti-fascists attests to this.
Only organised anti-fascist resistance will defeat the wave of reactionary fascist
violence rising in the US and Europe. See you on the streets. No Pasaran!
"AMY GOODMAN: We're talking about the terror in Charlottesville. The white supremacist
violence there began Friday
CORNEL WEST: ... The next day, for example, those 20 of us who were standing, many of them
clergy, we would have been crushed like cockroaches if it were not for the anarchists and
the antifascists who approached, over 300, 350 antifascists. We just had 20. And we're
singing "This Little light of Mine," you know what I mean? So that the-
AMY GOODMAN: "Antifa" meaning antifascist.
CORNEL WEST: The antifascists, and then, crucial, the anarchists, because they saved our
lives, actually. We would have been completely crushed, and I'll never forget that.
Meaning what? Meaning that you had the police holding back, on the one hand, so we
couldn't even get arrested. We were there to get arrested. We couldn't get arrested,
because the police had pulled back, and just allowing fellow citizens to go at each other,
you see, and with all of the consequences that would follow there from.
View the full episode at
Author: Andrew N Flood
Message: 8
SYRIZA: The strategy of flattery and the end of the movements ---- Article by Antonis
Drakonakis, as can be read in the Political Review "Social Anarchism" of the Koursal
Publishing Houses. ---- SYRIZA: the strategy of flattery and the end of the movements ----
Party and electoral base ---- We are not social democrats[...]. Social democracy is
capitalism with a polite faculty. It is based on the same production relationships, in the
same system of values. The goal is not to abolish human exploitation by man, but to ease
class divisions to preserve the system, to consolidate monopoly and imperialist
capitalism. That is why the marginal changes promoted by social democracy, changes aimed
at concealing the contradictions and weaknesses of the system, are not steps towards
socialism, but rather measures to derail[...]. And something that should not be forgotten:
social-democratic experiments are feasible in the metropolitan centers of capitalism where
there are possibilities for 'kindly masks'. In dependent peripheral countries such as
Greece, Such margins do not exist. - Andreas Papandreou, 1975[1]
At the same wavelength of the views that want SYRIZA to be the new PASOK, it would not be
absurd to wait for statements like that of Papandreou by Mr Tsipras' lips, nevertheless
that never happened. As much as a (tangled) minority of SYRIZA tries to spurn the word
"capitalism" (and therefore the anti-capitalist word) into the modern terminology of the
party, SYRIZA is trembling; instead, he prefers to talk about "neoliberalism" At the same
time that it officially deals with capital on the corridors of the Greek Industrialists
Association (BSE) corridors. Thus, SYRIZA's inability to articulate, albeit elementarily,
a serious anti-capitalist reason, proves that he fears to reach even the levels of
Papandreou's "revolutionary" rhetoric,
SYRIZA can not become the new PASOK, at least not at all levels, and not only because its
leader is scared to ideologically exaggerate his speech, as Mr. Papandreou did, but
because the former does not have the purse Of the second. Papandreou's social democracy, a
revolutionary and demagogic nature, was based on a state-run treasury to redeem the social
consciousness; it inspired the "hungry" crowds, replacing the books and social struggles.
Based on state money "gifts", generalized flattery, cheap patriotism, and falsified
radical speech, PASOK of '81 has been able to secure social consensus and, by extension,
the country's governance for a long time.
Correspondingly, with exactly the same recipe but without a drachma in the fund, SYRIZA
seeks to occupy the state apparatus. But even if he can inspire pre-election, he does not
have the "than" to hold his voters afterwards.
What SYRIZA does not understand or does not understand is that the gap between party and
voter, which characterizes each separate political structure such as a party - the lack of
an organic relationship between the body and society - is restored either by revolutionary
change or by money . In the case of an aspiring social democracy (PASOK '81, SYRIZA now),
the second one is supposed. As much as SYRIZA calls on its voters to actively support and
support the struggle for the rebirth of the country, this audience is still largely
electoral, so far away from the social struggles, separated from the Life and work and
alienated from the heteronomy of social reality. It can not, therefore, be transformed
from one day into another, into an active crowd, Inspired by the "radical" proposals of a
new sic political force, at a time when this power does not even have truly radical ideas
that could possibly have given rise to a movement but appeals for painless bites in the
body of a rising capitalism. The SYRIZE of 1,655,086 votes is neither a mind-boggling
movement; on the contrary, it could be described as an electoral "anti-movement".
