Anarchic update news all over the world - 2.08.2018

Today's Topics:


1.  [Santa Maria-RS] 2nd edition of the Group of Anarchist
      Studies Espertirina Martins By ANA (pt) [machine translation]

2.  Greece, Call to police trial for torture of arrested
      anti-fascist motorists By APO (gr) [machine translation]

3. Workers Solidarity Movement position paper on Sex,
      Gender, and Sexuality (

4.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL spĂ©cial de juillet-aout
      Slum of Bobigny: A reprieve ... and a victory (fr, it, pt)
      [machine translation] (

5.  Ruptura Colectiva (RC): Libertarian communalism and
      self-government in Syria (

6.  US, black rose fed: We need resistance not cooption: On
      Trump's transgender military ban By CRS (

7. Workers Solidarity Movement position paper on
      Patriarchy (


Message: 1

We at the FAG in Santa Maria very modestly invite all libertarian militancy of our city to 
the second edition of the Group of Anarchist Studies Espertirina Martins. ---- In the 
first edition held in the second half of 2016 over 6 meetings, we approached through texts 
known to the libertarian field the theme of the Anarchist Political Organization. This has 
proved to be very fruitful and has given us the challenge of continuing to study 
collectively for more and more terms to increase our theoretical capacity in the analysis 
of what is being lived and to better choose the path of a political practice that produces 
advances towards a socialist and libertarian society. ---- In this second edition, and 
there will be others, we will deal with the study of a complex subject, quite 
controversial and important for those who have a pretension to rupture with the system of 
capitalist domination and exploitation: the SUBJECT-REVOLUTIONARY, that is, which class, 
which Social classes, which subjects and social movements can sustain the process of 
rupture? Here's the theme.

To study, therefore, to fight and create Popular Power!

For a Front of the Oppressed Classes!

Registration, free and until August 10 by e-mail; . The first meeting will 
take place on Saturday, August 12 at 3:00 p.m., the site of this and other five, which 
will take place biweekly, in addition to the material for study and the methodology we 
will divulge through electronic correspondence.

Libertarian greetings!


Message: 2

Call to police trial on torture of arrested anti-fascist motorists: Monday 31 July 2017, 9 
am, Evelpidon Courts ---- On Monday, July 31, the delusional cops of the DELTA and IPKE 
squads are tried following a prosecution of the arrested anti-fascist mopeds in September 
2012, both on the road during the police assault on the protest, and later in prison of 
security. ---- At that time, the fascist athletes had attacked comrades and comrades 
demonstrating against the racist pogroms of the Nazi gang. To St. Panteleimon and to 
solidarity with immigrants. The arrest of the 15 fighters and later the prosecution of six 
additional comrades, the beatings suffered in GADA, the brutal assumption by the cops that 
the data and photographs of the arrested are surrendered to the golden dawn, and the cover 
and legalization of torture by The political leadership of the police and the domestic 
media, are indicative not only of the cooperation between the police and the paratroopers 
(which led and at the same time was revealed by the murder of Pavlos Fissas), but also of 
the wider treaty that fed it et: this institutional fascism,

Five years on, we stand on the side of comrades and comrades who will be in the courts, 
and there is a fight against tolerance, silence and oblivion. A battle about the ongoing 
conflict between the world of power and the world of struggle is a matter of today.

 From the collapse of Petros Rallis, which at the end of May eight non-paper immigrants 
suffered a violent beating in the aliens because they complained about their 10-month 
imprisonment and were finally jailed from the concentration camp of Moria in Lesvos that 
in July, dozens of migrants and immigrants hit and arrested by riot police when protesting 
against their confinement, to the streets of Thessaloniki where the July 19 antifascist 
anarchist march was attacked by riot police, with their rage focused on one of the 
demonstrators ... no attack on the militants, the oppressed and exploited will be left 
unanswered .

Anarchist Collaboration "Circle of Fire"
  member of the Anarchist Political Organization - OS.


