“Trump Defends Health Care Bill Over Lunch With G.O.P. Senators” plus 30 more NYT

“Trump Defends Health Care Bill Over Lunch With G.O.P. Senators” plus 30 more NYT

Trump Defends Health Care Bill Over Lunch With G.O.P. Senators

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 02:57 PM PDT

Mr. Trump pressed Republicans to stay in Washington and improve their proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act.

How the Senate Health Care Bill Failed: G.O.P. Divisions and a Fed-Up President

Posted: 18 Jul 2017 06:16 PM PDT

The effort by Senate Republicans to remake the country's health care system faced a near-impossible path forward. President Trump's tweets didn't help.

White House Scaling Back Goals for Business Tax Cuts

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 11:29 AM PDT

The proposed tax rate for businesses is now said to be around 20 percent, rather than the 15 percent rate the administration said it wanted.

Supreme Court, Republican Party, Poland: Your Wednesday Evening Briefing

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 03:38 PM PDT

Here's what you need to know at the end of the day.

Asia and Australia Edition: Australia, Apple, Minnesota: Your Thursday Briefing

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 03:53 PM PDT

Here's what you need to know to start your day.

California Today: California Today: Hidden Gems of California

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 05:55 AM PDT

Wednesday: Readers recommend their favorite places, the Republican case for cap and trade, and the lowrider as high art in Los Angeles.

Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 03:21 PM PDT

Business records from the secretive tax haven of Cyprus suggest that Paul J. Manafort owed millions to pro-Russia interests before joining Donald J. Trump's campaign.

Trump Refugee Restrictions Allowed for Now; Ban on Grandparents Rejected

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 11:13 AM PDT

The Supreme Court on Wednesday gave the White House a mixed ruling as challenges to the travel ban make their way through the courts.

Saudi King’s Son Plotted Effort to Oust His Rival

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 01:48 AM PDT

The heir to the throne, Mohammed bin Nayef, was held in a palace in Mecca and forced to yield to Mohammed bin Salman, 31, who became the new crown prince.

In Poland, an Assault on the Courts Provokes Outrage

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 03:17 PM PDT

Polish leaders want to put courts under political control, prompting protests from the opposition, the European Union and three former Polish presidents.

New York Becomes the City That Never Shuts Up

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 04:06 AM PDT

With noise complaints doubling over five years and once-quiet neighborhoods offering little refuge, the city is considering a law to help quiet the din.

Travel to Texas? Not on California’s Dime, You Don’t

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 02:00 AM PDT

A handful of left-leaning states have barred public employees from using tax dollars to travel to states with laws they contend are discriminatory.

After Minneapolis Police Shooting, Many Ask: Why Wasn’t Body Camera On?

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 06:56 AM PDT

Neither Officer Mohamed Noor nor his partner had their video cameras activated during the fatal encounter with Justine Damond, depriving investigators of valuable evidence.

State of the Art: How Y2K Offers a Lesson for Fighting Climate Change

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Some remember the computing scare as a bad joke. But the collective, worldwide effort to prevent calamity could be a model for handling global warming.

Books of The Times: Hunted at the Zoo in ‘Fierce Kingdom’

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 02:50 PM PDT

When a mundane setting turns lethal, a mother and her 4-year-old son find themselves becoming prey in Gin Phillips's new thriller.

Ukraine Summer Camp: Learning to Fight

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Witness a Ukrainian military summer camp for children outside of Kiev. As the conflict between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists continues, they are encouraged to prepare to defend their country.

Justice Dept. Revives Criticized Policy Allowing Assets to Be Seized

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 10:46 AM PDT

The practice allows state and local authorities to use federal law to take cash, cars and other property from people suspected of crimes, but not charged.

Former Employee Testifies Shkreli Threatened Him and His Family

Posted: 18 Jul 2017 05:38 PM PDT

In a letter entered into evidence in his fraud trial, Martin Shkreli told the wife of an ex-employee, "I hope to see you and your four children homeless."

Dozens Found Guilty in Thailand in Human-Trafficking Case

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 05:07 AM PDT

The defendants, including a high-ranking Thai Army officer, were convicted of organizing a human-trafficking ring that enslaved hundreds of people.

Readers Ask Why a Surname Is Too Personal, but Snapshots Are Just Fine

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT

A personal story of an ex-husband who died of an overdose stated that his surname was withheld to protect the children's privacy. Readers ask why family photographs don't undermine that.

John Wayne Gacy Victim Identified After Four Decades

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 03:33 PM PDT

James Byron Haakenson was one of 33 teenage boys and young men killed by Mr. Gacy in the 1970s. The identities of six victims remain unknown.

France’s Top General Resigns in Dispute Over Military Spending

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 12:25 PM PDT

Gen. Pierre de Villiers stepped down after his criticism of President Emmanuel Macron's plan to cut military spending was leaked to the news media.

Do You Talk During ‘Game of Thrones’?

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 11:40 AM PDT

Some people require silence during their favorite shows. Some prefer running commentary. We're looking to gather a range of opinions.

Modigliani Exhibit Closes Early Amid Allegations of Fakes

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 10:18 AM PDT

Italian prosecutors doubt the authenticity of 21 works attributed to Amedeo Modigliani in an exhibit at the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa.

Auction of Intimate Madonna Memorabilia Is Halted by Judge

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 10:12 AM PDT

The singer filed in court on Tuesday to stop the sale of handwritten letters and a pair of her worn underwear.

Indonesia Bans Hard-Line Islamist Group Behind Mass Rallies

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 05:24 AM PDT

The move to ban Hizbut Tahrir comes a week after the government was given broad powers to crack down on such groups.

Saudi Arabia Releases Woman Arrested for Wearing Skirt in Public

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 08:58 AM PDT

The Saudi police have released a woman who was arrested after a viral video emerged showing her in public in clothing that the conservative country considers immodest.

In Juries, Lawyers Now Favor the Uninformed

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Jury selection in Martin Shkreli's trial followed the growing tendency to cut not only jurors who have an opinion, but also those who know anything about a case.

Reporter’s Notebook: Dodging Chinese Police in Kashgar, a Silk Road Oasis Town

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 07:23 AM PDT

On a final reporting trip, The Times's Beijing bureau chief returned to a city on China's western edge, home to a mostly Sunni Muslim population.

Critic's Notebook: Watching ‘Fox & Friends,’ Trump Sees a Two-Way Mirror

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Sometimes the president's tweets program his go-to cable morning show. And sometimes the show programs him.

Art Review: Richard Gerstl, Speeding Through Life, With Sparks

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 10:40 AM PDT

The first American museum retrospective of the least-known — and maybe the best — of the Viennese modernists, who briefly painted like no one else.

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