If out of the 26% (June 2012) of SYRIZA, we deduct 4.5% of the period before 2012, there
is a 21.5% left, which is only a fairly acquired electoral commodity bought with flattery
and "stigmatizing". But on what basis do we unite? SYRIZA answers: a) national unity; b)
unity of the progressive forces of the place. The second may not be a matter of particular
concern, but as far as the first is concerned, it is interesting to stand for a moment and
consider the universality of the patriotic rhetoric in politics in Greece:
There were, of course, and (left) minorities[in Greece], who supported their own claims of
dominance in internationalist ideologies, but for that reason they could never have wider
influence - and whenever they exercised it was because Have adopted patriotic or national
Talking with members who have been in the party since the Coalition, we will hear that
Tsipras and the party executives obviously are not naive; they do not ideologically
support any national unity at the expense of a progressive-left social rally; but how else
can you get a government If you do not acquire an elementary, patriotic rhetoric? From
this, the central strategic pillar, on which the new SYRIZA was structured in all the
thematic fields: "all in the midst" and we see clearly, is clear.
After 26% time was pressing and the party found itself in front of two choices; or it
would maintain an autonomous left-wing profile, keeping distances from the center-left
dynasty or becoming the most "unruly" part of it, and thus a party of power . Of course,
he chose the second: the diminishing of political conflicts (ideology), the ideological
truce under the weight of the anti-monk slave (see flirting with Independent Greeks), the
formation of a government image (absorption of PASOK's "pure" , Statements of legality in
the EU and cheap patriotism with a young profile.
With these terpitias, a party that, until recently, expressed - indeed, a truly
progressive (and to that extent) part of Greek society (though with no internal rallying),
decided to express them all. It took the risk of building a political structure with
atrophic trunk and big head; a political struggle that attempts to engage in the same
body, governmental and kinematic profile; but we are not in Nicaragua of the Sandinista.
In short, what we want to demonstrate is that SYRIZA is based on a lean electoral base -
and rather there will remain - that will betray it at the first opportunity. This is
because, on the one hand, it does not come from any massive kinematic force (movement)
experienced on the road and social struggles, and because it does not have the possibility
to buy its electorate body (distribution of state money), by building a clientele A
mechanism - but PASOK - that can rally the base in the name of the "tampaker".
SYRIZA voters are a population of creditors who, as soon as they see their claims
collapse, will withdraw credit. The petty bourgeois impatience for change, based on denial
of personal involvement in the social struggle, is blind and witty; not interested in the
color of the Messiah, as long as it appears as a messiah and does not understand his
requests for patience; he wishes prosperity here and now, otherwise Changes ballot paper.
Electoral populations like these can not rally around a political body on the basis of
social solidarity and common ideals; initially, because they do not have, at least in
their revolutionary version, either of the two. Solidarity and the ideal, it does not have
either a class sign or a holistic, value-based question. The overwhelming majority of
parliamentary parties' voters perceive solidarity as charity and ideals as relativistic
existential wishes.
This, of course, does not mean that the Greek people are not characterized by the element
of solidarity; it is simply that solidarity in the present form can not be ideologicalised
in the liberation direction. For all of this, we are of course not blaming the
responsibility solely on the voters themselves; on the contrary, we perceive the
alienating dynamics of the division of labor and the hegemonic mechanisms (Gramsci) with
which the capitalist state is mashing up the average human mind.
The snapping of a political force like SYRIZA with purely electoral terms strengthens the
dimension of party and voter; it makes it even more evident, the lack of an organic
relationship between SYRIZA and its electoral base. It is enough to look at Dawn's sales,
the number of his youth, the size of his blocks on the road, or, better yet, how easily he
mobilizes his world; and we recall that we are talking about a party of 1.5 million votes.[3]
SYRIZA has little to do with the real dimension of social struggles (as in their
exaltation) and that is the dry truth. Apart from some active citizens participating in
the neighborhood assemblies of their neighborhood and some doctors, lawyers working in
social clinics and legal support groups (without of course underestimating the two),
SYRIZA does not have any remarkable experience or know-how , In the bottom-up construction
of social struggles; it is no coincidence that it has unlearned any idea and practice that
has developed within the anti-authoritarian space in recent years.
However, self-organization is not found in any internal process or party practice, at the
same time that the concept of social self-organization has become its flag, while the
violent and confrontational repertoires of Kerateas and Skouries are accepted in SYRIZA's
rhetoric When his press office condemns violence and claims to undermine social struggles.