Message: 3

Collectively agreed by the July 2017 National Conference ---- 1. Introduction ---- 1. This 
paper outlines the WSM's view on sex, gender, and sexuality, as they relate to their 
common link of patriarchy. ---- 2. Sex and Gender ---- 1. Depending on a child's assigned 
sex, they are expected to fit into a certain role in society, i.e. to be a certain way and 
be treated a certain way. ---- 2. To better understand this phenomenon a separate concept 
is needed, ‘gender', which is related but different to sex. ---- 3. At a first 
approximation, sex refers to a person's anatomy while gender refers to all the other 
traits that are expected to go along with that. So sex refers to things like genitals, 
hormone proportions, chromosomes, gonads, while gender refers to personality and 
behaviour, less about reproductive anatomy and more about mind and expression.

4. Traditionally sex and gender are treated as the same thing, e.g. the female sex, the 
female gender. However, it is instructive to treat them as separate ideas.

3. Sex and Gender are Socially Constructed

1. These gender roles are considered to be a natural fact of life. It goes that boys and 
girls are a certain way because they're biologically different, most notably having 
different brains.

2. At the same time it's considered a ‘normative' fact of life, men and women should be a 
certain way because that's right.

3. However, these expected roles aren't natural at all. Neither are they ethical 
requirements. These gender roles are human inventions. Gender is a ‘social construct'.

4. What society expects from people of a certain gender varies according to time and 
place. Within the Chambri tribe in Papua New Guinea for example women are considered the 
dominant gender and function as the primary suppliers of food for their families, a 
reversal of what we see in western societies.

5. We note that sex is also socially constructed. It is ultimately inseparable from 
gender. The entire sex classification process is political, and the categorisation of sex 
into male/female categories which are unavoidably connected to gender roles means it is 
not at all like using some neutral way of categorising and understanding human 
reproductive anatomy. A person whose gender is different to their assigned sex is 
perfectly correct and has the greatest right to assert that their sex and gender are 
actually the same. This does not change the physical facts of their anatomy, it is a 
political act counter to patriarchal society.

6. We see this starkly in the case of intersexism, the oppression of intersex people, when 
intersex people's bodies are deemed to be ‘wrong' because their reproductive anatomy 
doesn't fit into a rigid two-category idealisation. The ‘solution' is often that doctors 
perform surgery to make their bodies better fit that idealised sexual pair of male = XY 
chromosomes, penis, testes, high androgen, etc, and female = XX chromosomes, vagina, 
ovaries, high estrogen, etc.

7. Generally, parents accept the sex classification of their children at birth and rear 
them according to society's expected gender roles.

8. The way our parents, other relatives, friends, teachers, the media, partners, passersby 
on the street, and everyone we encounter everyday in society, shape us from birth, through 
childhood, adolescence, into adulthood, and beyond, is called ‘socialisation'.

9. As intensely social organisms, humans are heavily influenced by the people around us.

10. When we appear to fit into our expected roles it is not because they are natural or 
biologically inevitable but because we have either been socialised to be that way (for 
instance ‘males wear blue and don't express their feelings'), or we actually don't fit the 
role but are perceived to because of patriarchal ideology (for instance ‘females are less 

4. Gender Roles are Complex and Coercive

1. Gender roles are astonishingly complicated and rigid. Based on the label male or 
female, a person is expected to look and talk a certain way, have certain character traits 
and inclinations, and have certain mental and physical abilities.

2. That complexity can't be over-emphasised. Our personalities, behaviour, and bodies, are 
mapped out by society according to our assigned sex down to the finest details. As just 
relatively few examples, certain tiny facial expressions are considered ‘feminine' or 
‘masculine', as well as tones and volume of voice, colours, gestures, hobbies, opinions, 
body shape, and name.

3. Neither can that rigidity be over-emphasised. Although, despite the fact that the 
traits which make up these two roles are expected to be rigidly obeyed they are often 
shifting and contradictory.

4. If the person does not fit that role, there will be retribution. Someone who attempts 
to deviate from this will be considered a freak, even ethically bankrupt, and/or can face 
ostracisation, bullying, legal and economic discrimination, assault, murder, and jail 
depending on circumstances.

5. Gender Inequality - Sexism and Transphobia

1. Male and female gender roles are gravely unequal. Those assigned female at birth are 
put in a subservient position, while those assigned male are put in a relatively dominant 
one. This process is called sexism.

2. According to patriarchal ideology, females are innately inferior to males. Females are 
among other things thought to be less intelligent, creative, strong (mentally and 
physically), and funny.

3. Females are expected to be submissive to males, including fulfilling their sexual 
desires, doing their housework, and raising their children.

4. However, as mentioned there is an additional factor, as those who transgress gender 
roles face punishment.

5. Many people fundamentally don't relate to the sex and gender they were assigned at 
birth. This categorisation feels particularly wrong, out of place, and oppressive. 
Instead, some other gender is appropriate.

6. ‘Trans' people are those who were assigned one gender at birth but are actually another 
gender. Some, for example, are assigned male but are girls / women. Some are a gender 
other than one of the standard pair - the ‘binary' of woman (girl) or man (boy) - being a 
third gender, no gender, multiple genders, or frequently shifting between genders. They 
are called ‘non-binary' or ‘genderqueer'.

7. This is relatively complicated because human personalities, and hence genders, aren't 
so absurdly simplistic and uniform as to fit neatly into two categories.

8. Others, who feel relatively comfortable with the sex and gender they were assigned at 
birth, are called ‘cis'.

9. A person does not necessarily enjoy the dominant social position of cis males because 
they were assigned male at birth. Trans people are oppressed for not being ‘proper males 
or ‘proper females'. Thus it is not clarifying or helpful to say that trans women (or 
genderqueer people assigned male) experience male privilege.

10. Trans men do not have the same experience of the world as cis men because of 
transphobia. Though some can avoid sexism the fact that they have to live in a transphobic 
society must be taken into account when assessing their relative advantages as males.

11. The oppression and marginalisation of trans people is called transphobia.

12. Patriarchy dictates that trans people can't truly exist, since there are only two 
genders, and they are fixed biological facts. Therefore, being trans is considered a 
mental illness, a form of delusion or sexual perversion, or at best an attempt to seek 

13. Patriarchy is in a sense oppressive for cis men in that the expected male gender role 
can be damaging to them, especially psychologically. This is sometimes called ‘toxic 
masculinity'. However, this is not at all to say that cis men suffer equally under 
patriarchy, cis men overall are privileged in it.

6. Sexuality


Message: 4

The land allocated to Romanian families for five years along the rue de Paris in Bobigny 
has made it possible for the social integration of its inhabitants and inhabitants. 
Despite its success, it is being called into question for political reasons. ---- In 2012, 
under the pressure of a collective of solidarity and teachers mobilized to educate 
children, the communist town hall allocates an industrial wasteland along the National 3 
to a few Romanian families, present in the commune since Years despite several expulsions 
from their successive shanty towns. Minimum facilities (water, showers, electricity, 
toilets ...) are installed in exchange for an occupancy allowance, which families have 
always been keen to pay each month. An association is mandated to accompany the families 
towards the common law: papers, work, housing ... Since that time, neither the conditions 
of occupation nor the number of residents have changed. Some families have found 
accommodation. All were able to take advantage of this secure stability to regularize 
their situations with recourse to the status of self-contractor for several scrap dealers.

  And the piece of land that will eventually accommodate the construction of new homes is 
still not concerned with the renovation of the canal banks. No urgency therefore to break 
a net of insertion. But the IDU took the town hall in 2014 with in its ten promises of 
campaign the expulsion of the families installed in shantytowns. This is done for two 
other zones, despite the long mobilization of the field of the Eggcups, for example, Which 
has resulted in some results for families. The expulsion is more difficult to justify in 
the case of the Rue de Paris, because the occupation was initially contractual with the 
town hall, until this turnaround.