Whoever has the slightest sense, understands that without the social antiquity and the
extreme forms of resistance of the inhabitants of Lavreotikos and Halkidiki, which drove
the struggle and made it known throughout Greece, these movements would have been
diminished. "The stones, the molotovs and the arson have no place in the popular
mobilizations, they have no effect and they stop the struggle" - yes,
In spite of the theoretical harassment and despite repeated attempts by SYRIZA to
ideologically control the newly emerging social movements, every effort fails miserably;
on the contrary, it proves to be able to draw spectacularly the political surplus of
cinematic action in general, of course in the context of the electoral , Perceptual
capacity of the average viewer.
The end of the movements
There were forces - mainly of the anarchist - within the movements, which in their effort
to impose their own perceptions and practices in the movements, ultra-ideologize and
over-politicize local struggles, creating the conditions for their de-isolation and
thereby undermining the successful outcome of these struggles. The political confrontation
with these perceptions and practices, which consider any association of structures of
direct and indirect democracy and any request addressed to the competent (governmental)
institutions, in the first place against the struggles, is decisive for the local
movements to continue to have a broad social dimension and To shape victory conditions.[5]
When a left party, which has been nurtured for years in the opposition, is suddenly housed
in government seats, it faces a series of contradictions; one of them is its relation to
social movements.[6]
This contradiction arises from the very nature of the movements that, for the most part,
are directed at the authorities. In this regard, we are considering the case of radical
movements, with demands that are in line with the struggle of a left-wing political force
(eg, Squires, Keratea) and not, for example, a movement against the erection of mosques in
Being in the position of the government, SYRIZA is automatically transformed into a
receiver of the protest and the demands of a movement. Thus, by the propelling power of
kinematic action, it appears as a passive decision maker. It is, therefore, potentially in
the face of a remarkable existential issue: if it sparks or backs a movement that turns to
the government is like complaining to itself. If, again, it immediately meets the demands
of a movement, then it means that the movement stops automatically; it stops the kinematic
So is the question: how can a kinematic force, supposedly SYRIZA, be a detonator of
popular claims and movements when it takes over the reins of the state? How can a force
that stands solidly in the local movements be supported by the government? It would be at
least funny to see a SYRIZA government sending its executives next to the struggling
residents of a region to support their struggle as a means of pressure to the government.
So we answer quickly and clearly:
The government is in structural conflict with a movement regardless of whether it agrees
or disagrees with the content of his claims, because it already threatens to ontological
level; standing, ie, competitive in the very essence of the social movement that is
extra-institutional character. A government can only support a movement, except to unload
it - albeit through negotiation - and turn it into a non-kinematic pressure group.
There are no institutional "movements", ie cells of collective action and mobilization
within the institutional (government, state, administrative, etc.) field. The only
relationship of a movement with the institutions is either either a possible support of
its extra-institutional action by institutional actors (eg the mayor) or the
auxiliary-instrumental use of the institutional path (eg appeals to the Council of State).
The "movement," then, is and will remain an extra-institutional collective form of
struggle for the oppressed.
A government has two choices to a newly emerging movement; or to meet its demands or to
collide with it. There is no middle-class solution; either it collides with it, opens
another front, meets all or part of its demands, stops it altogether, or temporarily
suspends it.
Let's take a look at these options, against the backdrop of the mobilizations against the
Scourge mines. A possible SYRIZA government could not, of course, (if it wants to become a
surgeon) rather than turn against the claims of "El dorado gold" and block its work from
above, satisfying the demands of the mines movement. Obviously, this would automatically
mean the end of the struggle of the inhabitants of Halkidiki; the state (SYRIZA) would
receive the credit from the once-fought local society and everything would be solved
through the institutional path. Let us assume, now, that this tactic is continuing for
some time; let us suppose, for example, that SYRIZA manages to construct a government that
is corrupt and trustworthy in its "radical" profile, at least for the first time.
We would have the complete depreciation of kinematic action as a repertoire of action and,
at the same time, the establishment of a tactical, direct appeal to the government's
negotiating bodies on the part of the citizens. And now you will ask: but why should there
be movements if the government is condescending? Is kinematic action an end in itself?
Certainly, to the extent that it radicalizes and educates society in a culture of
resistance, militancy and self-organization; to the extent that the instinct of the
rebellion (Bakunin) keeps alive and impregnates a people with political
consciousness[7](the necessary other half of class consciousness Which, in their union,
give us revolutionary consciousness); to the extent, finally, that a people through the
kinematic action are accustomed to resisting, creating a tradition-this time-kinematic, a
"custom" of resistance.
Kinematic action and the instinct of the rebellion should not be treated as an occasion
but as proof of the vitality of a society; collective action and rebellion, that is,
demonstrate that a society is alive.[8]Still, they keep the flame of the insurgency
outlook on the international level; they therefore maintain the internationalist dimension
of the social struggle and the project of social liberation. In contrast, for example, in
the struggling Scandinavian countries, collective action is moving at zero levels; the
social lull of the north can by no means say that it contributes in particular to the
prospect of creating a European or more international, Subversive movement. What can the
Netherlands or Denmark add to the struggle of rebels around the world?