Change in political color

The court of first instance has already twice canceled in 2017 the request for expulsion 
of the owner (Sequano, a mixed economy company whose town hall is a shareholder). A final 
judgment in appeal will take place in October but for now the TGI argues the best interest 
of families in the right of ownership, a position in accordance with the law and yet 
seldom adopted unfortunately. To circumvent these unfavorable court rulings, the mayor 
ended a May municipal order requesting deportation within 48 hours for "   imminent peril 
". Curious way to admit to putting families in danger for four years, since nothing has 
changed on the ground  ! Or a pitiful maneuver in the hope that the administrative tribal 
of Montreuil, known for its favorable judgments to the owners,  Open the prefect to the 
use of force? The fact remains that this same administrative court, seized by the family 
lawyer, suspended the deportation order. A respite, and a new victory for some 150 people, 
supported by the teachers of the city and the associations Voice of the Roma, Movement of 
May 16, Aset 93, LDH, Mrap etc.

Jean-Yves, (AL 93 Center)


Message: 5

We've published this interview called "Libertarian communalism and self-government in 
Syria" made by an internationalist comrade who prefered to remain anonymous, but 
encouraging to extend the debate about the Syrian revolution along the world. The main 
questions on cultural and political relations (and also the radical differences) between 
the Arab autonomous councils that have been formed since the revolution start on 2011, the 
Kurdish parties organizative forces and the connotation of try hegemonize the Middle East 
conflicts of imperialist countries , In a way to understand all advances and gains of this 
armed process for a better life for the most important subject in this scenario: the 
communities & people. ---- - Hello, Fatima! Please tell us about the local self-government 
the Arabs and Kurds in Syria.

Hi, comrade! I think the local level, through the communes, there is some local autonomy 
and self-organization at least to make very local level decisions. But in general what has 
happened, most structures and decision making are very top down, PYD led and controlled 
(PYD is Kurdish party supporters of Abdullah Ă–calan, the Syrian branch of PKK). I think 
the question is how to support more radical elements and the energy that has been 
unleashed now with Kurdish youth and not support PYD project. The Arab project has been 
much more bottom up. It is not party led, but it brings together people from different 
backgrounds for practical buisness of self-organizing communities. In this way I find it 
more progressive. But there are still big challenges, there is still limited participation 
of women in council positions.

- Are you an anarchist or libertarian socialist?

I would have replied anarchist, but I am getting less and less comfortable with ... I 
think it is the European anarchism that has put me off this self-identification too ... 
there is a blindness and an unwillingness to see problems -or understand context - a very 
romantic vision and those of us that try to raise awarness of PYD authoritarism get 
slandered as Arab nationalists or jihadi supporters ...

- So can you tell me is there ane self-governments in Syria also in shiaa areas like Fua 
or in Latackia Alavite?

It is not permitted by the scheme. In the early years of the revolution there was 
organization of committees, bringing together Alawi and Sunni, etc. Activists for protests 
etc. But self-government would be impossible.

- How powerful are Arab tribes in the Syrian towns? Do they influence self-government? For 
example, in Palestine Homula (arab tribe) has a great impact on the lives of Arab 
societies almost everywhere. In Syria is it the same?

Depends. In some areas they are powerful. They often participate in local councils in 
those areas.

- What do you think happens if Shiaa coalition (Iran + Hizballa + Iraqi Shiaa + Fatimiyuun 
of hazarians + Asad) win the war in the most part of Syria? Is that like Iran's occupation?

I think they will win the war and with the help of the West too in the 'war on terror'. 
The Arab areas now being destroyed, from without and within, nearly over and Rojava will 
then be targetted. I think we can already talk about Iranian / Ru occupation in large 
parts of the country, the regime is finished, it does not exist, it is completely 
dependent on outsiders maybe there will be a partition with different groups / powers 
having control of different Areas.

- But I am not sure about Rojava permanence, it could be under USA controll more and more.

Yes, but USA is aligning with regime more and more if there is a partition, maybe there 
will still be a Rojava but I imagine with more central government control.

- Why do you think so?

I do not believe there was ever a 'regime change' plot. Even under Obama, there was a call 
for Assad to go, but never to dismantle the regime. Like in Yemen. There was a lot of 
rhetoric about supporting the opposition but in reality it was limited, nothing like what 
we see for PYD now. The USA was responsible for blocking other countries sending heavy 
weapons to FSA (Free Syrian Army). Now under Trump there is an increasing consensus (and I 
think in the West more generally) that Assad should stay in the interests of 'stability' 
and 'fighting terrorism'. The USA tried to work with FSA to fight ISS on condition they 
drop fight against Assad, they did not get hardly any groups to sign up, so they will be 
created SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces is a coalition of the Kurdish militia YPG and Arab 

- I have some Arab Militias That information and tribes are fightin wit SDF together today 
and there are alot of them.

Yes, of course, there are many Arab groups fighting with SDF. For me, I can not feel 
positive about SDF, it is operating as a US proxy force. I think also people make too much 
of Arab participation in SDF or PYD structures. It's a political issue here, not ethnic. 
(Kurds-like Manbij-, Christians -in Yabrood-, Ishamaili, Kurdish-like, Kurdish, -in 
Salamiya-, etc.) Also we have to ask about some of the Arab groups in the SDF. Some of 
them are very pro-Assad. The Manbij military council has 2 Arabs on it even members of 
parliament regime. I have questions

But of course, there is also a lot of support for SDF from all different groups, they are 
fighting Daesh, they are liberating communities from Daesh rule. But I do not think they 
will be obidient to PYD all the time ....

Alliances are quickly formed and dimmed in war, based on necessity and what is most useful 
at the time. Especially in the North the tribal relations are also very complex and play a 
big role. I can not even pretend to understand all of that and the role it plays.


Message: 6

If your response to the army preying on poor communities and communities of color, using 
poverty as a new draft, is to use that to legitimize the existence of the institution as 
an escape from poverty rather than to call for abolition of using poor kids as cannon 
fodder for the wars of the rich, you might have some fucked up priorities. ---- The US 
military is an imperial one, the army of global capital. Don't join it. Don't defend it. 
Especially under president trump where they have gone from killing 80 civilians a month 
under Obama to now under Trump 360 a month or at least 12 a day. If you care about black 
and brown lives here what about the people of Somalia, Yemen, and Syria? ---- As for the 
ban on transgender individuals this is certainly about more than just the military. It is 
an attempt to dehumanize trans people while appealing to Trump's reactionary base at a 
time when his support is cracking even from sectors on the right. But the response from 
those opposed to such targeting of marginalized groups should not be praise for the army 
or diversified imperialism. We need resistance not cooption. This praise of militarism is 
funneling energy back into a system that causes tremendous amounts of suffering around the 

As a final note I also wanted to add that this is why I do not see Trump and those around 
him as idiots. This pronouncement seems perfectly crafted to benefit reactionary forces 
both in the left-of-center and the right-of-center camps - one side steeped in explicit 
anti-trans bigotry and the other cheerleading for rainbow imperialism and the US military. 
The effect of this is to attempt to close off structural criticism gives an opening for 
arch imperialists to posture as a progressive force.


Message: 7

Collectively agreed by the July 2017 National Conference. ---- 1. Introduction ---- 1. 
This paper outlines the collectively agreed politics of the WSM on the entire oppressive 
gender system, herein called ‘Patriarchy' but which might be more technically referred to 
as ‘Cis-Hetero-Patriarchy' or ‘Cis-Heterosexual-Male Supremacy'. ---- 2. The purpose of 
this paper is to outline what we think patriarchy is, how it has developed, and what 
freedom beyond patriarchy would mean. ---- 3. Patriarchy is a highly totalitarian, 
ancient, system which regulates our lives in the most private, invasive, insidious, and 
extraordinary ways. That control is exerted throughout society at both the lowest informal 
personal level, through people we meet in our ordinary daily lives, and at the highest 
formal political level, through the state, capitalism, and religious institutions.