Continuing our response, we would like to note that a period may be characterized by
government conscientiousness (eg probably the first SYRIZA governance period), but years
pass and one period succeeds the other. PASOK's early years of government were
characterized by a deep consensus on popular claims, but a few years later, the state
again showed its true form. Those who are willing to invest once more in his polite mask
will do so; the anarchists will continue to stare at the story and the truth.
In governing the left, movements will be promoted by the state as potential means of
struggle against the next government or, even worse, perhaps undermined by conservative
and ultra-right-opposing forces. Self-organized popular assemblies will be set up with the
blessing of the state, they will organize "public dialogues" and not mobilizations, and
they will not create any "Forbidden castle"[9]; instead, they will meet in the councils'
halls and act as collective bodies Self-education on state propaganda.
What to do;
In the case that a left-wing government like SYRIZA follows a consensus-oriented strategy
(at least in the beginning), it means that radical kinematic action in Greece
automatically becomes a recession or even a permanent inhibition. A governmental strategy
of satisfaction and co-operation with the movements will automatically mean the
elimination of the movements in their generation or, even worse, their preventive
extinction before they even break out.
Self-organization, self-management and direct democracy will be linked to popular
consciousness with the state, and even in their most unpolluted, counter-revolutionary
form; the social revolutionary struggle will once again take a few steps backwards. The
state's conscious state of dynamism will be surrounded by a left-progressive-kimono cloak,
and any movement of state arbitrariness will be "charged" to the broader radical forces.
For all this and for thousands of other reasons, the position of the anarchists in a
possible SYRIZA government must be stable and immovable. No retreat, no consensus and no
tolerance to the state and its prospective managers. Self-organization, labor
self-management, social solidarity, and the class struggle against capital and its army
are not made with state funding and smiles in every direction but through struggles,
conflicts and deprivations; not within an eternal expectation of global Revolution, but
not the retreat of petty bourgeois impatience for a certain change.
[1]Interview in the newspaper The News, 3.11.75 by Papandreou A., For a Socialist Society,
Athens, Ed. Ed., 1977, pp. 45-46.
[2]Kondylis P., The Decline of Urban Culture, Athens, Themes, 2007, p. 31.
[3]Looking at the SYRIZA model as a whole, we will find that it is quite different from
the well-known European left-wing forces of our day. It has little influence on the trade
union and its forces on the road do not exceed the dynamics of ANTARSYA. It is well off,
for example, from both the Spanish Left Coalition (IU) and the French Communist Party
(PCF), both of which have a strong presence in the trade union field. See, Izquierd Unida
(the largest power of the coalition is known since the time of the civilian Spanish
Communist Party - PCE) and Parti Communiste Francais. The trade unions close to the two
parties are CCOO (Comisiones Obreras) in Spain and CGT (Confederation Generale Du Travail)
in France, respectively.
[4]Typically, before the arson on February 15, 2013, the issue was buried by the media,
while the solidarity marches in Athens and Thessaloniki (June 2012) numbered a few
hundred. Following the arson and dimensions of the issue, two massive solidarity trades
with thousands of people took place in Athens (12 March 2013) and Thessaloniki (9 March
2013). More than 10,000 people participated in the course of Thessaloniki.
[5]Position papers of the 6th SYN Youth Congress, Chapter 2 - "City Movements and
Ecological Structures", http://archive-gr.com/page/1903877/2013-04-22/http://ww. .d = 714.
In this paragraph, SYN youth obviously confuses the anarchist space with the KKE (at least
as far as the first part is concerned). So if the abovementioned writing is not a product
of fallacy, we would please the youth to give us the example of a local struggle that was
alienated by the undermining dynamics of the anarchist space.
[6]There are also social movements that do not necessarily address the authorities. In the
non-text, however, we refer to social movements with a political dimension, to what they
are turning to the authorities to meet their demands. See, Neveu E., The Sociology of
Social Movements, Athens, Savvas, 2010.
[7]Bakunin M., Marxism, Freedom and State, at anthostoukakou.blogspot.gr/2012/07/1.html.
[8]"[...]a people who, under any pretext, may suffer tyranny, necessarily lose finally the
savior's habit of rebellion, even the very instinct of the insurrection," Bakunin, to himself.
[9]The competing political hangout "Inferno Castro" was an improvised site that served as
a center of struggle for the inhabitants of Keratea during the mobilizations against the
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