4. Sexism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, and intersexism, are joined together in this 
single oppressive gender system.

5. Feminism is the movement and ideology which seeks to replace patriarchy with an equal 
and free society. The WSM is a fundamentally feminist organisation.

2. The Rise and Fall of Sex and Gender

1. At the core of patriarchy is that human babies are assigned something called a ‘sex' at 

2. This is done without the consent of the child.

3. In many societies only two categories are accepted as standard: ‘male' and ‘female'. 
There is one marginalised category: ‘intersex'.

4. Sex is assigned based on the genitalia of the newborn child. In most cases if the child 
has a penis, ‘he' is called ‘male'. If they have a vagina, ‘she' is called ‘female'. Some 
intersex children have genitalia that deviate from the norm, both a penis and a vagina for 
example, but not limited to this. The doctor, or other, decides whether they will be 
called ‘male' or ‘female'.

5. For most of human history the difficulty in controlling fertility and the strong 
relationship between work and physical strength made gender categorisation a fundamental 
aspect of all societies. Quite often there were more than 2 genders but always most people 
were clearly categorised as being either men or women and this often had a huge impact on 
what role in society they could play, in particular in the aftermath of the agricultural 
revolution class systems developed where many legal aspects from inheritance to the degree 
of personal independence allowed were strongly tied to assigned gender - very often women 
were literally made the property of men. In less authoritarian societies there were routes 
where people could escape their gender assignment but that was seldom easy. In other 
societies attempts to do so resulted in violence and perhaps death.

6. Today we live in a society where it's completely possible to control fertility through 
a wide variety of technologies - childbirth can be a choice. It is also one where 
industrialisation and automation means 20 physical strength is increasingly irrelevant for 
labour. We have however inherited that older system which sees gender, and in particular a 
binary gender distinction, as something completely fundamental in a way that hair colour 
or height is not viewed.

7. It may continue to be a scientific fact that genitalia differ but there is nothing 
scientific in insisting that this difference - which is seldom actually visible - should 
define every aspect of our lives from cradle to grave. Blue toys for boys and pink toys 
for girls is not science, neither is the idea that toys can only come in one of two colours.

8. Faced with this modern reality we see on the one hand a doubling down in the attempts 
to impose a rigid gender division by the old institutions, in particular the catholic church.

9. On the other hand technology and the general advance of the struggle for freedom has 
opened up a space in many societies where a broad revolt against that rigid binary gender 
segregation has exploded. Increasing numbers are openly rejecting the gender they were 
assigned at birth. But also even an overwhelming majority of those assigned female at 
birth would deny that assignment should have any influence on where and how they can work, 
socialise, etc. From the perspective of life determination the broad revolt against the 
gender binary is something that already involves the majority.

3. Abolishing Patriarchy

1. Patriarchy is supported and spread by capitalism and the state. Therefore it is 
necessary to tie the struggle against patriarchy to the struggle against capital and state.

2. We must seek unity within the working class across divides of gender and sexuality, as 
we ultimately have more in common than not. However, it is vital not to assume that just 
because we are all working class that we are automatically equal.

3. While gender has its root in an arbitrary correspondence between anatomy and other 
personal traits, the aim is to eliminate the coercion behind gender and not necessarily to 
entirely eliminate the idea of gender itself. That is to say a society liberated from 
patriarchy is one where gender, including sexual orientation, is freely expressed and 
doesn't carry any privileges or penalties. However, at that point gender would likely fade 
into obscurity.

4. As both women's and queer / LGBTQIA liberation are ultimately products of the same 
oppressive gender system, we strive to build a movement where women and queers join in a 
common struggle for freedom from patriarchy.
